Sunday, April 26, 2020

Kim Clement and his word about Kim Jong-un

On April 04, 2009, Kim Clement prophesied that North and South Korea would become one again, and that the leader of North Korea would be "brain dead". Kim Jong-il died on December 17, 2011. Reports are coming out that Kim Jong-un has been reported to be "brain dead" after a heart surgery that went wrong last week; some are even saying he is dead.

Kim Clement died on November 27, 2016. You will know if someone is a true prophet if what they prophesy actually comes to pass. We are seeing that Kim saw things the Lord showed him. Trump won the election on November 9, 2016. Here are some of the following words the Lord gave Kim Clement over the years...

April 4, 2007, in Redding, California. "Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord. Trump shall become a trumpet, I will raise up the Trump to become a Trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gates of a financial realm for the church, says the Lord."

April 4, 2007, in Redding, California: "For God said, I will not forget 9/11. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York, who will once again stand and watch over this nation, says the spirit of God. It shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering my name but God said, when he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the spirit for I shall fill him with my spirit when he gets into office and there will be a praying in the highest seat in your land."

February 10, 2007, Scottsdale, Az, from Kim Clement, "There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes, I will. God says, the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall say, he has hot blood for the Spirit of God says, yes, he may have hot blood but he will bring the walls of his protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of the country shall change rapidly says the Lord of Hosts. Listen to the word of the Lord, God says, I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the Lord of Hosts."
I have many other quotes I could share, but let's just say, Kim, heard the Lord and he saw a unified Korea.

Thank you, Father, that this could be the beginning of those people being one. We must be vigilant to pray. Friends, we have a part to play in partnering with what God is doing. Our prayers feed the heavenly hosts with arms. Our prayers put ammunition in their guns. God wants to ready the word for His Glory, for His Kingdom. We are making a way for the Lord to come down. Don't grow weary, friends. Galatians 6:9!