Saturday, April 25, 2020

Pray for Our President

In my time with the Lord this morning, I got a piece of revelation giving me
more direction on how to pray for the President.
First off, some of the most BRUTAL discussions I have heard regarding (defaming) our President have come from people who call themselves “Christians”. What is that about?
Christian - it is time to ask the Lord what you believe. What kingdom are you for? The separation (between light and darkness) is getting larger and larger... and we won’t be able to just “hide” in the middle much longer. Matthew 10:33 is becoming more and more apparent as to how painful that decision may become. Prepare yourself, beloved. If you are not prepared for the “full-court press” (basketball term), if you don’t have a strategy, if you haven’t trained, readied yourself, have a direction, you will not stand. We, as the bride, need to be ready. Are YIU ready? What do you believe? Jesus was always posing questions to those around Him.
This discussion got me to asking the Lord some questions (puzzling things do this to me - they press me to ask questions). Anyway, the pattern I have seen unfolding of late, more and more, is that people (even Christians) live in this place of “tit-for-tat”. If someone is “rude” to them, they use the justification of “you reap what you sow” and retaliate in meanness. What? Or someone is “mean” to them, so they feel they can be mean back. This isn’t how it works. Or this one may make it more personal, ...someone “cuts you off” (on the freeway men or in getting in a line at the grocery store woman) and so you... um, bless them in the name of the Lord? How is this retaliation Christianity? God allows us to do this, we have free will, but I beg you, seek the Lord of how you respond to people who say all manner of evil against you or who are mean toward you. I get it. Father, I repent. Help me to choose love.
And there is more to this. Maybe people aren’t “attacking” you, but what do you do when you are standing in the room (or social media) while someone else is being “attacked”? Do you render aid or do you join in? Even silence is picking a “side”. Do you speak up or grow silent?
I have shared openly that my mother’s older sister was arrested during WWII and put in a concentration camp. What was her crime? She helped German soldiers dessert. Men who didn’t want to fight for Hitler. She got turned in, by her own brother (a communist Nazi). Let that sink in. Her own brother. Doing what was right was what motivated her, fear didn’t stop her.
I hear Christians say things like they think the President is “unpresidential”. What does that mean?
Presidents have had issues, this is not new, we just had media in the past that would cover for the “Office of the President”. Was Kennedy presidential with all the women coming in the basement doors? Or Johnson whose tapes sound worse than a street yard basketball game full of language that will curl your hair? Or Nixon, Clinton and on-and-on. We just have a standard change... and today the media is against the President so more people know his flaws and faults.
The censorship we are facing from the media (Facebook and others) is very alarming. My mother (while living under the control of Hitler) talked about the “underground” radio and how that was where you got the “real” news. It also was punishable by being SHOT if the powers that be found out about it.
Being shot... well, we are not being shot at with bullets but there is an attack going on.
I am getting more and more private messages (our underground) because people don’t want to get shot. I get it! If Facebook doesn’t censor you, some of your friends and family may roast you. Painful. Believe me, I get it!
And this leads me back to our President. Please remember to pray for him. Let me expound; many people think I am “tough”, and I am, but even I bleed when hit hard enough. Our President bleeds too... right? Or do you think he deserves it?” Hmmm - good questions. Maybe you should repent. (This is what God needs from us right now! OUR REPENTANCE!!
Almost everything Trump says is twisted and then taken out of context, he is never given the “benefit of the doubt”, right? - quite the opposite. EVERYTHING he says is used against him, and so he finally walked out of the press conference and then canceled the next one. People, we need him to feel some love too! He bleeds too! Jesus, encourage our President. Help him not feel alone! Remember, prophets deal with wounding!!! Trump is VERY prophetic! He needs love too.
NOTE: I know people who have been treated for their cancer with the treatments like he was referring too when mercilessly criticized. I have family who have benefited from light therapy.
Finally, He works for free... who does that? Why... (see photo).
Pray for our President! He may be one of the few who are working for YOUR freedom. Daily we are seeing who are for us and who are for the One World Anti-Christ government. This is not a red-blue battle any longer. This is not a Republican-Democrat - it is a Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of hell battle... King Jesus come!