Thursday, April 16, 2020

Out of Shadows - Mike Smith

I want you to know that I am praying for you and that I have been seeking the
Lord over so many things unfolding in our world; big things happening, almost daily. These are amazing days to be alive for sure!

I am really feeling the Lord pressing on me to "release His message of the Kingdom into our lost and dying world". These pages reach the nations, not just my personal friend list, so I come to write here and not just on social media. All that to say, I just feel the Lord is doing something new. We are about to step into a new place in history. In the future, our grandchildren will read about this "transition in time" and so I am writing this down – for the future generations to have access to what was going on in Texas, USA, during the days of the Coronavirus shut-in. Jesus come!

There is a lot of darkness in our world too right now as well. If you haven't put language to the situation (in your own words), we are fighting a very dark, spiritual war – this is more than just a worldwide shutdown. There are powers in play that, I believe, were assigned to take out our nation and fold us into a one-world government. Any of the past presidents we had would have gladly "sold us out"... but not Trump. He is our Cyrus. God has put him in his position of leadership for such a day, a time, and an hour as this. Jesus come!

With that, I have a link I want to share. This "battle" we are fighting is much bigger than just "China" and "Coronavirus" and "Communism" - as if those by themselves are not more than enough to deal with, but this battle is against the government of hell itself; Luciferianism.

To the pure all things are pure (Titus 1:15), so many Christians can't even wrap their brains around the idea of people actually serving our Father's arch-enemy (Lucifer); but, unfortunately, these people who do are “all in”, whole-heartedly, and unashamedly, opposing our Exalted Jehovah God. Father!

Monday a friend shared this movie, Out of Shadows with me and I finally took some time last night to watch it. Have you ever wondered why, whenever you look down the "rabbit hole" you always find the same swamp-dwelling creatures living there? I HIGHLY encourage you to watch this movie about Hollywood, Mainstream Media, our Government, and the CIA. Jesus help us!

Mike Smith (who created this documentary) has worked for the past 28 years in Hollywood as a professional stunt performer, fight and stunt coordinator, and as an executive director, just to name a few of his accomplishments. You have seen him perform if you watched Batman Forever, James Bond movies, or the new Spiderman movies... and he has been in countless other films. He knows and has worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. He is the guy doing the "hard" stunts behind those big Hollywood names. He makes them look amazing. He has some interesting things to share in this documentary as he reveals the "illusion" we all have bought into, and it is not just in Hollywood, but in our television shows, entertainment industry, news outlets, and even in our government.

There are some very disturbing clips and information that he will be lifting the mask on and pulling the covers off. Things that are hard to hear, but the depravity of man has yielded to forces that are evil and many of these evils have been Hidden in Plain Sight (yep, just like the movie title said).

THIS WILL BE HARD TO WATCH and you may find yourself talking to yourself saying, "no, this can't be real", but the hard reality is that these atrocities ARE true! We have all watched our nation as it has been dying over the last month. See, God, who sees all, is NOT pleased with what He knows that has been happening and He knows the details of the atrocities, and the names of the people conducting these evils and HE CARES! I saw the Lord "standing up" in a word He gave me when all of this coronavirus stuff started happening a month
ago. I saw Him "standing" and I knew He was getting up to "deal" with something. I wrote about part of what I saw when I shared with you all that the Lord told me not to pray against the "fear" but He told me to "pray that people would encounter Him". I knew in my spirit that verse in Hebrews 10:31 that says, "it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God." How long can the Lord watch the shedding of innocent blood and the torturous activities that are happening to children, all for the sexual gratification of the elite, and their self-indulgence and pleasure, and all the demonic ritual sacrifices they are participating in? These acts are happening right under our noses. The media have even reported on some of it like Jeffrey Epstein and his Island of torture. Why are we not DEMANDING to know the names of those involved? Why are we
not crying out on the streets to know the truth about these cover-ups and lies? Many Christians are not even voting (look at the statistics). We have become dull and numb and dare I say, asleep in the light? FATHER, FORGIVE US! We have blood on our hands! Jesus, show us what we need to do!! It's time to wake-up, church! There is EVIL among us. Many of these people who are doing these acts against God are in both political parties, they are movie stars that we pay money to watch, they are entertainers that we pay to hear in concerts. I could go on and on. We need to wake-up and get involved. That starts with voting! Vote out the swamp. Get over your political bias. Pick people who are Godly and if there is no one to vote for that is worth voting for, then maybe YOU should run for that office!

Mike Smith (the author) had a wake-up call and began asking the HARD questions on his journey to the truth.

Truth. We say we love Jesus (the way, the TRUTH, and the life) but honestly, people don't like hearing the truth. Believe me. I know. Many times, I am the only one speaking up in a "room full of Christians". SMH. Father, forgive us. Do we really want to know the truth or do we want to "fit in"? Most people don't want to hear or speak the truth, they want to be popular. Things are about to get hotter folks. Jesus! We need you!