Friday, April 17, 2020

WAKE UP AMERICA - the hour is near

WAKE UP AMERICA - Our nation is under attack and we have ENEMIES among us (and they have been elected by many people who even call themselves "Christians") but these evil people (some of them even say they pray - but they do NOT pray to the God of the Bible) are in power for their OWN PURPOSES or for their EVIL god - to destroy this nation, to destroy YOU! They are lying to us, and because of fear (watch the doctor below), we are giving up our rights, we are listening to the media's lies and we are hiding because of FEAR!

Many people want to "judge" the White House but are you willing to judge your own house?

We have a president who wanted to prosper America, create jobs, create wealth and who had helped more people gain employment. He created the STRONGEST ECONOMY EVER SEEN IN AMERICA in just 3 years but even before he took office these evil voices were calling for his impeachment and were working against our Elected President because of their hate. The evil media fueled the narrative. We, as Americans have to WAKE UP and see who the real enemy is.

A stimulus package was set up to send money TO YOU, but THESE CORRUPT leaders wouldn't vote for it because they wanted $2 TRILLION DOLLARS to go to the JFK Center for the Performing Arts (among other things). WHY??? THESE LYING LEADERS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU, they want to destroy America... Father, wake up your sleeping church - even people who call themselves Christians are believing these lies. Why? Because our churches have been watered down from teaching Truth (Jesus is the Truth), seeker-friendly places, places we go to hear what we want to hear. The bible calls this "tickling our ears". 2 Timothy 4:3 addresses these people who don't want sound doctrine, they want to hear what they want to hear. They will choose teachers who teach according to their own desires. In verse 4 it goes on to say, they will turn their ears from truth and they will wander off, believing myths. Yes, these are the days we are living. We have a watered-down, lukewarm church that has produced weak believers.

We clearly are seeing who is for our nation and who is not. The truth will be revealed very soon - our nation will rise or it will fall; read your history books, nations come and nations go, but we are living a crossroad in history. God gave us a president who LOVES AMERICA but many of you speak evil against him. He has been working for FREE - do you work for free? Does your congress work for free? Well, no, Congress votes themselves pay raises. They have voted so that their children do not have to pay back their college student loans, their staffers family members also are exempt from having to pay back student loans, they can retire at full pay after only ONE TERM. Members of Congress have exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed for you and me (like, they are exempt from prosecution for sexual harassment - you are not. Let that sink in. This is why Sleepy Joe can and has done what he has), they have exempted themselves from Healthcare Reform in all of its aspects of the reform...NOT FOR YOU AND ME though.

To my Christian friends, it's TIME to wake up! Start by repenting for falling asleep while on duty. We need to turn from our selfish, old way of thinking/actions, and we need to pray. God is looking for an Army... searching over THOUSANDS for the ONES who will pray (this is how we fight our battles) for His ways to come, His will to be done; LORD SAVE US - from ourselves first and then these evil leaders who are controlling some of the highest offices in our nation, in our land, in our states, in our cities; the congress, the judges, the governors, all the way down to the committees!

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on, you will be at war. - 2 Chronicles 16:9

If you are interested in seeing a change in our nation and you are willing to commit yourself to prayer for our nation, please feel free to message me. I will let you know of prayer movements going on throughout the nation and even some smaller groups, where you will know the people you are praying with because we are the family of God! Jesus come!