Thursday, April 23, 2020

Praying the Blood of Jesus

I have been up with the Lord for a few hours now and during my time with Him, He reminded me, AGAIN, of the importance of the blood - His Son's PRECIOUS Blood. There is POWER in the Blood. We sing about it. We take communion in remembrance of it. We read about it and even on Passover, many understood (in a new way) the importance of "covering" our home (doorposts) with it. If you were like me, you even put a red cloth over your door.

This morning, I just felt pressed in my spirit to share with you all, again, the SIGNIFICANCE of the blood. God was so on this today - as if we are NOT fully engaged in what the BLOOD has provided. He said to me that we need to be praying the blood over ourselves, our family, over our jobs, our finances, our livestock, our property! God was so on this with me, that I even took my husband's hand (at 4 in the morning) and prayed OUT LOUD (quietly - but loud enough for the prince of the air to hear) with him. There was an urgency in it. Keith said "amen" and then went back to sleep - praise God! He has to get up and work. I digress.

The Lord was reminding me that I need to "apply" the blood - daily! Then told me to get up and post here.

For those who don’t know what I mean by this (praying the blood), He told me to share with you how I did it, to walk you through a SIMPLE prayer. Nothing magical (if you know me, I don't do magic) and this is not to become a religious thing (I don't do religion either). God wants you to be creative with your words, fresh with Him. NEW.

(When I typed that word, "fresh" I was reminded of how my heart leaps with my husband sends me "fresh" notes or cards. They are new words but expressing the same regards — that he still is choosing love. They are "fresh" encouragements but they are expressing his earlier committed love for me and to me. This is what God is wanting from us - not a script we recite, but FRESH words, where you pour out your heart to His. He DESIRES you... like a husband and wife should desire one another — an intimate, familiar, dear, treasured, personal, deep, transparent, vulnerable, open, type of love... something that is special just between you and God.)

I am about ENCOUNTERING THE LIVING GOD, personally, so I sit with Him! He wants this from you too, and more importantly, He wants to KNOW YOU!

In Matthew 7 (vs 21-23) Jesus gives us a really good outline of what relationship with Him looks like.

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’
23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Many Christians put a LOT of emphasis on people "knowing" Christ, but my bible puts MORE emphasis on Christ KNOWING us! How does this happen? Through prayer (not just us reading a script).

In John 10:27, again, we hear Jesus saying, "My sheep hear MY voice, and I KNOW THEM, and they follow me."

This is SO comforting! He wants to TALK TO YOU because He desires FELLOWSHIP with you! He wants to TALK TO YOU! Stop and listen... let Him talk. :-D

So, back to the blood and how I apply it (this is a "living" prayer, so there are pieces that change as the Lord highlights things to me). The blood is not just for your body but it is for all that is part of you — everything you would protect, God, wants to protect, and "cover" too because He loves you!

Lord, I cover myself (and everyone around me) with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I cover all of the members of my family ( state them by name — they don't need to be just those living in your home ) with the Blood of Jesus.
I cover my home and my possessions, my property, my livestock (or pets), my car, my finances, my marriage, my livelihood, my job (or school), and/or my ministry with the Blood of Jesus.
I cover the work of my hands with the Blood of Jesus. Everything I put my hands to will prosper because you are with me and for me.
In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His blood, I break off, and/or tear down, every power of the kingdom of darkness formed against me and declare it as canceled.
Every argument in heaven that has established itself against the plans of God in my life, I declare it as canceled.
I confess that my body is a temple of the Holy Ghost; justified, sanctified, perfected, and protected forever by the Blood of Jesus.
I take authority over the plans of satan in my life and reverse, and break every plan, and every tongue that has formed against me, and I declare the Perfect plan of God over my life because I belong to the Lord.
I call forth, in the name of Jesus, all of God’s plans and purposes for my life and my family; for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. Amen.

Praying for you all! The Lord is WITH US. He is FOR us and He never LEAVES us! I love you all with the love of the Lord!