Thursday, April 9, 2020

Social Distancing Enforcement Drones Arrive in US

This happened last week in New Jersey as reported by the New York Intelligencer magazine, Social Distancing Enforcement Drones Arrive in the U.S.

Fear is a powerful weapon and "the government" (in New Jersey) is using it. Why are we as American's ok with losing our liberties? I will tell you - FEAR! This is nothing new, using fear to get people to comply. What is amazing to me is how afraid we American's have become. Even Christians (who should know that God has not given us a spirit of fear) are bowing down to it.

We have a virus (nothing new as far as sickness and disease goes), an unseen enemy, causing us to retreat; we have closed up our businesses, shut our churches, given up our entertainment, closed our schools, sheltered at home... and the government keeps taking, more and more and more... and we let them.

WHAT? "Proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free." - really? "Land of the free, home of the brave." - well, except during a pandemic, then we give up our freedoms and are not very brave, we run and hide.

Sorry folks but my dad flew his bomber, WITH THE SAME CREW, into enemy territory on 42 missions (a miracle) so I could be free. Was he afraid? I am sure he was, but the alternative was a greater fear and motivated him and his fellow airman to answer the call. He helped to liberate his future wife, who was held captive by a leader who was even killing his own citizens. (My aunt was in a concentration camp - these things did happen!)

He would have turned 102 yesterday and I am thankful he is not here to see what a sorry state we are in; just handing over our freedoms. He was BORN during the "pandemic" of the 1918 flu - he lived it. People died. Terrible, but life can be hard and real men understand that. Life is full of risks (as of January 1, 2020, to April 1, 2020, worldwide, 46, 438 people have died from COVID-19 yet 121, 993 have died from the seasonal flu and 338,715 people have died in traffic accidents but we still drive!) - Time to wake up and choose to live. I will not live in fear.

When will these people living under these tyrannical leaders say no? Lansing, Michigan, is pressing back and people are gathering in Austin, Texas, too. It's time to get back to work, America!

It's also time to vote out these mayors, governors, representatives, and senators who tried to create a police state during this crisis, those who encouraged spying on neighbors (even rewarding it), those who are using drones, and those ticketing people for having church in a drive-in style setting... and any of the other of the power grabs. I want America back. #MAGA2020