Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Innocent Blood is Crying Out

If we could see what God sees happening in our world, maybe you would understand why He has disrupted our lives. He is wanting us to see that we need to change and turn from our evil ways. HE IS CALLING FOR A CHANGE. We have to turn from our wickedness. He is a good Father and He hears the cries of His children; even the children still nestled in what should be the safest place on earth, the womb.

In 1970, according to Wikipedia, there were 193,491 abortions performed in the United States. The next year that number jumped to 485,816 and has steadily increased until 1982 with 1,303,980. Throughout the 1980s the numbers hovered around 1,300,000 topping out at an all-time high of 1,429,247 in 1990. The numbers dropped below 1 million after 1998 and have been steadily falling (but are still outrageous) with numbers down to 623,471 in 2016. That is the size of the entire city of Louisville, Kentucky in 2018. I hardly feel like 600+ lives stuffed out is "down". Father forgive us! These numbers above total 46,413,319 lives.

To give these numbers some understanding to you, our most populated state is California and the entire population of California is 39,512,223 as of today. Second is Texas, having 28,995,881. The third most populous state is Florida at 21,477,737 and fourth is New York at only 19,453,561. Since 1970, abortion has taken the lives of more than the entire population of the state of California.  Let that sink in. Father, forgive us!

This has to stop and if EVERY CHRISTIAN would VOTE PRO-LIFE it would stop! It’s not just about saving the babies anymore; it’s about saving all lives!

This innocent blood is crying out for justice - and God is listening! It will be avenged! God will not be mocked!

A friend posted and said, "Since this started (the lockdown) I have kept hearing pray against a mocking spirit; which 1) denies Jesus and 2) mocks God. When there is no belief you reap what you sow! We have sown the innocent blood of babies and the virus is taking the blood (the life) of (mainly) the elderly; this is not a coincidence."

God is not a God of "coincidence". It is time to repent of our sinful ways and to ask God for the healing of the nation.
Pray. Pray. Pray.

NOTE: These images are VERY disturbing... hopefully they will sicken us to repent! JESUS! You can never say again that you "didn't know". 😭I will not be silent.