Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Lies We Believe

"One of the greatest scams in American Life." - the National Review.

Social distancing is part of the scam and because of fear, we are bowing our knee to it.  MASSIVE crowds protest in city after city, but I am waiting in a line at a grocery store and I am told I have to "stand behind the red line".

Let me explain, yesterday I was in HEB (Burleson). I was standing at the checkout (in the opening between the two pieces of Plexiglass as they were cashing out my items). The bagger told me I had to "stand behind the red line". I said, "Pardon me?"

He said you have to move behind the "red line".

I am a little off my game right about now as I don't know what line he is talking about.

The cashier jumps in and says yes, I am sorry, but you have to move behind the red line (on the floor) otherwise WE will get reprimanded. Corporate has made these new changes.

I am now figuring out what I am being told to do.  I am again being told by yet another source I have to modify my behavior to bow to the agenda of fear. I talk with her to get the whole story and then ask for the manager.

I finishing paying then talk with the store manager. I told her, "no". Very kindly I said, no, I will not stand behind the "red line". You can tell your corporate leaders this "no" too.  I went on to say,  if people can run in the streets, burn cities down, barge into restaurants and berate paying customers and all is well but people are being forced to wear masks (I have only once because my son's job would have been affected), social distance, and now you want me to stand behind a "red line". NO!

If people are afraid, they can shop curbside. I will not bow to other's people fear. I told her to tell her boss, that I will shop elsewhere. Brookshire’s has been great to me through the whole plan - demonic - demic. 

These past few months we have been told a series of things; and the narrative keeps changing. This is NOT about what you are being told it is about. We, the American people have to wake up and stand up.

This is not about a red line. This is not about a mask. This is about bowing down to the scam... what will you do?