Monday, July 6, 2020

Brace Yourself - Dream by Pastor Dana Coverstone

So I have never heard of Pastor Dana Coverstone but a friend shared this "dream" he had and I thought it would be worth sharing. We are in incredible days, and it is worth taking a minute to ask the Lord what He is saying in this hour to us, the church.

I saw this post (I will call the rebuttal) yesterday and I saw the dream post (above) a couple days before that. There has been a LOT of discussions among the Christian community about it. Interestingly, I am hearing more people resonating with the dream than with the rebuttal. Not saying either is 100% right on, just talking loosely about them. 

Here is what I hear: Dana had a dream in December and then saw his dream manifest in March through June. Then last week, he had two dreams that were very difficult to process. Being he knew his first dream manifested (the December one), he felt compelled (in love I believe) to share it with the world. That is the link above. I heard it has over 1,000,000 shares. And then the church "weighed in". Many known (Christian) names felt Dana was off and that he should have not spoken out, or that it was not truly prophetic (as many leaders say prophetic has to always be exhortative) and so-on and so-on. 

I believe we are in trouble (as a nation). I believe this nation needs to turn and change direction. I believe wickedness is crouching at the door. I believe God has given us a president to help free us... (he is not a pastor, he's a businessman - I didn't vote for a saint, I voted for someone to drain-the-swamp).

I believe, just like Jonah was sent with a HARD word for the people, God is trying to reach us. I hear MANY Christians speaking evil against this president. I hear the world doing that too. I KNOW God loves us. He wants us to turn from our wicked ways... and many are not. Many IN THE CHURCH are arrogant. WE THINK WE KNOW so much. Father, forgive us! Jonah sat on the hillside to the east under a shelter, waiting to see what would come, but the people shifted. They turned and God spared them! I believe this "dream" COULD wake some up. I believe that is why God sent it. (That would be good. Right? - so that people [the church] would wake up). I believe that is the nature of dreams - to warn! That seems very prophetic to me... but what do I know. 

Let me make this a bit more personal. I have members, in my own extended family, who say they are "Christians" (some are or were LEADERS - REALLY HIGH-UPS in the church) and they have been slanderous, devious to destroy other family members, mean-spirited, testified against family members in a court of law... yeah, a lot of broken. They are walking in un-forgiveness. They hurt with their words AND with their actions. They talk about loving the "one and leaving the 99" (in a messed-up version for supporting the riots) saying we need to "love" (a condescending position because they view all minorities as victims) and yet they are harsh with believers in their own family, members of the same household; giving no grace. No love. The talk about "loving" (strangers) but they don't love their "brother". They don't walk in love. They don't forgive. They feel justified. Why am I sharing this? Because this is MY family, we all call ourselves BELIEVERS yet MY family is broken and messed up. My CHRISTIAN FAMILY! GOD IS TRYING TO REACH US - the Christians! 

Sometimes, we think the "church" is those people OUT THERE; but God is dealing with US! WE NEED to be asking God to heal OUR land, OUR families, OUR homes, OUR children, OUR lives. I minister to a lot of people who they too, have a family like mine; Christian and BROKEN! We, the church have openly gay members in our families. We have members living together. We have members living in rebellion. I am not making a list, I am saying WE HAVE a lot of people close to us, who say they are Christians, that are lost in their justifications. WE NEED TO ENCOUNTER GOD for our families. Abraham did this for Lot and his family. WE have to be the light into those conversations with those relatives, friends, neighbors, church leaders, political leaders; asking God that He will make a road in for them to hear us. This conversation doesn't always look like "whipped cream with a cherry on top". Sometimes love talks about the hard things. WE have to be the ones calling on our elected leaders in governments; reminding them they work for us, WE THE PEOPLE. Bottom line, WE NEED to BE TALKING. That requires boldness AND love. 

So, regarding the dream - yeah, I think it could be true if we don't start owning our junk, just sayin'. God is begging us to turn. He wants us to turn. WE have to be having the HARD conversations with those closest to us - and you know what? They may reject you. They may say all manner of evil against you. They may turn other people against you. They may laugh at you. I know. I have experienced it but I keep RINGING THE BELL! John declared the Word of the Lord in the WILDERNESS!! The TRUTH was shut-up in his bones and he had to release it! Jesus come!!! Holy Spirit BURN IN US! 

My opinion, I don't LIKE the dream. Really, I don't. It sent chills through me, and I prayed. I know God is and WILL BE with us. I don't totally know Him in that place of calamity because honestly, I haven't lived in that much desperation and evil; and maybe we will. Lord help us! But just because I don't "like" it (the dream) doesn't mean it is wrong or off. 

Regarding the response; I have issues with it too. If anything, I have more issues with the response than the dreams themselves. The pastor with the dream didn't claim to be a prophet. He was humble. He seemed genuinely concerned to do his part and that was to tell others that there could be trouble up ahead. 

The response, in my opinion, was a public takedown of the pastor (kind of strong wording but why didn't they reach out to him privately [Matthew 18] and not make such a public attack to him personally?) MY OPINION. 

A person could say they don't think the word is sound without going into all the details of what they call error - AGAIN, MY OPINION. I have sat under leadership who think they are right, always right, and they think they can call people out publicly. I HAVE LIVED It. I have seen it. I have had pastors/mentors in my life who loved me and heard me and others who helped us navigate the errors in our lives; they loved, taught, and instructed. The rebuttal response felt more like a shakedown to me as they then took out many other voices (over the last several decades) and also said their "words" were wrong. Ok. SEEMS bold to me, and I am told I am bold. I will let God deal with the prophetic leaders and the voices and the rebuttals. He can handle His own; and He is. Just my two cents. I am asking the Lord about the dream as I said, I think there is truth in there. I don't have much to say to the rebuttal. 

The NEW WINE SKIN is here... and I believe that wineskin is about the "you's and me's" rising up to do the job that those assigned to do; as we haven't. God is recruiting new voices (like maybe this pastor in KY) because they are willing to say the HARD things as again, the church leadership has grown silent. Just sayin'. 

My takeaway is that God has not given us a Spirit of fear. 1 John 4:1-4 is a good place to start.  Ask the Lord, saints... HE IS SPEAKING to us, HIS CHURCH!  Jesus Come! You have never failed me yet! Maranatha!