Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Born Alive and Those Legislators Who Have Blood on their Hands...

This discussion is so troubling, on so many levels.

Years ago, when I was pregnant with my third child, a friend of mine who was also pregnant with her fourth baby had some issues in her pregnancy. Her due date was a month before mine. Halfway through her pregnancy, she delivered her baby. Her baby was taken to the local Children’s Hospital for intensive care treatment. During that week, I went to the hospital and held her little girl to pray and comfort her. She fit in the palm of my hand. For your reference, her sweet little head was around the size of a lime. She looked fully normal albeit she was incredibly tiny. She responded to touch, noise, singing; I know because I sang over her. She just melted into my hand as the peace of God filled the space of the cold, sterile room. Her nurses were kind and loving but as we know, hospitals can be very difficult in the effort to keep germs out.

It was a terribly sad event when little "Hope" stepped into Glory. Their whole family grieved the loss of this premature life after only one week of being on the planet. If you ever hold a little child like that in your hand, it will change you forever.


I’ve ministered to many women who have had abortions; so this post is not about shaming, it’s about changing. Many of the women I have ministered to, YEARS after their abortions, still need ministry as they experienced so much shame because of their secret, dark closet. God can heal and redeem ALL that is lost but we have to humble ourselves and confess our sins, then He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and heal us of all our unrighteousness.

Killing a child who survives an abortion is a notch higher in the scale of depravity and should be prosecuted instead of condoned. People who support such wickedness should not be re-elected to any office.

We have a national election coming up in just over 75 days; who will you vote for?  I pray you choose LIFE and vote for Donald Trump.  God will deal with those who elected people who allow the slaughter of our children.  God hates the shedding of innocent blood and many in our nation have blood on their hands.
Jesus, forgive us as a nation for the evil we justify. ðŸ˜¢