Friday, August 14, 2020

The REAL Reason They Want You to Hate Donald Trump - the Great Reset

Have you heard of Michael J. Matt?  He is the host and principal commentator of

The Remnant, a Catholic newspaper located in Forrest Lake, MN.  I can't say I am a subscriber to their publications, but I have heard a couple of videos done by Michael and I have to say, I have to whole-heartedly agreed to what I have seen of his work. Here is the most recent one - The Real Reason They Want You To Hate Donald Trump by Remnant TV that I found published on Facebook.

I was raised in the Catholic church.  I went to Catholic school until I was in 10th grade and I even went to an all girls Catholic school in 9th grade.  What made my story unique was that also confessed my salvation as a born-again Christian in 1st grade. Most Catholics didn't use that kind of language but I gave my heart and life to the Lord at that young age. My brother was the catalyst for my conversion, he was introduced to a personal relationship with the Lord through his house-mates that he lived with in a small, southern Minnesota community where a local, small church was experiencing revival.  What would later be called the "Jesus People" had ushered in the presence of the Holy Spirit in that small town in the early 1970's where his life was changed.  My grandmother was an outspoken believer since the turn of the early 1900's and she witnessed often to her family, but my brother finally heard the message of salvation while living away from home with this group of believers.  He came home to visit our family at Thanksgiving (not wanting to hear my grandmother's appeals) and then returned again home for Christmas to inform my grandmother of his conversion.  He had been "born-again".  He invited our sister for a tent-meeting revival weekend a few months later in that small town and she was "converted" as well.  Both of my siblings were adults at the time of their experiences.  My sister and I shared a bedroom and within a few days of her conversion, I too yielded my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

I had been going to "bible studies" with my grandmother (as I was young and my parents worked so we were together all the time).  The Lord had been watering my spirit to "receive" the good news through my time with Grandma and then when my sister introduced me to the question of my eternity it was an easy response to follow after the Lord.  

Just weeks after that Christmas in 1971, when my brother told Grandma of his conversion she stepped into glory on January 7, 1972.  She had told him at Christmas that she had "finished her race and handed over the baton (her mantle — of faith, as her first born grandson had confessed his salvation of Jesus Christ to her).

All this to say, my roots began in Catholicism, albeit I don't practice the faith anymore, we do serve the save God, Jehovah and we believe many of the same tenants of faith.  So back to Michael Matt and his post.

In January 2020, Donald Trump was invited to Davos and spoke at the World Economic Forum.  He stated we need to "reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse.  These alarmist always demand the same thing; absolute power to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives.  We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country..."  

Two days later, 89 year old billionaire George Soros had an emergency intervention at Davos warning that the 2020 U.S. election will determine the "fate of the whole world."  A month later Pope Francis, the Vatican and Jeffrey Sachs (Colombia University professor) weigh in on the Trump re-election. Sachs was invited by the pope to the Amazon Synod as honored guest and advisor.  Sachs also advises Bernie Sanders so what is he doing at the Vatican?  Sachs supports abortion yet the Pope invites him to come and even views him as an advisor and they think Trump is a danger.

You will hear the chilling voice of George Soros, in his own words in this video clip. He will talk about the "danger" of the Trump administration to the world and how he has another plan. He states his agenda clearly when Soros says this problem will "disappear" in 2020. 

Trump is NOT one of them; a globalist elitist, that's why he pulled the United States out of the Paris agreement on climate change and the World Health Organization and now Trump is threatening to pull the United States out of the World Trade Organization.  You want to fault Trump for his issues? You don't like his personality?  Friends, he is the only person stopping them from coming after you.  Look at the timeline.  Again, Michael really is addressing the truth; as painful as it may be for you to hear.  To listen to Michael's entire video on The Great Reset, click here.  This is a MUST listen to if you want to understand all the pieces to this "COVID" lie.  There is a plan, people and YOU are standing in the way of The Great Reset!

Friends, in WWI people thought we were at the end of the world but people fought back.  In WWII, again things looked bleak and Hitler wanted the One World domination but again, people rose up with the help of God to fight off the globalist threat. Many think we are again at the threshold of the One World Order, and I think we very well could be BUT WHAT IF PEOPLE WOULD ARISE AGAIN, find the Lord, and push back against the agenda of the elitist?  There doesn't have to be a "new normal".  

I believe God wants to see a world wide revival; for a large catching away of the saints for the final days harvest. He is coming for a church that is overcoming; not hidden underground. Saints of God, wake up! Rise up! Push back! Dear Jesus, may every Christian see the truth of the times and see the need to register and then VOTE for the candidate that is pro-life, pro-American, pro-liberty. This election WILL determine the future of the United States as George Soros has stated.  My prayer is that it will NOT go the way the globalist are hoping.  Satan doesn't know the future; he is just on a full-on press - BUT GOD! God save us. God save America. Jesus awaken your church and please, Christian - VOTE TRUMP! Maranatha.