Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tracy Cooke and the 7 Angels that Visited Him

On August 6, 2020, Tracy Cooke was on Sid Roth's show recently sharing about his recent visit from seven angels!  He talked about the "Glory of God" coming to the earth in the coming days.

Tracy said that the Glory of God will look like a wave, coming over the entire land and everything that the Glory touches it cleans, purifies and then it brings us to the heart of God. It will come to earth and bring us to the heartbeat of God again.

Remember when Jesus said in John 14:12, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." 

In these end times, we will see a greater outpouring of the Glory of the Lord and in this new move, it is not going to be about the person delivering the miracle; rather, it will be about the Lord getting ALL the glory!  It is for Him. It is about Him.  It is from Him.  Father, we give you all the glory!

In the closing of the video, Sid Roth led out in this prayer.  I felt is was so powerful Ii wanted to rewrite it all here, for you.  There are KEY pieces here that I want to bring your attention too so I wanted you to be able to read it aloud and have it before you; to meditate on daily.  Father, change us!

"Father God, your word says, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee. In the Hebrew, the word ‘prosper’ means, ‘something money can’t even buy’, it means; ‘heart peace’. So, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem that those watching would have ‘heart peace’ that are in agreement with this prayer.  It’s not an accident, Lord, that the word, ‘Jerusalem’ has ‘USA’ in the center and so I ask those blessings, and that prosperity, that ‘heart peace’ that comes from us that pray according to your word for the peace of Jerusalem to come on those of us in America and other nations that pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  


I pray Father God, that those that have not operated in ‘instant’, please hear me, Do you want the glory to come on you and your house?  Those that have not operated in ‘instant repentance’ start. It’s not worried, ‘oh God, did I not sin or not?’ Holy Spirit is inside of you. Holy Spirit will tell you when you need to repent. It’s not a mystery. And I pray that the years of those that have viewed this are open for the truth and God says, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Omn (Yiddish for Amen)**, which means, 'so be it.'"


Brothers and sisters; I pray for HEART PEACE to be on you, in you and around you.  

If we want our nation to see the Glory of God on us, and on our land, we need to be QUICK to REPENT - instant repentance.  Don't hold on to things.  Allow the Lord to minister to you IN the places you are stuck, broken, angry, holding on to sin. Jesus come! Shalom.

*My thoughts on this: If something is ‘bothering’ you then that is a good indication that you need to engage in a conversation with the Lord to come through that issue. I have found that the best way to start a conversation with the Lord is from the place of repentance. People, we have not been taught to do this.  Many believers think that "I walked an isle and I repented once." They think it is done.  Well, that it is simply not true, beloved.  We need to be encountering the Lord DAILY and bringing our hearts up before Him, for Him to search us and know us like Psalm 139: 23-24 states.

**Just a little bit about this word, 'Amen'.  It derives from a biblical root meaning “faith”, or “trust” — Emuna. It has a wide variety of meanings including; “Let it be”, “Yes”, “May it come to pass”, “Praise the Lord”. All of those things can be expressed with one simple Hebrew word, three letters (in Hebrew), so Amen.