Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kevin Zadai on Sid Roth - the next 11 years...

Kevin Zadai had a vision from the Lord and the Lord gave him this prayer during a 5 ½ hour encounter in heaven on 08-12-2020.  Kevin shares his experience here, on Sid Roth's show.

In the vision, the Lord told Keven about the next 11 years. Kevin wanted all believers to pray this prayer together to accomplish God’s purposes for us, the believers. He said it was especially important for us to pray for ourselves and for the USA during this time before the election. Pray for God’s purposes to come forth to turn the enemy’s plan back at the gate, to bring indictments, and bring forth righteousness in this nation. He said this is a very serious time.

If we, as the Body of Christ do not engage with our Father, we could easily see all hell being released through China’s weaponized bio-weapons over these next few months.  Kevin said the Father has promised if we do our part, with intentionality we would see Roe vs. Wade overturned in our land and the curse to be lifted. This will help us fulfill our destiny as a nation and as His people.

Kevin said, pray this prayer through once, and you will witness for yourself how little the investment of your time and attention it is, but it will help you and serve the Lord’s purposes. Pray it every day, at least until the election. God bless you richly in all wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and may you be found with your lamp filled with oil.

(I have taken the prayer from the show and modified it here, for you, the reader, for easy recitation.)


Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation-Knowledge right now; that we would know experientially the hope to which we have been called and the glorious inheritance we possess as Your saints. Father, may we know and experience the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.

We pray that the Spirit of God would be able to speak the truth right now to each of us as believers, that we will hear and recognize Your voice. Father, we ask that You would show us our future and what our part is in this generation; in these times and seasons. Show us what we can do. Teach us how to bind and loose.

Father, we bind the evil now and we ask that righteousness would prevail and reign in-and-from this moment on, right now! Jesus, pull Your Sword! Bring to justice every evil; every agenda that is not of You; bring it down into captivity, to the obedience of Christ, right now! Suddenly’s released!

We pray for every leader. We pray for our President that the anointing of JOY be upon him and every leader in our nation. Let Your yoke-breaking power be upon them and your protection from the evil around them.

We pray that the justice system would have eyes that see into the spirit realm. As believer’s all over the world, we lay the ax (the weapon You have given us) at the root and we ask that You would dissect the evil and its power. Cut it off, Father. Separate the evil one from their ability to deceive and bring mayhem.  We agree as touching this one thing. 

Most importantly, Father, we repent. We take accountability for our actions and our beliefs and we turn our face back to You, Father, in sincere, obedient devotion.  Heal our land. Heal our land. May the fire of the Holy Spirit consume every evil and the chaff in our lives and in the lives of those who are in leadership.  You are a consuming FIRE.

Father, may the Spirit of prophecy start to work in our leadership where they start to speak by Your Spirit and their will is turned and they become a new person, living for You.  Visit every household with FIRE.

Thank You for the JOY, Lord! Let Your will be DONE in these earthen vessels and upon and within the earth as it is written in heaven.

Father, strengthen Attorney General Barr and the entire team working for him with Your Spirit, Wisdom, Knowledge, Power, and Might that they may faithfully and fully execute all Your justice and judgments in our land. 

Father, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

In the Name above all Names, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Amen.