Wednesday, January 27, 2021

American Pie

Last night, as I was falling into bed, I heard the words, "Bye Bye, Miss American Pie".  I thought it was strange as I don't listen to secular music but I grew up the youngest of eight children and many of siblings did. I grew up in a home filled with music so I am aware of many songs and writers.

My mom loved Nat King Cole, Dinah Shore, Andy Williams, Dean Martin, and Bing Crosby.  My dad preferred Ella Fitzgerald and the Glenn Miller Orchestra. 

I spent the summer with a sister and she had a "plug-and-play" 45-record player.  You would pop a record into the box and it would play the record, one-side at-a-time. You would have to eject the record and turn it around to play the second, less popular song on the other side.  I would walk across the field by her house and "crank" the music up, while the train would literally scream by to my right.  She lived on the edge of town and there was little to do and even less money to do it with, in this small town in Nebraska.  She lived in a neighborhood that didn't even have curbs.  The dirt road began when your grass yard ended.  She had records from Jimmy Gilmer and the Fireballs, Sugar Shack, The Beach Boys, The Mamas & the Papas, Simon and Garfunkel, the Monkeys and the classic by Roger Miller, I'm a Nut. I listened to that song over and over.

I remember one brother loved the Beatles, Three Dog Night, Otis Redding, and Creedence Clearwater Revival. You could hear his music coming from the driveway because he was usually under the hood of a car, working on an engine.

Another brother was really into James Taylor and played the album, In the Pocket, over and over.  I think I knew all the lyrics to every song.  I could hear it through the thin, plaster dividers of our old home because our bedrooms shared a common wall.

The last of my brothers, closest to my age, loved the Commodores.  I can still here Brick House and the beat thumping on the floor...  just sayin', I grew up in a secular home, with many broken places and we loved ALL types of music, unfortunately, some were not very edifying.  

Many times, after dinner, we would sing oldies a cappella around the table. Music was part of our DNA. I knew this was in me more than I understood when a few years back I traveled to Ireland.  The land was full of people singing.  People on the street were singing, people in the pubs, people. Singing. Everywhere. Everyone.  Not just those on the "stage" or paid to sing, but people from the pub would come up and sing too. Everyone would sing. My heart leapt! So last night, when I fell into my bed, I wondered why I heard these old lyrics.  I began to inquire of the Lord and to pray against the death that seems to crouching at the door, to destroy my beloved America.  No, to destroy the land that God established as a sibling to Israel.  America was founded by Godly men; not perfect men, but Godly men.  Men who prayed and sought God's face. Men who risked everything to establish a nation where every was valued, equal, under God.  With liberty and justice for all.  Not just the rich. Not just the elite. Not just the noble.  Not just the white.  For all.  Liberty and justice for all. 

Has EVER AMERICAN been about this? NO!  But that was what the founders wanted; and we are still working toward that end — that is those that are called by God and who are yielded to HIS ways; not their own ways.

America. She is being taken from within.  This election has been stolen; right under

our noses. In the middle of the night we moved from a vote to investigate the legitimacy of the numbers to a vote to accept and give the presidency to an imposter, a fake, a phony, a fraud. There is much going on but we serve a God who never slumbers. He never sleeps.  Even when you can't see Him, He's working.  He's got this and He has established the outcome.  Read Proverbs 6:31.  Our part is to find the Lord in these most difficult of times.  Press in! God will do His part, and let me tell you; JUSTICE IS COMING!

So now, this morning, I listened to Dutch Sheets; his Give Him 15. At the beginning of his teaching today on January 26, 2021 — A Great Youth Revival is Imminent. He talked about the song from Don McLean from the 1970's where the line is written, "the day the music died."  I totally felt the Lord on this as that was the very song I heard last night.  God was speaking to Dutch last night and he spoke to me from the same song.

Dutch went on to talk about the statistics hitting our America.  Here is what he shared:

"While not blind to America’s condition, I am not discouraged. And in pointing out America’s desperate need, I do not want to discourage you; I want to awaken and motivate you. Like Caleb, I am indignant and ready to take out some spiritual giants. America is in trouble and very sick, but NOT terminal. Let’s take an honest look at our true condition, then hear some hope. 

God, who was pushed from our hearts by the giants of pride, materialism, humanism, and pleasure, was inevitably also expelled from our schools. Our youth have experienced great devastation from this. 

Consider these facts:

  • Suicide is now the second leading cause of death in young people. Over 5000 commit suicide every year – more than 13 each day.
  • Child protective services is able to substantiate the claim of sexual assault on a teenager every 8 minutes. That is 180 confirmed assaults every day. And conservative estimates say 2 out of 3 assaults are never reported, making 540/day a more accurate figure.
  • 719 teenage girls undergo abortions every day – roughly 262,500 each year.
  • Roughly 10 million new sexually transmitted diseases and infections occur in teens every year in this country. These diseases, many of them causing sterility and some even death, have become another ploy of satan to wipe out a generation. 
  • According to Fox News, the United States is again ranked as one of the worst countries in the world for human trafficking. “The United States is the No.1 consumer of sex worldwide. According to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report, over 300,000 of America’s young population is considered at risk for sexual exploitation.

Life has been cheapened. Greed and selfishness rule; sacrifice is out. Authority is mocked while rebellion and violence are extolled by our so-called role models and heroes. “If it feels good, do it” is now more than an overused cliché – it is a terrifying reality. When suggested that allowing God back into our schools might help, smugness and defiant arrogance are often the responses of those who so desperately want Him banned. "

I too believe God is not done with America, but He is looking for us to seek His face, and not just His provision. So many American's want to be safe, comfortable, protected; when we need to be praying to STRONG, BOLD, and challenge the evil that is trying to advance in our land.

Jesus, forgive us. Shift our hearts from being self-preserving to people who are willing to lay down our lives for YOUR Kingdom to come, YOUR will to be done. Maranatha. Jesus come!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Dutch Sheet on Flashpoint - The Gate Beautiful

On Flashpoint, a show on the Victory Channel, host Gene Bailey had a few guests on to discuss the day after the inauguration.  The entire show was excellent, but I wanted to transcribe the brief teaching that Dutch Sheets shared on.  The following is the written dialog.  I also wanted to share the link; so you could go watch this excerpt as well.  Click on this LINK and it will take you to the edited video clip of Dutch's discussion below.

The Lord has spoken to me about this election as well.  The verse He gave me was Proverbs 6:31. This election was stolen; and there is a thief(s) responsible for that.  MY GOD is bigger than any nation, laws, judges, protocol, system, or way that seems right to man. God has this. God is not finished and when He is done, ALL THE WORLD will see that there is NO GOD like Jehovah! 

Dutch Sheets: I have spent all day with the Lord in prayer and I’m going to do the same thing tomorrow, Gene (Bailey). I’m processing. I’ll say I’m not discouraged; I didn’t want to see the results that we saw but I started having a premonition a few days ago that this was going to go to the inauguration and God would work after that to change things. I even had a dream sent to me that confirmed this.

I want to reiterate, or echo what has already been said; I don’t believe this is over. God is using our prayers to uproot a lot of things in this nation. He’s using our prayers to set the stage to do things in our nation that we have been asking Him to do.

All of our prayers are stored up in those bowls in heaven and nothing is wasted. I also want to say this; some people worry, did we make a mistake or did we do this wrong, did we do that wrong. The first significant assignment that God sent me to Washington DC to do was a prayer, and it was a decree over the nation, the city. I never had done it before. I was new to that. I was really nervous. I thought, Lord, I don’t know if I can do this. 

He just said, you go and do it. When I was there, I was in a service and I was going to go up and lead in some prayers and decrees and declarations that God had given me to shift some things over the capitol. And I remember during the worship saying, my stomach was in knots, and I just said, God, I’m going to try my best to try not to mess this up. 

And one of the clearest words, I heard the voice of the Lord so clearly. He said, son, you would have to try really hard to mess this up. You just get up there and do your best and say what I’ve given you, the best you know how to do it and I’m going to do what I said I’m going to do.

I want to say to people; we don’t have to pray perfectly. We are not trying to talk God into this. We are being used by God. He wants to do this. He doesn’t need perfection from the church in order to do these things. We are involved in decreeing, praying, asking for what He wants to do and this thing’s not over.  God is going to expose evil. He’s going to expose corruption and I’m with Hank (Kunneman) on that 1000%.  This is not over. God is going to expose. And hey, sometimes He waits because He’s doing that type of thing; exposing. He wants to expose more. Sometimes He just waits because He just knows there’s a timing and He’s going to show us things and do things that will be even more miraculous like with Lazarus.  

You know, He said, I’m just going to wait a few more days. I’m going to wait until he is really dead. I don’t know how long you have to be dead to be really dead but I know he waited four days ‘til they said, hey, he stinks by now. Ya know. Don’t open that tomb. But Jesus waited and He wasn’t intimidated. He said, didn’t I tell you that if you believe, you are going to see the Glory of God?

And I think that is where we are. My message to people is do not give up. Do not waiver.  Israel, had it made.  They had basically won. God had worked so many miracles. They were out of Egypt and God had judged Egypt and they were on their way to the promised land and they lost by default. Fear and unbelief entered in and they backed up and God said, you know, I had you right where I wanted you and you quit. We’re not going to do that. I’m going to keep trumpeting this message, I’ll tell you that.  I’m telling people, DO NOT GIVE UP NOW.

QUESTION from Gene: What’s our role as believers? Because it seems — we talked about this at the beginning, and it seems like oh, man, you know, Biden’s in and it’s not what we thought. The prophets were wrong and everybody just wants to; there’s a big contingency that wants to give up and go home and throw a, well, I guess we’ll wait.  How should we be praying in faith for what’s happening?

Dutch: Let me back up to the timing issue and let me lead into it with that because when Mike (Lindell) was talking and Hank (Kunneman) was giving that word, the Lord reminded me of a word in Acts 3.

This is one of those great miracles. That’s what God is about to do, a great miracle.  And this is at the Gate Beautiful where Peter and John are going and Peter grabs a man who had been sitting there lame, begging; 30-some-years-old. He’s been there for decades; everybody in Israel knows who this guy is because of the prominent place he’s sitting, begging and they all probably had flipped him a coin.

Jesus went by this man, many, many, times and did not do the miracle.

The Lord spoke to me and said, I want you to look at that passage I have some things I want to show you that you haven’t seen. And I told the Lord, I know everything about that passage.  But He said, I want you to go back and look at it again (Dutch laughing.) So, I studied it intently, couldn’t find what it was. 

Finally out of desperation, I looked up the word, beautiful. And I found that the word does not mean lovely, or pretty or beautiful in that sense; it’s actually a timing word. The word is horaios* and it means literally, the right time.  It’s only used, to translate as beautiful because when circumstances come together at the right time and the right way, in God’s time, it becomes, a beautiful thing.  

Then the Lord showed me, this is why I didn’t heal the man three years ago, two years ago, a year ago; in my sovereignty, I named that Gate, the “Right Time Gate”, and I planted that man there in my sovereignty and made sure he sat at the “Right Time Gate” and then I saved that miracle for the time when I knew, my new church would need it. I didn’t heal him. I just waited for the right time and at the right time, I worked that miracle at the “Right Time Gate”.

And I hear the Lord saying right now, do not give; — the people of God, you must keep praying. You must preserve. This is what we teach. This is what we believe. We believe in miracles. We believe in persevering through faith and patience we inherit the promises.  

When has God ever said I’ll do it your time or I’ll do it when you want me to do it. He has always said; you must believe AND persevere and I will do these things.  And I tell you, and I tell the Body of Christ, we are coming to a “right time”. We are coming to a gate in the spirit that’s a beautiful gate because it’s God’s timing and He is going to do this. He’s going to expose it and the exposure is going to go so deep; this nation is going to move into crisis. Because this corruption is going to be shown: its Congress, it’s in the judges, it’s in the deep state, it’s in executive branches and God’s just going to lift the lid off and pull the mask back and He’s going to do this because He needs this nation, He loves this nation, He’s going to use this nation, and He’s not finished with this nation. I say to the people of God, do NOT grow weary in well-doing.

I want to repeat, don’t be weary in well-doing, in due season. Those words in Greek mean, if you own a right time. That’s what they literally mean. At the time God is designating that we own, we will reap if we don’t faint.

*THE NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon

Strong’s Number: 5611

Original Word: wraioß

Word Origin: from (5610)

Transliterated Word: Horaios

TDNT Entry: None

Phonetic Spelling: ho-rah'-yos 

Parts of Speech: Adjective

Definition: blooming, beautiful (used of the human body); seasonable, timely

NAS Word Usage – Total:4 — beautiful 4; Matthew 23:27, Acts 3:2, Acts 3:10, Romans 10:15.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: beautiful.

From hora; belonging to the right hour or season (timely), i.e. (by implication) flourishing (beauteous (figuratively)) -- beautiful.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021



All of a sudden I heard the sound of the trumpet blowing very loudly in the spiritual realms, like an alarming war sound.

All over the globe, I saw His warrior bride snapping into attention, their wedding gowns were dazzling white, and with no exception, I saw them all wearing the full armor of God over their wedding dress, it was not disturbing at all it seemed like they were all tailor-made.

I could see and experience these were seasoned warrior brides on the front lines, their eyes were super focused and sharp like that of the eagle, their ears were inclined and trained to be able to even catch His slightest whispered order, their shields were shining and their swords were flaming razor-sharp blades.

I saw them from a helicopter view all across the globe, from all tribes, nations, social-economic backgrounds, young and old, and what struck me; most were women and children.  I could feel their heartbeat which was beating with an abandoned deep compassionate fiery love for their Bridegroom Jesus, there was no distraction in their hearts anymore He was sitting on the throne.

These are the laid down lovers who have been tested and tried through the fires of opposition, of loss, of trails, suffering, and persecution, and instead of shrinking back, they ran into the fire, where their love was purified and matured.

As I kept looking and listening, I heard thousands and hundreds of thousands of heartbeats and what struck me that though there were so many; they were all beating in perfect harmony and unity, all of a sudden I heard a very loud and strong heartbeat louder than the rest but beating in the exact same rhythm and as the vision zoomed out, even more, I saw that all those hearts where hidden in His, hence their beating in perfect unity.

What I also sensed and experienced very strongly was, on one hand, this was His seasoned warrior bride army who individually but also corporately has made history with Him in fighting on the frontlines and winning battles.

I could see and experience they were feared in hell and known in Heaven, on the other hand, they were like one big warm family, no competition, no jealousy, they know who and whose they are and though they are Satan’s biggest nightmare and you can't mess with them, they also were like a big warm cuddly fuzzy teddy bear family.

All of a sudden I heard the sound of many, many, many wings and I saw hundreds of thousands of warrior angels descending, they were assigned to individuals and groups to fight alongside them and do at their biding.

Psalm 91 came to mind "God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling. You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling every one of them beneath your feet!"

Psalms 91:11-13 The Passion Translation — As I kept looking I hear to each group and individual special orders was given, Heavenly strategies, as they received them they heard which part on the globe was their frontline. Then like on a video screen I saw the army of the enemy and their different divisions, one could hear them talking about their plans, their next move, their next destination, their strategies; each warrior bride group had a main screen and every individual in that group had a smaller screen as well with more specific details of what was happening in the enemy’s camp.

They were not actual screens to hold but more like a movie playing in front of them and the sound was so clear it was like wearing earplugs, both to the main and individual screen 

It was glorious and amazing to behold, to see this end-time army being instructed and send out and the enemy had no clue their plans where kind of broadcasted in the spiritual realms, they had no clue God was rising up His warrior bride army to bring massive destruction in the enemy camp and set many captives free.

At the second sound of the trumpet I saw His huge army marching towards their places on the frontlines they were assigned to accompanied by legions of angels.

With no exception, young or old, male or female one sense filled the whole atmosphere; these where His laid down lovers who were willing to give their lives even unto the death for He is worthy of it all, they had one aim: DESTROYING THE WORKS OF THE ENEMY

Monday, January 18, 2021

WORLD NEWS UPDATE by Gilad Rosinger

The following is from a friend of mine.  I just loved this post and had to share it with you here.  God is moving!  He is with us. He is for us.  Enjoy the following...

World News Update:

1. Netherlands Gov’t resigned.

2. Chancellor of Germany- Merkel steps down.

3. Estonia PM resigns.

4. Italian government collapsed.

5. Russia’s government has resigned, Putin plans huge constitutional shake-up

6. Documents declassified on Obama-gate and Ukraine

7. DC on lockdown. 25k soldiers, barbed wire fences and barricades.

Roads blocked for ID checks everywhere.

I have warned to prepare for many months. THIS 👇 will be my last warning for now⚠️.  Stock up on food, water, supplies, and all that you will need in case of disruptions in commerce and/or blackouts. If you don’t know what to stock up on - a quick google search will pull up results of recommended items.

There is no need to panic. Just press into the secret place in The Word, prayer, and worship, and use wisdom in the things that you do and say.

Also please refer to this Word The Lord gave me in August 2020:



Then he referenced this older post from Facebook from 08-27, 2020:


As I was writing ✍️ a different Word that The Lord put on my heart I found myself being completely shifted by The Holy Spirit into a different trajectory and found myself writing this phrase that kept ECHOING LOUDLY in my spirit:


As I wrote these words down I felt the urgency in my spirit to convey yet again that the time is short beloved for the shaking is about to escalate and intensify. I heard it again:


The scriptures that first came to mind were from Haggai:

“For this is what ADONAI -Tzva’ot says: “It won’t be long before one more time I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all the nations, so that the treasures of all the nations will flow in, and I will fill this house with glory,” says ADONAI -Tzva’ot.

“The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,” says ADONAI -Tzva’ot.

“The glory of this new house will surpass that of the old,” says ADONAI -Tzva’ot, “and in this place, I will grant shalom,” says ADONAI -Tzva’ot.’””

Hagai (Hag) 2:6-9 CJB


“Tell Z’rubavel, governor of Y’hudah, ‘I will shake the heavens and the earth,

I will overturn the thrones of kingdoms, I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations, and I will overturn the chariots and the people riding in them; the horses and their riders will fall, each by the sword of his brother.

When that day comes,’ says ADONAI -Tzva’ot, ‘I will take you, Z’rubavel, my servant, the son of Sh’alti’el,’ says ADONAI, ‘and wear you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you,’ says ADONAI -Tzva’ot.”

Hagai (Hag) 2:21-23 CJB

The incredible thing about these verses is that they convey the seriousness and severity of this occasion. It clearly portrays righteous judgments consisting of tearing down and building up existing structures, systems, and Nations.

The Fear of The Lord is at the forefront of this sequence of events and it will bring about devastation, purification, and ultimately a glorious revival that will reveal the awesomeness of YHVH - The King will receive His Glory.

I believe that we are about to witness something that will be so grandiose that it will be hard to believe.

“Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” - Habakkuk 1:5

Some things will happen suddenly and without warning. Other things will reach a climax from a buildup of many years. But it is clear that we are quickly approaching critical mass. I believe we will soon see a chain reaction of events that will escalate quickly and in rapid succession. Get ready.

Critical Mass:

1. the amount of a given fissionable material necessary to sustain a chain reaction.

2. an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a powerful result. The snowball effect / reaching a climax of events that escalate simultaneously...”


“If it seems bad to you to serve ADONAI, then choose today whom you are going to serve! Will it be the gods your ancestors served beyond the River? or the gods of the Emori, in whose land you are living?

As for me and my household, we will serve ADONAI!”

Y'hoshua (Joshua) 24:15 CJB







- Gilad Rosinger

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Be Encouraged Friends...

Be encouraged friends...

Me: Okay, God, here's the thing. I'm scared. I'm trying not to be, but I am.

God: I know. Want to talk about it?

Me: Do we need to? I mean, you already know.

God: Let's talk about it anyway... We've done this before.

God: *waiting patiently, unhurried, undistracted, never annoyed.

Me: Okay. So, I'm afraid I'll do everything I can to protect my family and it won't be enough. I'm afraid of someone I love dying. I'm afraid the world won't go back to what it was before. I'm afraid my life is always going to feel a little bit unsettled.

God: Anything else?


God: Remember how your son woke up the other night and came running down the hall to your bedroom?

Me: Yes.

God: You were still awake, so when you heard him running, you started calling out to him before he even got to you... remember? Do you remember what you called out to him?

Me: I said, "You're okay! You're okay! You're okay! I'm here."

God: Why did you call to him? Why didn't you just wait for him to get to your room?

Me: Because I wanted him to know that I was awake, and I heard him, and he didn't have to be afraid until he reached the end of the dark hallway.

God: Exactly. I hear you, my child. I hear your thoughts racing like feet down the dark hallway. There's another side to all of this. I'm there already. I've seen the end of it. And I want you to know right here as you walk through it all, you're okay. I haven't gone to sleep, and I won't.

Me: *crying. Can we sit together awhile? Can we just sit here a minute before I go back to facing it all?

God: There's nothing I'd love more.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

These are the days of Elijah

I have had a few friends share this but I just have to share it here!

These soldiers are willing to lay down their life for this nation and they are unashamedly worshiping the name of Jehovah!
These are the days of Elijah

Surely God you will give them a commander and chief who has a heart for the unborn and who will protect Israel!

Father, we need a miracle!

Jesus come!!!