Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Let's Talk About the Facts

Here are some "facts" for those who think that people concerned about the repercussions from the j@b are ridiculous or that their fear of consequences and injury from these injections is over-rated; let's look at what the World Health Organization (WHO) has to say on their own site.

When you click on this hyperlink (above) it will open a page.  At the bottom of the page, you will have to "confirm" that you understand the statements that were listed above.  Click the box.

A new page will open.  At the top of this page is a search bar.  Enter the words, "covid-19 vaccine".  Enter the words just like I stated then hit "enter". The page will populate with over 25 pull-down arrows; each with a title and a number in parenthesis.  These are the adverse reactions that people have reported (how many have not reported their side-effects?) and they have created a tally-sheet.  The total number of reports is at the top of the page.  As of October 06, 2021, there were 2,193,912 records regarding the active ingredients and issues with this j@b.  I copied all these reports into a word document and when I had it complete the document was 300 pages long!

You can investigate further down the page to see more groupings. Things like the Geographical distribution, the Age group distribution, the Patient sex distribution, and finally the Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) per year report.  To say there is nothing to see here is ridiculous.  These are troubling times as we are not getting the truth from the media regarding these public records. 

On a side note; notice the logo of the WHO.  How appropriate that they would incorporate a snake among the wheat in our world.  Matthew 13: 24-30 gives us a biblical perspective on this image.  The evil is among us and God will deal with it on that day.  

Finally, this information came out Monday; there are now two FDA officials who resigned this week over the White House's decision on requiring the booster shot.  What is going on?  We are being lied to in the least and the honest people on the inside are feeling their conscience. 

Praying for each of us to also have the courage to STAND. Jesus come.
