Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Not to be a Debbie Downer but...

Not to be a Debbie Downer… but before we get TOO excited about the newly elected governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, we should investigate who he is.

Who is Glenn Youngkin? Is he a RINO? You decide.

  • He was CEO of the corrupt Carlyle Group and was with them for 25 years.
  • Carlyle spent $$$ for RINO candidates such as Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan & Chuck Schumer. 
  • Soros Capital invested in Carlyle Group.
  • Carlyle Group paid Hillary Clinton a speaking fee of $200,000.
  • Carlyle specialized in buying/selling weapons manufacturing and intelligence gathering companies with government and military contracts.
  • Invested more in China’s new economy sectors.

Friends, we need to understand that politicians cross the political aisle like we cross a street.  Adonai, help us see the truth so that the truth will set us free!  


November 17, 2021

So a friend just shared the following with me.  Many people had a lot to say regarding my above post.  They didn't like that I was speaking out against a "republican".  Some even thought that he was "better" than the democrat he replaced.  Well, you decide. This was just posted about how Youngkin will handle the vaccines for the public schools in Virginia and the mandating of the evil.

My dad used to say, "Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are."  Yep! The shoe fits.  Jesus, help us!  Father God, we need you!