Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Safely in His Arms

Sitting at my desk tonight, and I "happened" across this old link I had saved.  I have listened to this over, and over, and over, and then tonight, I have done that again.  Such a timely word, for such a time as this.  

Almost a year ago, I was able to see Joshua Aaron lead a worship night in a town south of me. It wasn't a concert as he truly led people into the presence of the Lord.  He is such a gem of a human and I love so much of what he is about.  Let the Lord minister to your weary places as you listen to this song.

We are roughly one week from Thanksgiving and find myself being mindful of all that I have to be thankful for. The world may be spinning out of control; mandates, protests, fake news, false flags, pirates in the White House but then I stop and say, yes, Lord.  I am thankful we serve a God that saves, Moshia or Joshua (Jehovah saves).  Let Him refresh you.  Maranatha.