Monday, May 31, 2010

Healing Balm of Gilead

I was ministering to a friend about the "Healing Balm of Gilead" today and I found this great web page regarding the subject.  Apparently the information shared at this site came from another source. (When God Speaks Ministry).

One of my favorite bits of information that was shared here was about how the healing balm could not flow until the alabaster box was broken.  Think about it.  We are the box that holds the healing balm (Jesus and His Spirit).  We need to be broken for the oil to flow out of us.

The writer made an analogy to pesto.  Kind of out there but the point was communicated quite appropriately.  Pesto is the blending of many flavors to create a new substance.  That is what makes the pesto taste so good.  All those ingredients separately don't render the same flavor and taste to our pallet as they do re-created as a new creation...pesto.  It is the smashing of the ingredients, the crushing, squeezing, refining, purification that creates this new taste.  So it is with us.  We need to be crushed, broken, released, joined and formed together to make a new bring us to full value as well.

We are called to be this for one another.  We are to be used to be a healing balm that can bring healing to the church, the body, our families, our world.  We need to become a sweet perfume, a honey-like medicine that flows out and sticks to others.  We can only flow out of the overflow of our hearts.  We can't give what we don't have.  Fill us Lord Jesus for your work.  Help us endure our own sorrow to be ready to minister to others.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Lead Me To The Cross - Hillsong

So it has been a very long day today and I just got home from a long day of photography work and then a graduation event.  It was a late night before I got to settle down and just sit in the presence of the King.  Once I got ready for bed, had some water, cleaned up and sat down, this song leaped into my spirit.  Lead Me To The Cross.  The part of the song where she cries out, "Lead me to the cro-o-o-o-o-o-s-s-s."  That is where I am at.  Needing Him to lead me.  Rid me of myself.  Lead me Lord.  Lead me to the cross.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Black Robes - David Barton and Glenn Beck

Once again David Barton delivers incredible information this time via the Glenn Beck show on the Black Regiment.  If you are not familiar with David Barton, you need to get familiar.  He has incredible documents proving the founding father's Christian roots and this video is simple FABULOUS if you ever have gotten into a discussion with people about the role of the church in our government history.

David addresses the difference between individual rights and collective rights or human rights.  Inalienable rights are what we are given by our founders.  These rights are not collective or human rights.  God give each person individual rights.  There is no collective salvation.  We all must answer to God one-on-one.  Human rights and/or collective rights are different than individual rights.

Our founding fathers had come from Europe which at the time was very much as a society into this collective rights thinking.  The founders left Europe and that way of thinking and said "No" to that as they established America.  They said for America it would be individuals rights that would be protected, in other words, each person would give an account to the society as each man does to God.  There is not collective rights or human rights in regard to man and his salvation.  Each man answers to God for his actions.  This is why the founders set up America to this model of inalieable rights.  In this country, our founders have always made provision for people to object for conscience as an individual.  A person can reject for religion or conscience because our founders set it up to be about the individuals.  It is all based on each individual.  Each person answers for themselves.  Listen to the video and you will be amazed.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Your Hands - JJ Heller

Found this song today from a friend on facebook.  It was posted to her wall and I know her heart, so I had to listen.

WOW - what an anointed song.  I pray if you are ever discouraged, you will remember these words, "When my world is shaking...heaven stands.  When my heart is breaking, I never leave Your hands."

God is watching.  He is there for you...even when you don't feel it.  He is there.  Enter into the presence of the Lord.  This is a great song to remind you.  He holds you in His hands.

Monday, May 17, 2010

All I Need is You - Kim Walker

I am becoming a BIG fan of Kim Walker.  I love the way she giggles in the middle of her songs.  Just warms my heart!  Seems her songs just minster to me. As I have shared earlier, I love this song All I Need is You but had to post it again the way Kim sings it.  Great message and a great singer.

What else do we need...really? God make this a reality in my life. That I am TOTALLY content just having YOU!

Friday, May 14, 2010

God of Second Chances with Danny

I am on the mailing list of GodTube and received this link. I usually try to listen to all the new stuff they send out and was TOTALLY blown away by the Spirit of the Lord that was in this clip.
This guy (Carlos Whittaker) was shooting a music video when this Jamaican homeless guy (Danny) comes up. Danny takes a knee, begins to pray and weep then starts singing along by the Spirit in Reggae adding his own version to Carlos' song.  FABULOUS. What a priceless move of the Spirit!  One Jah (God), One Creator, One Father. Hallelujah in the highest praise! LOVE THIS!  ENJOY! 

Go to this link and watch...AWESOME!:   GodTube: God of Second Chances

Thursday, May 13, 2010

AWESOME God - Michael W Smith

One of the things I love most in life is to worship. The late Rich Mullins (pictured left) had a handle on entering into the presence of the Lord. This beautiful song is one of his most famous works.

Awesome God In this video you will see the audience take control of the moment. Michael W. Smith is leading a concert and the people begin the song before he does. He is so gracious that he allows them to minister to the Lord and then he joins them in singing. A priceless moment as the Spirit of the Lord moves. Hopefully you have experienced this great place of peace, joy and comfort. Our God is truly and AWESOME GOD! ENJOY!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Amazing Grace - Chris Tomlin

The Lord has been so sweet and kind to me lately. He woke me up again with another precious song. This morning I could hear the lines, "My chains are gone. I've been set free." Do you know this? Do you know that He has made the way to set you free? I pray if you don't know Him, you will call out to Him. So many know Him but don't walk in the freedom that He has provided. I pray you find your place of freedom that ONLY comes in Him. This song has ministered to me so many times. I pray it will minister to you as well. Amazing Grace

Unity of the Spirit

A friend on Facebook has this link posted to their wall.  I was intrigued by the title, "Fusion Factor - Unity of the Spirit by Shane Harris".  I found myself drawn into Shane's writing.  He began to pen words to many things I had been feeling in the Spirit.  I loved how he even stated that he too struggles to find words to describe the things that he has seen by God.  He said, "I will attempt to relay this with words although some things in God are difficult to communicate with a pen."  This is SO true.  How do we use mere words to express the GREAT things of God.

He had been in a conference where he was experiencing a supernatural account with God.  He was feeling a stirring of unity among the brothers and sisters in Christ.  He was "feeling" it.  It was so real to him.  He said he "stood back just to take in what God was doing and felt an overwhelming love, respect and appreciation for my brothers an(d) sisters in Christ.  I could sense the unity of family that is impossible to manufacture or produce.  One family under the Father, unified by the blood of Christ being communicated and released by the Holy Spirit.  A divine connection with one another by the Spirit of God."

I LOVED that, "One family under the Father, unified by the blood of Christ being communicated and released by the Holy Spirit."  I had to meditate on that.  I am still meditating on all that means.  What a great picture.  Can we live up to that?  Are we doing that?  He said the move of God was producing that.  Bring it on Holy Spirit.  I am SO ready for unity.  Our families need unity.  Our churches need unity.  Our nation needs unity.

He went on to say,
"To a large degree churches today operate like corporations. Church members are returning customers, visitors new prospective clients, Pastors the CEO’s. This creates many problems with the most glaring being God becoming the product. Not at all the way God intended. God is not a commodity. This also produces a concept of unity based on corporate organization. I am a part of this church, bible study, club etc so we have automatic unity. We agree we all want to do this project or this event so we are unified. We all have matching T-shirts, bumper stickers, and hats emblazoned with our church logo to prove it.
But there is a much deeper unity that bonds us together as Christians. There is the unity of the Spirit. This is what I was seeing , sensing and experiencing in this service. The bond of the Spirit of God can only be seen and understood from the perspective of family. In a corporate environment it will be missed completely."
WOW - this was SO true.  Haven't we seen this?  Churches running like a business rather than the FAMILY of God.  God is NOT a commodity.  He is not the product we are selling.  We are not part of some "club" and with that do we make people feel as though it is for "members only".  NO - this is NOT the gospel.  Lord forgive us for what we have done with your bride, your church.

He quotes part of Psalms. 133.
1. A Song of Ascents. Of David. BEHOLD, HOW good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Friday, May 7, 2010

O Happy Day - Kim Walker

Another great song from Kim Walker.  This one will get your foot tapping and pick you up when you are down.  Kind of reminds me of something from the late '60's early '70's.  A really good feeling song.  Just can't stay upset when you hear this song.  Put's a smile on your face, a spring in your step and JOY in your heart.  O Happy DAY!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Franklin Graham NOT allowed to Speak - National Day of Prayer

I read an article (Newsmax - Franklin Graham) today with a statement from Evangelical leader Rev. Franklin Graham regarding the Obama's administration's role in revoking his invitation to speak at the Pentagon's National Day of Prayer event. "(President Obama is) giving Islam a pass", was the quote from Graham. The comment that Graham made to disqualify him from speaking at the Prayer Event was made shortly after 9-11 when Graham said about the Islamic teaching that it is "a very evil and wicked religion". Everyone was speaking against these terrorists (after 9-11) and now Graham is being singled out as a person who is controversial.

We are loosing our Christian heritage right before our eyes.  Here we have the son of one of the greatest Evangelist of our time being denied the right to lead a prayer meeting.  Lord heal our land.  Our leaders use your name as a salutation in their speeches yet give very little regard to your ways as dictated in your Word.  Today, everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes.  No longer do the majority in our Government leadership use God's Word to define our direction...they use their understanding.  Their knowledge.  God help us.