Saturday, May 28, 2011

Apologizing to Those You've Hurt - Life Church

I have yet to watch a teaching from Life Church TV that I haven't enjoyed.  Craig Groeschel is truly an anointed teacher and has an incredible gift!

I had stumbled across this verse years ago and at the time was required to share it under the conviction of the Holy Spirit in a very "touchy" situation in my life.  There had been an ongoing "issues" that some thought would "just go away" if enough time was applied to the situation and others feel that "talking" wouldn't "fix" the situation and so from the get-go some have refused to sit down and have an open dialog to help bring repentance, resolution, healing and restoration to a very broken situation.

I love how the Word has the answers to our dilemmas in life and all we just have to DO is apply the Word.  Yes, I know, that is the really difficult part though, isn't it...doing what we should.  Lord Jesus, help us be more like You!  Help us die to being "right" and live more like you.  He talks about how in a divorce situation as he ministers to couples the party in front of his desk always talks about the "other" partner as the "evil" one, the "problem," the "reason," and they often refer to themselves as the "victim".  Hmmm - how can this be?  Because it is simply NOT true.  Whenever there is conflict or issues there is always enough blame to go around to EVERYONE involved, trouble is, few are willing to pick up their "piece" of the issue and own it.

Years ago I heard a saying that went something like this.  "You can never slice a piece of bread so thin that is doesn't have two sides."  Notice on a piece of bread....go get one.   Turn it over, from side to side and see that neither side "matches" perfectly.  They look completely different yet together they make up a slice of bread.  We have to try to position ourselves to see life from the "other persons" perspective if we are ever to achieve peace with each other.

Craig shares that he has never heard anyone teach on this verse in the bible and I have to agree - I don't think I have heard a teaching on the topic either.  He brings some really great information to light and I pray you take the time to let the Holy Spirit minister to you and teach you His ways on this matter.  Are you a peacemaker or a peacekeeper?  A peacemaker is what we are CALLED to be according to the Word and that requires courage in confronting.  Ouch - don't know too many people (especially in the church) who will like hearing that.  We seem to be the biggest defenders of NOT confronting in love...that is unless you are in leadership!  Seems the "top" banana never has a problem with this then.

I am praying for the healing of all your relationships...and mine too!  May the God of Peace minister to us as we all choose to die to flesh and let Him be glorified!

Matthew 5: 21- 26 - the Message:

21 "You're familiar with the command to the ancients, 'Do not murder.'22 I'm telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Carelessly call a brother 'idiot!' and you just might find yourself hauled into court. Thoughtlessly yell 'stupid!' at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire. The simple moral fact is that words kill.
23 "This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you,24 abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.
25 "Or say you're out on the street and an old enemy accosts you. Don't lose a minute. Make the first move; make things right with him. After all, if you leave the first move to him, knowing his track record, you're likely to end up in court, maybe even jail.26 If that happens, you won't get out without a stiff fine.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Your Gifts and Talents - Joe McGee

I have talked about Joe McGee before and found this little clip the other day and just had to share it.  It is just a part of the entire message but there was a lot of truth in the small portion posted here.  I want to encourage you that God has a purpose for your life and he has a lot to say about your gifts and talents and even the very content of your life!  God has a plan - ask Him to reveal it!

A side note is that he is teaching out of a book that he wrote called, Family Finances by Joe McGee.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Healing is in Your Hands - Christy Nockels

Just having a day where I needed to be reminded of the REAL perspective that life is about.  The days we are living in are interesting and stressful to say the least.  Wars, rumors of wars, tornado's, title waves, earthquakes, economy, jobs, politics - WOW, just too much to handle in our frail hands.  I have to turn things over into the "hands" that can handle this kind of pressure.  His healing hands are able!  How high?  How wide?  No matter where I am, healing is in His hands.  How deep? How strong? Only by His grace can I stand.  Lord Jesus - How I need thee!  Keep me mindful of the truth!  I am not in this thing alone!  Enjoy this song by Christy Nockels - Healing Is In Your Hands.

Monday, May 23, 2011

One Thing Remains - Jesus Culture

One Thing Remains by Jesus Culture is another anointed song that will minister to your spirit.  As I saw someone post a comment regarding this song they said, "This song come from the very inside of God's heart!! They're real worshippers!"  Yes they are!

His love is amazing.  His love never fails, it never gives up and it never runs out on me.  They will sing this over and over.  Listen to it and get it into your spirit!  Do YOU know this?  Do you know that His love is enough?  Do you know that it never fails?  Do you know that He will never run out on you?

It is true!  His love is there for the taking.  Reach out and see that the Lord is Good!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Amateur Photographer

An amateur photographer has made the largest ever true color photo of the night sky and it is simply amazing.  Nick Risinger a 28-year-old astrophotographer used six astronomical camera's and took over 360-panoramic views of the sky by going over 60,000 miles across the western United States and South Africa.  There are 37,000 separate photographs compiled here to make this incredible image.  Totally fascinating.

How can anyone look into the night sky and not see the goodness of our God?  He is simply amazing!  Look into the heavens - the stars are just too numerable to count.  Incredible!

Check out the massive zoomable high-definition version of the photo here.  Take some time and just surf around this image clicking the button to add the features.  Incredible!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Today is the Day- Lincoln Brewster

Today Is the Day by Lincoln Brewster should get you up and on your feet because we don't need to worry about tomorrow!  This is a choice, ya know?  You make yourself believe what you want to believe and I choose to believe that God is true and every man is a liar!  I choose to believe that God will do what He has said He will do and that He is faithful and true.

See, the more you believe the Word, the more God reveals Himself to you.  It's like He is waiting to see if you really want all that He has for your life.  He wants to know if you are willing to place Him in the Highest place.  Weather you do or you don't, really doesn't matter because He IS seated at the Highest place and ALL rule, power and authority is under Him and one day every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord!  So with that, I rejoice because Today IS the Day!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

With Mother's Day just around the corner, I thought this was an appropriate link to share.

I have to laugh because even though I am a bit more technical than some of my mother friends, I too even have some of the needs.  Technology is moving WAY too fast and is so hard to keep up with.  My boys tire of me asking for their help, I am sure, but the day will come when they too will be struggling with the "new" technology.  *sign.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Samaritan's Purse - Alabama Tornados

Not sure if you have seen for yourself the devastation that hit Alabama but it is TERRIBLE to say the least.

Franklin Graham (Billy Graham's son) is making a plea for help through his organization called Samaritan's Purse.  Please take a minute and watch the video and please consider giving financially to help those affected by this catastrophic event.

With so many bogus organizations out there - isn't it good to know of a safe place to give your money where you know it will be used to bring about the most good?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Healing Rain - Michael W. Smith

Michael W. Smith is probably one of my favorite solo Christian song writers.  He is up there with Rich Mullins, Keith Green and Steven Curtis Chapman.  They are all similar in their styles to me, more along the folk music genre meeting Christian themes and lyrics.  They just seem to minister to me.  The words bring healing to me, joy to my spirit, hope to my soul, courage to my life...they inspire.

Healing Rain is again, one of these songs that ministers life to my soul and encouragement to my day.  Take a minute and let the healing rain of the Lord pour over you as you listen to this song.  Be refreshed in His presence, healed by His love and ministered to yet again!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Abortion and the Numbers

These numbers are just painful in the least and just plain sad to reflect upon.  I don't think people are aware of just how many lives have been snuffed out by abortion and what exactly it looks likes.  I am not here to cast any judgement on any woman who has opted to do this as I have ministered to many of them over the years but the numbers are staggering and this is just simply a practice we need to stop in this nation.  How can God NOT deal with a nation who kills so many innocent lives.  God helps us!

The chart shows US abortions compared to US deaths due to wars.  Each "person" represents 10,000 people (or fraction) killed.

Revolutionary War = 4,435 deaths (or 1/2 a "person")
Civil War (both sides) = 498,332 deaths (or  50 "people")
World War I = 116,708 deaths (or 12 "people")
World War II = 407,316 deaths (or 41 "people")
Korea = 25,604 deaths (or 3 "people")
Vietnam = 58,168 deaths (or 6 "people")
Gulf War = 378 deaths
Iraq War = 4,367 deaths as of Dec. 2009 (or 1/2 a "person")
Abortion = 35,000,000 (or 3500 "people") at the time this document was created.

There are estimated to be 3,000 abortions done daily in America!  If you multiply 3,000 x the number of years abortion has been legal in the US (1973 to date) which is 38 x 365 (the days in a year) = 41,600,000.  The Alan Gutmacher Institute, a leading proponent of abortion on demand claims that there have been more than 50 million abortions in the US since Roe Vs. Wade.  STAGGERING numbers!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Coloring Song - Petra

So feeling a bit older when my son asks me if I have ever heard of the group, "Petra".

"Heard of them?" I say, "I just have most of their albums!"

"Albums?" he asks.

Oh brother!  Need to clean some off and play them for the dear boy.  What IS he missing?  Anyway, brought back a flood of memories and then I had to search for some of my favorites.  The Coloring Song was great back in the day and just as good today.  Loved this song with it's pan pipe lead-in and then the way they tied all the colors together for a great song.  Good stuff from way back in the '80's!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Let It Rain - Michael W. Smith

We WANT to see your GLORY Lord!

The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.  Clouds and thick darkness surround him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of the His throne.  Fire goes before him and consumes His foes on every side.  His lightning lights up the world; the earth sees and trembles.  The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth.  The heavens proclaim His righteousness, and all the peoples see His glory.  Psalm 97:1-6

If you want to see HIS glory - lift YOUR voices, lift YOUR hands, YOU DELARE it!

Oh God, RAIN on US!  Let It Rain! We are a desperate people in need of a POWERFUL and MERCIFUL God!