Thursday, July 30, 2020


Psalm 55:8-9; I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm. Lord, confuse the wicked, confound their words, for I see violence and strife in the city.

Isaiah 54:17; But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the LORD; their vindication will come from me. I, the LORD, have spoken!

Psalm 107:28-30; Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.

Lord, You have said that 'He who troubles his own house shall inherit the wind...' (Proverbs 11:29) Forgive us all, and have mercy on us, for the house of America has been troubled, and we are now experiencing the tempest. Lord, may America's eyes be opened, to see our need and to quickly turn from our ways, and find shelter from the stormy wind and tempest.

May America cry out to You, God. Grant us the gift of repentance. Show us and teach us how to pray against this alliance of demonic spirits and principalities that have aligned to destroy this nation.

We choose You, O Breath of God. Wind of God, blow on us. We come in humility, not pointing the finger, but in agreement with Your Word. We cry to You, Lord, in our trouble, that You would bring us out of our distresses.

Father, we turn to you and ask that You remove the false balances and unrighteous dealings in America. We ask that You remove our shame, our sin, our lack. Lord, we repent of our use of weights and measures that are not from You. We ask You to replace them with honesty and integrity. Forgive us, Father, of our unrighteous judgments, a pharisaical spirit, use of faulty weights and balances; all which have skewed righteous judgment in the land. Wash us, cleanse us, lift us out of our desperate condition and turn our mourning into dancing.

We say to the demonic winds, the rebellious winds, those winds that would dare to oppose —your purposes for this nation, attempting to destroy the very foundations of our liberty...BE STILL...and KNOW that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! You veiled winds of anarchy, lawlessness, anti-Christ, communism, hate, violence, and anti-Semitism; we declare that NO WEAPON formed against the United States of America, or its people shall prosper...and every tongue which rises up in judgment...THE LORD shall condemn. We ask and now believe that You, Lord, will hush the storm to a calm and gentle whisper so that the waves of the sea are still. And we shall be glad because of the calm that You, O Lord, will have brought; to us, to our desired haven.

May the unseen evil power structures that have held us in their grip be dissipated, and may true JUSTICE take its seat over the land. Wherever these strongholds exist, I ask You to remove them by Your Spirit.

We declare that the scepter of the wicked SHALL NOT REMAIN on the land allotted to the righteous; not in our elected officials, not in the Supreme Court, not in the media, and not in the unseen pockets of corruption, and not in us. We stand in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Monday, July 27, 2020

WARFARE Prayer on behalf of Police, Security, and other Police Units

Father, in the Name of Jesus and by the Authority of the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ and the Finished Work of Calvary, we soak all police, all fire, all emergency workers and all military in the Blood of Jesus, the Love of Jesus, and the Fire of the Holy Spirit.

In the Name of Jesus, we cut off the Jezebel and Ahab spirits that are attacking all those in authority who are keeping law and order in our communities! We cut off every spirit of witchcraft, every spirit of rebellion, every spirit of juju, every blood sacrifices of any kind, animal or human. We cut off every spirit of offense, doubt, self - pity and unbelief that is motivating Antifa, White Supremacy groups, BLM, and all other groups. We speak to the sources of funding of these groups and command that funding to dry up from the root in the Name of Jesus!

Father in 2 Kings 6:14-17 you tell the story of the delivery of Elisha and his servants from the Arameans. Lord, deliver our police! Deliver our fire services! Deliver our emergency services! Deliver the innocent from these hoodlums who have taken over their communities and who are extorting monies! Lord, unmask these people for who they really are and cause them to be confused! Cause them to be blinded! Cause them to war against one another, leaving the innocent behind.

“On receiving the report, “Elisha is in Dothan,” the king of Aram sent horses, chariots, and a great army. They went there by night and surrounded the city. When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early in the morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. So he asked Elisha, “Oh, my master, what are we to do?”

“Do not be afraid,” Elisha answered, “for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.”

And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw that the hills were full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Father, many of our people who have been raised without discipline find these movements attractive. Rip the scales from their eyes! Help them to see that these movements are destroying the very institutions that are trying to help the poor and needy! God, give our people hearts of compassion! Break those stony hearts and give them hearts of flesh!

Lord, there are many educators in America who are promoting Marxism and/or Socialism. Father, open their eyes to see that the very freedom of speech they are currently abusing would be impossible under such regimes. Lord, many of these demonstrators are well - intentioned people who have believed the lies of the Enemy. Open their eyes to see Your Truth!

Lord, let every one of these looters and rioters fall on their faces in worship before you! Send the convicting power of the Holy Spirit upon these people! Bring these people to their knees in full repentance! Let riots turn to revivals!

Father, we come against every Jezebel and Ahab spirit, every spirit of homosexuality, and every other spirit of sexual perversion that has taken over the entertainment industry and television programming. Lord, protect our children from these demonic influences! We bind these people’s minds so that when they go to think up new and worse perversions, they become confused, in the Name of Jesus!

Lord, bring revival throughout America! Father, forgive us for trying to ignore what was happening. Forgive us for not praying and fasting harder! Forgive us for trying to blame others rather than waging spiritual warfare before things came to this point.

Lord, in your mercy, remove COVID - 19 or else let the cases be so mild that those who develop it will recover. Father, we bind every spirit of witchcraft that is trying to afflict the righteous with this virus. Lord, we cut off every spirit of lies that is spreading false information about COVID - 19. Lord, restore the agricultural industry! Restore small businesses! Restore the years that the swarming locust has eaten!

Father, let America truly be “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Let the righteous in America stand up and fight for the truth! Do not allow cyber - stalking and cyber bullying to continue.

Father, grant our leaders divine wisdom and discernment. Let them be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Let everything they say, every decision they take, be purified by your Holy Spirit.

Lord, raise up righteous leadership throughout America and protect the righteous! Let all occult activity cease throughout all of America, particularly in areas in which witches, warlocks and others have hooked into demons that were already there.

Lord, we soak America in the Blood of Jesus, the Love of Jesus, and the Fire of the Holy Spirit!


Friday, July 24, 2020

Prayer Call - Dealing with Fear!

FEAR: many of us say we have none or that we don’t live under it but fear

1. Creates excuses

2. Convinces us to do things

3. Pacifies us through inaction

FEAR on one extreme is paralyzing; 

1. You feel it in your gut. 

2. It can knock you to your knees.

3. It can Immobilize you.

FEAR where we feel normal but every time we go to do something we convince ourselves not to:

1. We don’t take an action

2. We sit on the sideline

3. We choose not to participate

4. We convince ourselves that INACTION is an appropriate action rather than engagement in solving a problem. 

The church has taught us this. (Father, forgive us for passivity.)

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Heavenly Father — we praise you!

Straight through the heavens. 

Straight to your throne room. We sing!

We sing a song of praise to you. – SONG: I Raise A Hallelujah!

(note: this song was written as a miracle song - which brought about a miracle!)

I raise a Hallelujah!  In the presence of my enemies. 

I raise a Hallelujah!  Louder than the unbelief. 

I raise a Hallelujah!  My weapon is a melody. 

I raise a Hallelujah!  Heaven come to fight for me!

I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm; 

Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar!

Up from the ashes, hope will arise;

Death is defeated, the King is alive!

I will sing of the Lord’s unfailing love forever! – : SONG: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever!

Young and old will hear of your faithfulness.

Your unfailing love will last forever.

Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.

It rises up through the skies.

It surrounds us. Selah.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Prayer Call - Notes to Consider

I have started a conference call where believers around the nation can gather to pray.  We meet three times a week and we petition heaven for all that concerns us.  Here are the notes from our first call.  JOIN US as we pray for our nation...

1. God is a Warrior. YAHWEH is His Name. (Exodus 15:3)

a. He does not sleep

b. We were created, saved, and empowered for RIGHT NOW

2. Jesus has won the victory! 

a. We have HOPE because we have all authority given to us by Jesus

b. We are closer to the Day - JESUS will return; 

i. We know the end! God wins!

ii. We know darkness may increase in onslaught – BUT GOD! 

iii. Evil is not new

iv. The devil’s objective is – to kill, steal, and destroy but YOU have come to

3. EXPOSE ALL that is operating against you, your kingdom, right now in an accelerated way (Psalms 11: 3-7)

a. Keep us from being distracted, or taken advantage of

b. Show us the path we need to walk on

c. Keep our heart from believing the “system”

4. WAKE us up so that we KNOW THE truth. 

a. to hear the truth – to listen to YOUR voice (turn off the voice of the liar) – the mind control

b. to see the truth – to be set free. Teach us how to recognize “mind control” when operating

5. RENEW our minds – open our minds to “critical thinking” (I Peter 1:13)

a. show us – set an alarm in us when we keep hearing the mantra, propaganda, lies; over and over

b. ask questions; if others get defensive – they may be under mind control

c. expose the “controlled opposition” in our midst; the ONLY side we need to choose is JESUS!

d. Father, set us free from this spirit of control that is founded in communism; Lucifarianism

i. Lord, separate our heart from these forms of lies

6. Fix our EYES (on Jesus) to see what the Holy Spirit reveals to us;

a. the Mind of Christ to understand and 

b. perceive Truth, and 

c. ears to hear the voice of God above the deafening noise surrounding us

d. Don’t disengage


a. Don’t bow to fear or to lies

b. Father, reveal the lies


a. Sex trafficking rings

b. Pedophilia and all the darkness being exposed

c. Tear down all the evil in the high places

d. Businesses involved in the evil

e. People, politicians, leaders, involved in the evil

9. Pray in the Spirit for understanding, wisdom, revelation

a. tearing down of these evil places; the new world order. 

b. Give us strategies to stand against the evil.

c. Show us how to intercede and 

d. Call us to pray during the day; we commit to spiritual warfare; 

i. Father, break down these strongholds

ii. Expose the “plan” of the enemy

iii. Awaken your bride

10. Father, BRING Revelation; show us what you need us to know. (I Peter 4:7)

a. Help us hear even the disturbing and unbelievable (in the sex industry). Lead us to trustworthy sources

b. Masks are not about protection; they are about submission and mental conditioning

c. Social distancing is not about protection; it is about control

d. Riots and protests are not about ending racism but ending free speech

e. Father, nothing that is happening is about what they make it out to be; OPEN OUR minds, ears, eyes and thinking to NOT believe their lies. They purpose is to harm us, control; you protect.

f. Teach us to HEAR; Let us not seek information apart from you.

i. When we hear news, give us understanding of their narrative – gaining facts of what I going on. We SEEK YOU for our truth.

ii. We need to understand THEIR NARRATIVE (the storyline) but

iii. We get our “FACTS” from you, Lord.

11. Pray for COURAGE to speak up:

a. Show us how to pray

b. Show us how to support proven, effective anti-trafficking organizations

c. Tell us what to do

d. Prepare us for what is coming! TRAIN US, Father! Let us be ready!

e. Wake us up to know; it’s not about the virus, it is what is coming BECAUSE of this virus.

f. Mentally make us strong. We need to be aware!

i. Give us strategies to prepare for what ONLY you know.

ii. Show us. Teach us. Guide us.

iii. Prepare us for war; civil, global, cyber, power shortages, nuclear, disease. SHOW US WHERE YOU ARE and how to find you in the NOW so we are prepared for THEN!

iv. People are going to become desperate as the times get harder. WE ARE THE LIGHTHOUSE to the world – to draw them. (Isaiah 60)

12. Pray for PROTECTION:

a. Father, protect us and those in your kingdom

i. President Trump – for his life and for him, as he is the protector of our nation

ii. Put good counsel next to him

b. Expose where this evil is lying; even in our community, our circles, our family

c. Give us WISDOM to keep our eyes on you; not on our flesh. Make yourself known to us like never before.

d. Protect our minds. Teach us to guard our mind. May we be seated in YOUR presence daily.

e. Help us set up BOUNDARIES so we will know how to operate in YOUR KINGDOM

13. We fight FROM VICTORY won by the Blood of Jesus, hidden in Christ

a. Help us show up in the battle!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Prayers for Our Nation and Our President

This prayer was shared in our group by Sally Culpepper and I copied it, slightly
revising from the original post. I put it here because I HIGHLY encourage you to reference it when you just don’t know what or how to pray. 



We come to you NOW in the POWER of the Holy Spirit, with contrite hearts, with abundant praise to you Lord Jesus! We come to you, asking for your mercy, Lord! This prayer has been made concrete in the Lord and cannot be infringed on or turned aside by any demonic influence waging war against it. Father, we ask for you to place the enemy under arrest right now, placing handcuffs on him in the name of Jesus! Listen up!

Father, the Bible says that only YOUR SPIRIT can BIND THE STRONG MAN, as you are stronger than any force that can possibly manifest or come against us! You make all things new, you cleanse all, you break the chains, you provide the clarity, Lord! We praise you!

Heavenly Father! We place our ARMOR ON and cover ourselves in the BLOOD OF JESUS. Give us your anointing and guidance so that we will pray rightly, calling forth your hands of power to protect our president and those who are working beside him to expose the darkness and corruption in our nation! We believe YOU, Lord! You are a JUST God! There’s no one like you!!!!

Heavenly Father, we fasten our armor now! We place the belt of truth on our spiritual and physical bodies! The breastplate of righteousness! Give us PEACE upon our feet! The shield of faith, we BELIEVE YOU and are desperate for your works! The helmet of salvation - that knowledge of Jesus’ victory at Calvary and everything that Jesus has done for us! And we raise up our SWORDS of the Spirit, the living Word of God, the TRUTH, the living, and flowing WATER, knowing all that you say renews us daily and strengthens us to pierce through the lies, to touch the hearts of those who need guidance, and to LEAD the way of those who are lost and are becoming more confused!

Father God, we REBUKE THE SPIRIT OF DEATH AND ASSASSINATION OFF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP AND ALL OF OUR LEADERS RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS, we break it off and we bind it away from them! This spirit topples down a hill and falls into the fiery pits in Jesus' Name! All unclean spirits associated with this spirit, the Lord God rebuke you and send you into the pits from which you came! Nothing is hidden from the Almighty God and He already knows your names and all your wickedness! The Lord God will paralyze you and confound you and disrupt all your plans!


Father God, we break and bind the LIES being SPEWED into the minds of the American public through any form of social media, news broadcasts, written material, media, movies, music, entertainment, any and all propaganda. Father, you know that there are many who are naive!

We break and bind the spirit of religion in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS’ CHRIST; the spirit that has taken away faith and blinded those who don’t know the difference! We bind the spirits of JEZEBEL AND AHAB AWAY FROM OUR NATION AND AWAY FROM DONALD TRUMP AND ALL OF OUR LEADERS IN THE FLESH AND IN THE SPIRIT AND IN THE HEAVENS RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Father, separate the president from any and all assignments set against him, even if those assignments are operating through family or close friends. EXPOSE all who are working for YOUR kingdom and those who are not that are close to the President. Give him ears to hear and eyes to see and courage to go in the direction that you desire.

We break and bind all unholy attacks against our nation and our patriots of our nation! Those that are so filled with demonic influence, Lord begin loosening the access and holds! We break off, in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS’ CHRIST all spells, hexes, HYPNOSIS, traps, curses, strongholds, generational access, demonic tasks, organized demonic gatherings, and strategies of the enemy that are coming against the church, our president, our nation, our patriots, and even the global attack against the world that you so love, in the name of Jesus! We break and CRIPPLE ALL spirits in the name of Jesus, that have been placed into action by Pagans, Wiccans, Ceremonies, rituals, sacrifices, spiritual exercises, Shamans, Witch doctors, witch camps, medicine women/men, Kalku, black magic, white witches, New Age Movement practice, curses prophesied from all tongues, Appalachian Folk Magic, Hereditary witchcraft, Green witchcraft, hex-craft, Mangkukulam, Occults and Occult chanting, incantations, curses, all live sacrifices to the enemy or to false gods, prayers to demonic false gods, fear tactics, seers, Obeah, the Saint of Death, every false saint, every fallen angel, Brujeríans, solitary or independent witches, warlocks, stones, necklaces, eclecticisms, possessions, voodoo, social gatherings without direct demonic intentions, sage burning, curses on furniture in the White House or outside of it, occultists, and practitioners, ALL OF THOSE WHO ARE CLAIMING HEALING IN INNOCENCE OF WITCHCRAFT BUT CLAIM THEY ARE NOT ALLOWING THE ENEMY TO USE IT AGAINST OUR NATION, and the armies and territory of the enemy standing throughout America- we CRIPPLE THE KINGDOM OF SATANIC WORKS AND ATTACKS IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND WE DISRUPT, CUFF, and ARREST THE COLLECTIVE DEMONIC ENERGY BEING STORED IN ANY MONUMENT THAT MAY HAVE BEEN USED AS A PAGAN/EGYPTIAN OBELISK OR OTHER PAGAN SYMBOL IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF YESHUA JESUS. WE release and ask you to Father to PLACE HEAVENLY, WARRING, PROTECTIVE, and WORSHIPPING ANGELS AROUND THE OBELISKS TO PATROL, ARREST, AND DISARM THE ENEMY SPEWING FROM THEM. WE CLOSE THE PORTALS BEING USED FOR DEMONIC TRAVELS TO GO IN AND OUT TO PERFORM THEIR TASKS- THE DOOR IS CLOSED under the authority of JEHOVAH GOD and JESHUA’s BLOOD!!! LORD PLACE A BLANKET AND COVERING OVERALL MONUMENTS AND REPLACE THE DEMONIC HOLD INSIDE THEM WITH THE GENTLENESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. BRING BLINDING LIGHT TO THE DARKNESS! WE PLACE A HOLD ON ALL OTHER MONUMENTS THAT ARE BEING USED AS WINDOWS FOR THE DEVILS WORK! ALL WARRING ANGELS ARREST THE ENEMY AND HIS ACTIVITY RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

We declare blindness on the enemy’s vision at ALL LEVELS of demonic influence upon any physical flesh by the releasing of Warring Angels. We declare blindness on the vision of all levels of accomplices of the enemy using witchcraft, sorcery, or mysticism or any unclean attempts to rob our president of his position in our nation! We blind and ask you, Lord, to fog the enemy’s access through the spirit and through the flesh of those allowing it. We declare that those using this avenue of spiritual sight and gaining answers and information using demonic spirits will lose their vision into the spirit realm and lose whatever authority they have been given in the name of Jesus! They have no legal right to use their god-given gifts to do the enemy’s work any longer! CEASE AND DESIST in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

We declare deafness and muteness on the enemy’s ability to communicate at ALL LEVELS of demonic influence upon any physical flesh by the releasing of Warring Angels. We declare deafness and muteness on the sharing of vision of all levels of accomplices of the enemy using witchcraft, sorcery, or mysticism or any unclean attempts to rob our president of his position in our nation! We command the inability to hear and speak out the plans being released and we ask you, Lord, to plug the hearing and tie the tongue of the enemy’s access through the spirit and through the flesh of those allowing it. We declare that those using this avenue of hearing, speech, communication, of gaining answers, and information using demonic spirits will lose their voice and ability to hear into the spirit realm and lose whatever authority they have been given in the name of Jesus! They have no legal right to use their god-given gifts to do the enemy’s work any longer! CEASE AND DESIST in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

We release the angels to go into the heavenly realm to usher in the pouring of the Living Water of the Holy Spirit on the enemy’s fire and quench it right now in the Name of Jesus! We proclaim that the Holy Spirit will prevent future curses from landing, taking root, having the ability to operate from all those attempting such things NOW in the name of Jesus! They will try to light their matches but their matches will not light! The only light they will see is Jesus with the Holy Spirit brightly presenting Himself to all! Their plans will not come together in the name of Jesus! We call on a crippling of ALL the demonic influence so that their bodies will not participate in the tasks the enemy pushes them to do.

We place a fog over their spiritual sight into all schemes of the devil, and we place confusion in their camp, that we have already mentioned, plus more by the power of the name and blood of Jesus Christ! Lord, we surrender to be used for you as we continue to declare your will and degree your Word as you clear your path for righteousness to rule and reign over this earth! We declare all of this, and declare the enemy goes to the PITS without manifestation to anyone else who walks this planet!

Heavenly Father! We love you, we praise you! We worship you! We are in a war WITH you that you have ALREADY WON! All curses from this point forward toward our president will not be able to come to fruition in the mighty name of Jesus! All curses or demonic actions going into place from this point forward are CRIPPLED and rendered inactive, the arrows split upon the attempt to launch, the matches are too wet from the LIVING WATER of our Lord to burn or fly! 

BRING ON YOUR ANOINTING LORD! POUR IT OUT, POUR IT OUT! We declare clarity and vision and PROVISION over Donald Trump right now in the mighty name of YESHUA JESUS! We declare the perfect guidance over our president directly from you, Lord Jesus! Provide him with more discernment, more wisdom, more revelation of the Spirit of life!

God, this battle is not a fight that we fight ourselves, but a fight that we ask you to fight for us, as we stand on the authority you have given us as believers! We declare that the specific people within our nation who have been used for misleading the masses will STEP UP WITH INTEGRITY AND EXHIBIT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT! WE PROCLAIM THAT THESE PEOPLE WILL BREAK THEIR AGREEMENTS WITH THE ENEMY, to tell the truth, and expose the enemy! To pull the curtain wide open and shine the light down the devil's throat so we can see how corrupt he is and free ALL OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SWALLOWED BY THE SNAKE!!!! Take out and remove the flesh that has provided the devil the authority he’s taken away from us! Remove those who are not of your will, your ways Lord in Jesus’ Mighty Name.

We clear a path of PROTECTION over our President Trump, his family, and our God-sent leaders of the United States to have the space to tell the truth and the platform to do it without censorship and lies! We declare those reporting the news get RESTLESSLY TIRED AND BOTHERED OF THEIR MISLEADING OF OUR NATION AND SPEAK UP TODAY IN JESUS NAME! WE DECLARE THAT MILLIONAIRES WHO HAVE BEEN PAID TO GO AGAINST WHAT IS RIGHTEOUS AND HONORABLE TO GOD WILL COME FORWARD AND DO THE RIGHT THING DESPITE THEIR FEARS! Lord, we ask that you would bring them to repentance or remove them from their places of power and influence in Jesus’ Mighty Name. WE LOOSEN AND BIND THE SATANIC HOLDS ON THESE PEOPLE THAT ARE KEEPING THEM FROM SPEAKING UP for RIGHTEOUSNESS! GOD COMFORT THEM IN KNOWING THEY HAVE and can use THEIR FREE WILL, THAT YOU WILL NOT CONDEMN THEM OR HURT THEM FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH! 


MIGHTY YESHUA! JEHOVAH JIREH, we declare a PROTECTION, A SHIELD, A BUCKLE, A THICK BOUNDARY OF COVERING HELD UP BY THE ANGELS, and an INCREDIBLY STRONG ARMOR to be placed on our President in the name of Jesus! A hedge of protection that has no leaks or cracks, no soft areas, or weak links! We ask the Holy Spirit to fill all spaces of weakness, to provide STRENGTH AND POWER where there is tiredness, and HEALTH where there is any amount or even HINT of sickness! WE DECLARE OUR NATION RID OF LIES OF THESE PLAGUES, DESTRUCTION, AND PARALIZYING FEAR. We declare the fruit of the spirit over our President in Jesus’ name! We dissolve all agreements with the enemy that have been put in place and we solidify the Holy Spirit’s position in our nation and in our lives.

We declare a great shaking of our nation, a shaking of the tree full of fruit, we declare that the bad fruit FALL OUT OF THE TREE OF OUR NATION! WE DECLARE YOUR FAVOR OVER THIS REPUBLIC FOR WHICH OUR NATION STANDS! ONE NATION UNDER GOD! INDIVISIBLE! WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!


JESUS COME! Maranatha!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Day the Police Were No Longer Needed

At the beginning of our shutdown experience (months ago), I kept hearing a cry in my spirit regarding America; that we need to ... WAKE UP! There was an urgency in my spirit to pray; and I did. That seems so long ago now, the shutdown. It was many narratives ago in the news cycle. Do you remember?
I woke up today at 4:00 am this morning. That was my normal waking time before; when I would drive my daughter across town, in the dark, for her to swim her early morning practice as I would work on my computer. I would take her so she could sleep another 35 minutes before her swim. We have done that for years, morning after morning... and now it seems so long ago. A memory. Do you remember your “old” routine from 5 months ago?

We have moved from narrative to narrative; consuming all our band wide with each new event stripping away at our lives. The media has done a great job saturating our minds with fear, doom, anger, even rage. We have bought into the narrative as most Americans listen more to the “news” than we read our bibles, or talk to the Lord. I mean, even most “Christians” used to go to church and for many, that was the only “feeding” they got every week.

My beautiful America is dying; we thought this shutdown was to prevent people from getting sick, but I am seeing that this virus was one of the least of our troubles right now... America is the one needing an ICU! She is being stripped of her glory and being brought to her knees.

Harder than watching my country being shredded is how many people I love (who have landed on the opposite side of the narrative) are endorsing it. Again, not a new historical concept to see a nation divided but certainly a new personal experience for most of us.

I am an old soul; I have always related more to the generation before me than my own; most likely because my parents, if still living on earth, would be 102 and 94 respectively; the age of many of your grandparents or great grandparents. I was raised with the previous generation. I didn’t just read about WWII in class, my parents lived it from opposite sides. It was a topic in my personal discussions with my parents growing up... and I listened.

My dad was a pilot dropping bombs on Hitler’s army after living through the depression and my mom was living under the bombs falling after her “re-education” in Hitler’s Youth program. She would tell me of her “fractured” family and how people were torn by the political divisions of her day. It was difficult for her to share with me many of the details of this divide as it would still bring visible pain to her while sharing.

My mom LOVED America as much, if not more than my dad, and she embraced her beautiful transition as an American citizen never leaving the safety of her shores. I grew up valuing what the flag meant because she would tell of the first-hand experience of its power. Seeing that flag on the arms of American shoulders or seeing American soldiers flying overhead brought signs of hope, freedom, and a future. That flag meant liberation and healing for her country.

I understood how people were willing to die for that flag, as my dad shared his experience as a pilot defending her. I am thankful neither of my parents is here to witness what America has become.
I am GRIEVED when I see how some (even those I know and love) are disrespecting the value of the flag or those who are devaluing the National Anthem or disparaging the pledge of allegiance, or who are endorsing the violence, and even embracing communistic symbols as expressions of freedom. Nothing new though as the ’60s had some of the same undertones going on in our nation.
I feel as though I have become that “old voice” now (and I am not very old) because it seems many of us have forgotten what being an American means.

I encourage each of you to personally have a deep conversation with someone who has fled an oppressive dictatorship. Many of them will not because it is too painful but I encourage you to find out why they left where they were to come here; the greatest land on earth. They get. Many of them more than most of us. They will help you gain an understanding of why most the world has wanted to “come to America”.

You can tell me all day long what you have read; but I remember my mom’s voice crackling and her eyes welling up as she said, “That’s enough,” as then she started to cry saying, “turn it off,” (the recorder). And we were done for that day.

Go ahead, tear down our history, even burn our beautiful flag but you will never take my love for this country from me. Toppling statues won’t stop the repeating of the evil history of tyranny. It is nothing new.

If you do nothing in a difficult time, your strength is limited. Proverbs 24:10 NCSB

Read on:

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(The following is shared. Credit given below.)

On August 19, 1966 - Chinese students launched a fight for social justice to fight for the rights of the oppressed in China. It was widely believed that the 'patriarchal system' in China had been created by the 1% and held down women, minorities, and the working class. The students cried out for a revolution and change, and consequentially launched the infamous Chinese Cultural Revolution.
Students put a red band around their arm to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and called for a change on old ideas that they called the FOUR OLDS. The Four Olds were: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas.

The movement was supported by the Chinese media.
Mass demonstrations and looting by the students ensued.
Statues were torn down.

Chinese architecture was destroyed.
Classical literature and Chinese paintings were torn apart and burned.
Temples were desecrated.

The Cemetery of Confucius was attacked.

The corpse of the 76th-generation Duke Yansheng was removed from its grave and hung from a tree.
Wealthy homes were attacked and destroyed.

Many families' long-kept genealogy books were burned to ashes.

All of history, in short, was to be removed and replaced. This was the central meaning of Cultural Revolution: That China was going to destroy every trace of its bourgeois (privileged) past and replace it with a new culture built on the principles of Maoism and Marxism.

Communist leaders like President Liu Shaoqi were taken out of power and replaced with men Mao believed were not critical of his reign.

Public leaders who were considered to be oppressive were tried by angry mobs and vigilantes.

Three days later, August 22, 1966, a central directive was issued to stop police intervention. The police were disbanded in the city and the students formed a community solution called the RED GUARD. The RED GUARDS policed the communities and punished anyone who did not agree with their ideas. Even people that supported the movement, but had bad thoughts ("wrong think") could be punished.

Though many Christians supported the movement in the beginning, they quickly became the number one target of the RED GUARDS and public trials were held to condemn them to death.

Many of those that were on board with the cause of the rebellion, in the beginning, saw that it was not really what they had signed up for, but by then it was too late. The power that the Red Guard wanted had already been given.

More people died during the cultural revolution in China than any war, famine, or natural disaster in the history of man. An estimated 20 to 30 million people were killed.

Are you listening America?
Original Post by Adam Malachi Sprual

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To read more on the Chinese Cultural Revolution click here.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Simple Math - a lost art

Math; simple math.

The shutdown in March was to “flatten the curve” because, we were told, “MILLIONS would die”, that there were “not enough ventilators”, and that we won’t have ICU capacity to handle all the sick. And we listened.

But then we started noticing things. Like this; if this virus WAS so deadly, why hasn’t it wiped out the homeless who don’t social distance, who don’t wash themselves regularly, and who don’t live in or have access to a sterile environment?

In 2018, 1.5 million people (worldwide) DIED of Tuberculosis (TB - an airborne respiratory disease spread through droplets; cough or sneezing). 10 MILLION were sick in 2018… why were you not wearing a mask during the “Tuberculosis” pandemic? Because there was no one pushing a narrative then “for other people’s health”.

Like TB, the Wuhan Flu has a treatment that is effective. (Look at the numbers for deaths in TX going down sharply!) Yet even the treatment plan has been fought (not so much in TX, hence the death rate is low), but there were other states sending sick people BACK to nursing homes to infect others and then basically watching them die. Criminal!

As it turned out, none of that original scenario proved true (per the narrative - remember the “models” 😉) and NOW here in TX, hospitals are laying off staff because of empty beds that were “saved”, waiting for the “sick”... that never came.

Remember, Mid-May TX opened up. Follow the numbers and see, death rates continue to drop. More testing is growing the numbers of cases; but the real number that matters is how many are dying. You see for yourself. It’s SIMPLE math! Many more possible cases (daily on the news they tell us this) BUT there are NOT more deaths; in fact, the gap between cases and deaths is getting larger and larger.

One more note; remember Fauci saying on March 7th that if we get to summer (because the modeling was painting massive deaths so we may not survive) then we would see that heat kills the virus (as it dies at 75 degrees in 2 minutes).

These past few days have been over 100 degrees in Texas! We should be good!


Again, think through the narrative and look at the numbers. I know you will figure this out. 🤔

Monday, July 6, 2020

Brace Yourself - Dream by Pastor Dana Coverstone

So I have never heard of Pastor Dana Coverstone but a friend shared this "dream" he had and I thought it would be worth sharing. We are in incredible days, and it is worth taking a minute to ask the Lord what He is saying in this hour to us, the church.

I saw this post (I will call the rebuttal) yesterday and I saw the dream post (above) a couple days before that. There has been a LOT of discussions among the Christian community about it. Interestingly, I am hearing more people resonating with the dream than with the rebuttal. Not saying either is 100% right on, just talking loosely about them. 

Here is what I hear: Dana had a dream in December and then saw his dream manifest in March through June. Then last week, he had two dreams that were very difficult to process. Being he knew his first dream manifested (the December one), he felt compelled (in love I believe) to share it with the world. That is the link above. I heard it has over 1,000,000 shares. And then the church "weighed in". Many known (Christian) names felt Dana was off and that he should have not spoken out, or that it was not truly prophetic (as many leaders say prophetic has to always be exhortative) and so-on and so-on. 

I believe we are in trouble (as a nation). I believe this nation needs to turn and change direction. I believe wickedness is crouching at the door. I believe God has given us a president to help free us... (he is not a pastor, he's a businessman - I didn't vote for a saint, I voted for someone to drain-the-swamp).

I believe, just like Jonah was sent with a HARD word for the people, God is trying to reach us. I hear MANY Christians speaking evil against this president. I hear the world doing that too. I KNOW God loves us. He wants us to turn from our wicked ways... and many are not. Many IN THE CHURCH are arrogant. WE THINK WE KNOW so much. Father, forgive us! Jonah sat on the hillside to the east under a shelter, waiting to see what would come, but the people shifted. They turned and God spared them! I believe this "dream" COULD wake some up. I believe that is why God sent it. (That would be good. Right? - so that people [the church] would wake up). I believe that is the nature of dreams - to warn! That seems very prophetic to me... but what do I know. 

Let me make this a bit more personal. I have members, in my own extended family, who say they are "Christians" (some are or were LEADERS - REALLY HIGH-UPS in the church) and they have been slanderous, devious to destroy other family members, mean-spirited, testified against family members in a court of law... yeah, a lot of broken. They are walking in un-forgiveness. They hurt with their words AND with their actions. They talk about loving the "one and leaving the 99" (in a messed-up version for supporting the riots) saying we need to "love" (a condescending position because they view all minorities as victims) and yet they are harsh with believers in their own family, members of the same household; giving no grace. No love. The talk about "loving" (strangers) but they don't love their "brother". They don't walk in love. They don't forgive. They feel justified. Why am I sharing this? Because this is MY family, we all call ourselves BELIEVERS yet MY family is broken and messed up. My CHRISTIAN FAMILY! GOD IS TRYING TO REACH US - the Christians! 

Sometimes, we think the "church" is those people OUT THERE; but God is dealing with US! WE NEED to be asking God to heal OUR land, OUR families, OUR homes, OUR children, OUR lives. I minister to a lot of people who they too, have a family like mine; Christian and BROKEN! We, the church have openly gay members in our families. We have members living together. We have members living in rebellion. I am not making a list, I am saying WE HAVE a lot of people close to us, who say they are Christians, that are lost in their justifications. WE NEED TO ENCOUNTER GOD for our families. Abraham did this for Lot and his family. WE have to be the light into those conversations with those relatives, friends, neighbors, church leaders, political leaders; asking God that He will make a road in for them to hear us. This conversation doesn't always look like "whipped cream with a cherry on top". Sometimes love talks about the hard things. WE have to be the ones calling on our elected leaders in governments; reminding them they work for us, WE THE PEOPLE. Bottom line, WE NEED to BE TALKING. That requires boldness AND love. 

So, regarding the dream - yeah, I think it could be true if we don't start owning our junk, just sayin'. God is begging us to turn. He wants us to turn. WE have to be having the HARD conversations with those closest to us - and you know what? They may reject you. They may say all manner of evil against you. They may turn other people against you. They may laugh at you. I know. I have experienced it but I keep RINGING THE BELL! John declared the Word of the Lord in the WILDERNESS!! The TRUTH was shut-up in his bones and he had to release it! Jesus come!!! Holy Spirit BURN IN US! 

My opinion, I don't LIKE the dream. Really, I don't. It sent chills through me, and I prayed. I know God is and WILL BE with us. I don't totally know Him in that place of calamity because honestly, I haven't lived in that much desperation and evil; and maybe we will. Lord help us! But just because I don't "like" it (the dream) doesn't mean it is wrong or off. 

Regarding the response; I have issues with it too. If anything, I have more issues with the response than the dreams themselves. The pastor with the dream didn't claim to be a prophet. He was humble. He seemed genuinely concerned to do his part and that was to tell others that there could be trouble up ahead. 

The response, in my opinion, was a public takedown of the pastor (kind of strong wording but why didn't they reach out to him privately [Matthew 18] and not make such a public attack to him personally?) MY OPINION. 

A person could say they don't think the word is sound without going into all the details of what they call error - AGAIN, MY OPINION. I have sat under leadership who think they are right, always right, and they think they can call people out publicly. I HAVE LIVED It. I have seen it. I have had pastors/mentors in my life who loved me and heard me and others who helped us navigate the errors in our lives; they loved, taught, and instructed. The rebuttal response felt more like a shakedown to me as they then took out many other voices (over the last several decades) and also said their "words" were wrong. Ok. SEEMS bold to me, and I am told I am bold. I will let God deal with the prophetic leaders and the voices and the rebuttals. He can handle His own; and He is. Just my two cents. I am asking the Lord about the dream as I said, I think there is truth in there. I don't have much to say to the rebuttal. 

The NEW WINE SKIN is here... and I believe that wineskin is about the "you's and me's" rising up to do the job that those assigned to do; as we haven't. God is recruiting new voices (like maybe this pastor in KY) because they are willing to say the HARD things as again, the church leadership has grown silent. Just sayin'. 

My takeaway is that God has not given us a Spirit of fear. 1 John 4:1-4 is a good place to start.  Ask the Lord, saints... HE IS SPEAKING to us, HIS CHURCH!  Jesus Come! You have never failed me yet! Maranatha!