Tuesday, November 30, 2021

National Day of Repentance!

This is going on right now!  LET US PRAY!  National Day of Repentance is a move a prayer for our nation that will last for 48 hours! Tomorrow, December 1, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States of America will hear the most monumental case in our Nation's History; the protection of LIFE! Join the LIVE STREAM here!

Jehovah Father, we pray that you will bring a heavy presence of HOLY SPIRIT into the Supreme Court tomorrow (December 1st). Release weighty Glory from Your Throne Room into their courtroom.  Combine this Glory with Your authority.  We, the Ecclesia have asked, bound, loosed, prayed, fasted and requested Your Kingdom to come, Your will to be done. (Matthew 16:18-19).  We have released Your Kingdom's authority over this case and now we ask for the fulfillment of the remainder of the passage: what we have bound on earth will be bound in heaven, and what we have loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven by You, Almighty, Omnipotent Adonai!

We ask for great wisdom and powerful words to be spoken by those fighting for life.  We ask for confusion to plague the pro-death attorneys.  We ask for Holy Spirit's strong, hovering presence to invade the thinking of all the Justices, but especially that of Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett; make Yourself KNOWN to them, that they will have a reverence and fear of you, Almighty Jah! Scream in their ears. Whisper in their hearts. Think through their minds. Speak in their dreams. Let there be no doubt in the consciences, hearts, and minds that they must vote for life.

Let us decree together:
We decree that the power of death is broken over America, and that life will once again be honored. That this nation would be a nation that again serves the Almighty, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Yahweh God!


Sunday, November 28, 2021

So Much to Be Thankful For!

This Sunday after Thanksgiving, I find myself just drinking in the Goodness of God!  Take a few minutes to reflect on how rich the Lord has been to you as you crack this up and just soak in His presence! We serve such an amazing God! He is so faithful. He is so near. He loves you dear one!  Let Him minister life to you. Only He can bring life to all the places that are broken, dry, wounded, hurt, tired, and just hard.

Then move on to this song. Take time to see how It Is Well! This life this past year has been tremendously hard for many, but know you are not alone.  FIND THE LORD! Ask Him to show you where He is. He has been faithful! Yes Lord! You are Good!

Praying for you dear one. You are NOT alone.  Reach out to the Lord and find Him, while He still can be found! So thankful for the Wonderful God we serve!  


Saturday, November 27, 2021


Coincidence? Really?  God is revealing the truth and the truth will set us free. Very troubling the thread of connections revealed here in this video. Many people don't want to see the connections. Many don't want to do their own research to prove these connections are true. Many don't want to believe what is being revealed, right before our eyes.  

This (world-wide) shut down is NOT about what we are being told it is about. Don't you see how they keep changing the narrative? They keep changing the timeline. WAKE UP, Christian! Ask the Lord to OPEN your ears to hear and your eyes to see. We need the ability for God to REVEAL to us the truth. We need revelation. Sometimes the truth is hard to believe; even when it is revealed and spelled out, right before us.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Australia is Protesting in the Streets

I just heard this good news on this wonderful Thanksgiving morning! And the house of cards is falling. (Sorry for language in this link.) Australia is shifting! I truly believe we will see a reprieve in these totalitarian mandates and the onslaught that has taken place in our world BUT the “powers that be” won’t just walk away; they will regroup, so WE need to be vigilant and regroup as well!

As Americans, it took us 18+ months to “wake up” and get involved and yet still, many are asleep. Many still have not woke up and have not figured out the level of the worldwide takeover and what is really going on. These world evil-doers now know how far they can push the people (because of our complacency) and they will set their “next” wave of evil into action based on that information. Honestly, as a nation, we have been weak and compliant. Father, forgive us!

The constricting snake (Satan likes snakes) of evil has been squeezing freedom, life, and our constitution to destruction BUT GOD! I believe we will see a shift as the other nations of the world have been much more aggressive (protests in the streets) against the evil powers than we have in America. We must not concede. We MUST war in the spirit like never before. Come Holy Spirit, we need you!

We also must VOTE OUT and possibly even REMOVE these corrupt leaders and bring them to trial for crimes against humanity. This happened in the Nuremberg trials and yet here we are again dealing with the same demons. The people who were possessed have died but the evil spirit has lived on and moved into a new host home!

There is NO statute of limitations for murder and MANY have died over these evil actions that have been unleashed on our planet! Jesus come!

Let us pray for God to tear down His enemy and destroy the plans of the kingdom of darkness! God is moving!


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Safely in His Arms

Sitting at my desk tonight, and I "happened" across this old link I had saved.  I have listened to this over, and over, and over, and then tonight, I have done that again.  Such a timely word, for such a time as this.  

Almost a year ago, I was able to see Joshua Aaron lead a worship night in a town south of me. It wasn't a concert as he truly led people into the presence of the Lord.  He is such a gem of a human and I love so much of what he is about.  Let the Lord minister to your weary places as you listen to this song.

We are roughly one week from Thanksgiving and find myself being mindful of all that I have to be thankful for. The world may be spinning out of control; mandates, protests, fake news, false flags, pirates in the White House but then I stop and say, yes, Lord.  I am thankful we serve a God that saves, Moshia or Joshua (Jehovah saves).  Let Him refresh you.  Maranatha.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Not to be a Debbie Downer but...

Not to be a Debbie Downer… but before we get TOO excited about the newly elected governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, we should investigate who he is.

Who is Glenn Youngkin? Is he a RINO? You decide.

  • He was CEO of the corrupt Carlyle Group and was with them for 25 years.
  • Carlyle spent $$$ for RINO candidates such as Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan & Chuck Schumer. 
  • Soros Capital invested in Carlyle Group.
  • Carlyle Group paid Hillary Clinton a speaking fee of $200,000.
  • Carlyle specialized in buying/selling weapons manufacturing and intelligence gathering companies with government and military contracts.
  • Invested more in China’s new economy sectors.

Friends, we need to understand that politicians cross the political aisle like we cross a street.  Adonai, help us see the truth so that the truth will set us free!  


November 17, 2021

So a friend just shared the following with me.  Many people had a lot to say regarding my above post.  They didn't like that I was speaking out against a "republican".  Some even thought that he was "better" than the democrat he replaced.  Well, you decide. This was just posted about how Youngkin will handle the vaccines for the public schools in Virginia and the mandating of the evil.

My dad used to say, "Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are."  Yep! The shoe fits.  Jesus, help us!  Father God, we need you!