Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween a Christian event?

 All Hallow's Eve or Halloween
A Christian Perspective

Druid Festival
Not trying to "rain" on your festivities but just had to share the "rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would say.  Many Christians will allow or participate in this secular holiday called Halloween and some may even entertain with witches, goblins and other such creatures.  There are even some who may even encourage their children to pay respect to the holiday as well through costumes, parties and/or trick-or-treating but they may not know that they are participating with a "celebration" that was established as a "devil's day" or October 31st.

Churches will fully sanction the event with parties that will be decorated with witches, cats, brooms, jack-o-lanterns and bobbing apples.  What is the harm?  What's the big deal?  We are just having fun - right?  But let's look at how did this feast day really originated.

The custom of Halloween is traced to the Druid festival of the dead.  Then the Roman Pantheon was built by Emperor Hadrian in 100 A.D. as a temple to the goddess Cybele and other Roman deities.  It became the principle place of worship.  Roman pagans prayed for the dead.  Rome was captured and the Pantheon fell into disrepair.  Emporer Phocas captured Rome and gave the Pantheon to Pope Boniface IV in 609.  He reconsecrated it to the Virgin Mary and resumed using the temple to pray for the dead, only now it was "Christianized", as men added the unscriptural teaching of purgatory.

In 834 A.D. Gregory IV extended the feast for all the church and it became known as All Saint's Day, still remembering the dead.

Samhain, a Druid god of the dead was honored at Halloween in Britain, France, Germany and the Celtic countries.  Samhain called together all wicked souls who died within the past year and that were destined to inhabit animals.

This celebration of the dead honored the god of the dead on this particular night.  Druids believed that souls of the dead returned to their former homes to be entertained by the living.  Bonfires (the name is derived from the Celtic custom of burning the bones of the cattle which were slaughtered at this time of year - a BONE fire) were built atop hills so they might find their way.  Suitable food and shelter was provided for these spirits or else they would cast spells, cause havoc, steal infants, destroy crops, kill farm animals and create terror as they haunted the living.  The spirits demanded placating by giving them a type of worship and offering.  This is the action that "Trick-or-Treat" emulates today.

The Samhain celebration used nuts, apples, skeletons, witches and black cats.  Divination and auguries were practiced as well as magic to seek answers for the future.  Black cats were considered to be reincarnated beings with the ability to divine the future.  During this festival supernatural beings terrified the populace.  Even today witchcraft practitioners declare October 31st as the most conducive time to practice their arts.

The Christian church tried to eliminate the Druid celebration by offering All Saint's Day as a substitute.  As Christianity spread over Europe and the British Isles, it attempted to replace the pre-existing pagan cult worship of Apollo, Diana or Ymir, but to no avail.

Although the outward forms of such worship disappeared, the belief in these deities did not.  They found an outlet during the Middle Ages in the open practice of witchcraft which is presently enjoying a revival in many countries, including the U.S.  In Germany the occult is considered more prevalent than in the Middle Ages.  The deistic cults held periodic meetings known as witches sabbaths, and it is the same today with October 31st being of more importance.

Pranks and mischief began to by played out to represent the mischievious behavior attributed to witches and the fairies. Trick-or-Treat came from and ancient Druid practice.  One of the basic tenets in witchcraft is to control the will of another by use of fear. Even in jest, when one threatens to punish if a treat or offering is not given, they are imitating an occult practice of controlling the will of another by use of fear.

Prosperity was promised to all who were generous donors, and tricks to all who refused during the Irish Druid event of trick-or-treat.  The contributions demanded were in the name of Muck Olla, and early Druid deity.

Traditional Halloween symbols appeared in the U.S. during the late 1800's. Witches, black cats, death's head cut from a pumpkin, candles, masks, parties and pranks were used.

In rural areas, aggravating and destructive acts were done, such as removing gates and placing them atop barns.  The same was done with outhouses and wagons.

The uninformed Christian has no idea that there truly are demonic spirits which are contacted and activated as people call out to them in jest or in seriousness.  Every act around Halloween is in honor of false gods, which are spirits in the realm of the Satanic.  Those who have been deeply involved in witchcraft and who are now free, declare that even those who say they worship spirits of nature are in actuality contacting the Satanic realm without knowing it.  (I even knew of a former satanic priest who shared how witches in his "group" were "raped" (sometimes consensually) to conceive by the "priests" and then those babies, grown and born in secret, were slaughtered on the alter as sacrifices to the devil on the 31st of October.)

To pray for the dead is against scripture.  If one knows Jesus before death, their spirit is already with the Lord.  Paul says to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord,  II Corinthians 5:6.  If one is an unbeliever at death, the scripture says there is no second chance as it is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment.  Therefore, prayer for the dead is in opposition to God's Word and a pagan practice that became "Christianized".  While living, one must make a choice "for" or "against" Jesus and that determines the destination at death of the spirit.  No amount of prayer can reverse the decision made on earth by the person concerned while they were alive.

The Bible instructs us to have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness.  Both Christian and Jew are forbidden to participate in the occult practices listed in Deuteronomy 18:10.  Necromancing is the delving into contacting the dead.  God said all such practice was an abomination to Him.

Some may reply, "But we only do this in fun...we don't practice witchcraft."  That which represents Satan and his domain cannot be handled or emulated "for fun".  Such participation places you in enemy and forbidden territory and that is dangerous ground.

Through the ages, Halloween has gone by various names but all have been tributes to the same dark force, Satan.  There is no place in the life of the Church or the Christian for such participation.

Information used here was taken from an article by Mrs. Gloria Phillips and published at Bay View Church, PO Box 9277, Mobile, AL 36691.

Bibliography: Encyclopedia Americana Encyclopedia Brittanica Christian Life, October 1980 World Book Encyclopedia The Standard Dictionary of Folklore Babylon Mystery Religion The Satan Seller, Mike Warnke Freed From Witchcraft, Dareen Irvine Time Magazine, June 19, 1972 The Supernatural, Grolier Enter., Inc. Christianity Today, Oct. 21, 1977

Saturday, October 29, 2011

You're Worthy of My Praise

This is an old song (back from 1980's but uploaded here in 2008) but I love the lyrics.  Not really crazy about this arrangement but it is the way we used to sing it back in the day.  I Will Worship from the late '80s, early '90s was a classic in the worship found in churches back then and was continually played on the radio.

Enjoy this flashback in time as you enter into a private moment of worship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

You're Worthy of My Praise by Linda Evans

I will give, you all my worship
I will give, you all my praise
You alone, I long to worship
You alone, are worthy of my praise

I will worship, with all of my heart
I will praise you, with all of my strength
I will seek you, all of my days
I will follow, all of your ways

I will give you, all my worship
I will give you, all my praise
You alone, I long to worship
You alone, are worthy of my praise

You are worthy of my praise

I will bow down, and I'll hail you as king
I will serve you, I will give you everything
I will lift up my eyes to your throne
I will trust you, I will trust you alone

I will give you all my worship
I will give you all my praise
You alone I long to worship
You alone are worthy of my praise

I will give you all my worship
I will give you all my praise
You alone I long to worship
You alone are worthy of my praise

You are worthy, You are worthy
You are worthy of my praise

Oh, I will give you all my worship
I will give you all my praise
You alone I long, I long to worship
Well, you alone are worthy of my praise

You are worthy of my praise

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Endless Hallelujah - Matt Redman

I needed to take a break from my computer work today and have a moment to just sit with my King.  I have spent the morning writing and organizing and doing stuff but needed a minute to dance with my Lord!  Yes dance!  I had the song cued up by Matt Redman - Endless Hallelujah, perfect!

Have you seen Courageous (the movie)?  In the movie there is a scene where the dad doesn't want to take a minute to dance with his little girl as they are in a public place.  Later that comes back to him and makes a POWERFUL impact on him.  That concept has sat deep in my spirit.  Do we take the time for the small, simple, special things?

Well, I am taking the time to worship.  Yep, just a few minutes to find that quite place in the Lord and just WORSHIP!  See, there is a day coming when we all will see Him face-to-face and all we will do is WORSHIP!  WOW!  What a glorious day that will be!  I am preparing in the midst of my "things to do" and taking a break from it all to run into the arms of my daddy to dance.

Can I encourage you to do the same thing?  If you are at work, put in some headphones and walk to the bathroom, the conference room, the "smokers" spot outside or wherever you can "get away" and take a minute to just worship Him.  It is SO worth the minutes you give Him!  Blessings!

Here are they lyrics to Endless Hallelujah by Matt Redman:

"Endless Hallelujah"

When I stand before Your throne
Dressed in glory not my own
What a joy I'll sing of on that day
No more tears or broken dreams
Forgotten is the minor key
Everything as it was meant to be

And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence we will sing
We will worship, worship You
And endless hallelujah to the King

I will see You as You are
Love You with unsinning heart
And see how much You paid to bring me home
Not till then, Lord, shall I know
Not till then, how much I owe
Everything I am before Your throne

And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence we will sing
We will worship, worship You
And endless hallelujah to the King

No more tears, no more shame
No more sin and sorrow ever known again
No more fears, no more pain
We will see You face to face
See You face to face

[Chorus x2]
And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence we will sing
We will worship, worship You
And endless hallelujah to the King

And endless hallelujah to the King
We'll sing
And endless hallelujah to the King  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Everyone Needs A Little - Kari Jobe

The greatest of these is LOVE!  Everyone Needs A Little by Kari Jobe is such an upbeat song that will lift you up!  Love this song and I hope you get encouraged as you listen.  If you have never heard Kari Jobe then you have been missing a great minister of hope, joy and love.

Kick back and have a listen.  Sing along all ye saints and ye sinners!  Call upon the mercy of the Lord!  I pray you find peace, rest, joy and a song to sing in the darkest night!  ENJOY!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Light Up The Sky - The Afters

A friend shared this song the other day with me and I just was ministered by it, again.

It's been awhile since I have heard it but thought it would be a great song to share.

With all that is going on in our world, we are not alone but sometimes we forget that.  Open up your eyes and see that the Lord is with you as you enjoy, Light Up the Sky!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gordan and Norma Yeager

You may want to take a minute here, before you start reading this story to get a Kleenex.  With that, let us begin.

So seldom today we really see people honoring the vows most married people have taken, "until death do we part" but here is a story that will wet your face and tap into your heart.

Gordon (94) and Norma (90) Yeager were married on May 26, 1930, in State Center, Iowa.  They had a beautiful life together until they died together on October 12, 2011.

What a beautiful story of love and commitment but what makes this story all the more sweet is that they were holding hands when they died.  Listen to the link above to get the whole story.  It was just too beautiful for me to re-write it.

Another interesting fact that was not brought out in the story was the lapel pin I noticed Norman wearing; it is of the three crosses at Calvary.  How exciting to know that they will be spending eternity together as they professed their commitment to the cross and the saving work that was complete there by Jesus Christ.  Sure could use a few more people in this world who value marriage and their vows like Gordon and Norma did for 72 years!  Inspirational!

Click here to view more photos from their family library.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Take What You Need

We have all seen these tear offs at public bulletin boards where you tear off a number to call someone regarding their car they have for sale, or the puppies they are trying to place in a home but have you ever seen it where they are just GIVING encouragement and hope?  WOW - INCREDIBLE idea!

This began on a college campus up north (not telling which one as that is part of the greatness of this whole thing - it is done anonymously.)  These college kids took a bible verse and found the theme of the verse of they took the adjectives from the verse and make these tear-aways.  If you notice, some have more than one tab!  Then they put them up all around the campus and even around the city.  You know, like places they shopped, where they got coffee, in restrooms and so on and they are taking off!  I mean literally, people are tearing off the flags!  What a blessing to minister to strangers who are in need of a "word" of encouragement!  Like, how many people today NEED a word of encouragement!

What a great idea!  You can create one too and post it at your work, in the gas station, where you do your laundry, wherever you can find a bulletin board and people!

One of the guys who posted it came back to find his "tags" were all torn away!  AWESOME!

LOVE this inspiring, practical idea to minister HOPE to a lost and dying world.  I encourage you to take a minute with a blank sheet of paper and make your own.  Then trot on down to your nearest watering hole and pin it up.  Only God knows the lives you will touch but what an easy way to be "light" in the dark world!  AMEN!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Intercession - Eric Ludy

There really is no intro to give this short film, Intercession, except to say, WATCH IT!

Did you know that it is estimated that 150,000 people died and went to hell today? "What are you doing about it?" asks Eric Ludy. We have been placed on this planet to bring God Glory, it's about HIS glory and we are called to stand in the gap as He stood in the gap for us.  This is what an intercessor does - they stand in the gap.

Enjoy this great short movie that will inspire you to look up and out and stop looking in!  It is TIME for the  church to ARISE and WAKE UP!  We have to stop looking at, "What's in it for me?" and start looking out for our fellow man.  There is a LOST and dying world out there!  BE the solution and stand in the gap!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Christopher Coleman

This is an incredibly inspirational story of the life of Christopher Coleman.  Sometimes we think we just don't matter or that we have no purpose and then you hear a guy like Christopher share his testimony and you have to say, "Forgive me, Lord."

EVERYONE has value and EVERYONE has a purpose.  It is SO easy in this society where we "judge" the value of someones life but what WE think is important to take a minute and back up to see that God feels ALL life is of value and important...even the things we don't understand.  See God can use any situation and any circumstance to bring Himself Honor and Glory because He is God and we are not!  We should never decide whose life has meaning or matters - ALL life matters and has worth.  Thank you Lord for the courage that you have given to Christopher to live and to live the overcoming life.

Prepare to be inspired!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

As many of you may have heard, there is an URGENT request for people to speak up against the recent sentence for death of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani in the Iran judicial system.  What is his crime you may ask and why should you get involved?  Well, his crime is that he will not recant his Christian faith and belief in Jesus Christ.  Yes, he is slated for death because he is a Christian!

Pressure must be placed on the powers that be to STOP this injustice!  Jay Sekulow of the ACLJ has set up a free web-site where you can sign the petition to be sent to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.   His execution could happen at any time and diplomatic involvement could stop this atrocity!  I am saddened that our government is not doing more to help but this is at least a place to begin the pressure on this current administration to do something!

PLEASE, take a minute, it is really quick and easy, to fill out the on the link above to let your voice be heard to help this brother in need.  He has a wife and children and he won't recant his beliefs.  Lord Jesus be with this  man, his family and all those who could stop this.  We need a miracle in Jesus' Mighty Name!  AMEN!

According to the International Business Times (IBT) as reported on October 5, 2011 it appears that Pastor Youcef is safe for now and will avoid the "hangman in Iran for the time being."

They reported, "Nadarkhani, once the leader of a 400-person congregation in Rasht, was previously convicted of apostasy -- the crime of abandoning Islam and converting to Christianity -- but Iran now claims that the death penalty reports that circulated around the world last week were unsubstantiated."

“Youssef Nadar-Khani [sic] has been charged with a crime and is in a prison based on an arrest warrant issued against him,” Gilan Province Judiciary Chief Mohammad-Javad Heshmati said on Wednesday, "according to Iran state news agency Press TV.

“There has been no execution order. No conviction at all has been issued yet and it is up to the court to finally decide the verdict after studying his case,” he added.

IBT went on to report, "Since news of Nadarkhani's looming execution spread, Iran has been loudly decrying the pastor as 'a convicted rapist and extortionist,' and the Fars News Agency said over the weekend that Nadarkhani was to be executed for Zionism and threats to national security."

“This individual is guilty and his crime is not attempting to convert others to Christianity, rather his crimes are of a security nature,” Ali Rezvani, Deputy Governor of Gilan Province, stated.

"Nadarkhani was first arrested in 2009 and until Monday, the government had only mentioned the apostasy charge for years, at least according to the court documents that have been released" said the IBT.

They went on to report, "It is believed that in 2010, Iran's Supreme Court upheld the death by hanging sentence, and the filing signed by judges Morteza Fazel and Azizoallah Razaghi mentions the religious charges against Nadarkhani and nothing more."

"Mr. Youcef Nadarkhani, son of Byrom, 32 years old, married, born in Rasht in the state of Gilan, is convicted of turning his back on Islam, the greatest religion the prophesy of Mohammad at the age of 19," the document states.

"He has often participated in Christian worship and organized home church services, evangelizing and has been baptized and baptized others, converting Muslims to Christianity. He has been accused of breaking Islamic Law that from puberty (15 years according to Islamic law) until the age of 19 the year 1996, he was raised a Muslim in a Muslim home."

"During court trials, he denied the prophecy of Mohammad and the authority of Islam. He has stated that he is a Christian and no longer Muslim. During many sessions in court with the presence of his attorney and a judge, he has been sentenced to execution by hanging according to article 8 of Tahrir–olvasileh."

Are you kidding me, his crimes according to the state's documents (did you catch that above) are: "He has often participated in Christian worship and organized home church services, evangelizing and has been baptized and baptized others, converting Muslims to Christianity. He has been accused of breaking Islamic Law that from puberty (15 years according to Islamic law) until the age of 19 the year 1996, he was raised a Muslim in a Muslim home."

Come Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the Stand - Hillsong

The Stand by Hillsong is another great song that moves me inside.  We need to STAND for the Lord!

Seems weird that WE need to do anything at all but see, He is waiting on us to stand FOR Him, stand WITH Him, stand IN surrender TO Him.  All we are is because of who He is.  Take a minute to STAND for the's SO worth it to STAND up in total submission to the one who gave it all.

Please STAND.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Jesus I Love Thee

I was just so blessed by the Lord when He reminded me of these words from a timeless old hymn, My Jesus I Love Thee I Know Thou Art Mine.

I found a few versions of it and each blessed me.  This one has a great video with it, My Jesus, I Love Thee. 

Here are the words to this classic hymn that ministers still today:

My Jesus I Love Thee I Know Thou Art Mine Hymn

My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign.
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

I love Thee because Thou has first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree.
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

In mansions of glory and endless delight,
I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright;
I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

"The Great Tsunami" - Rick Joyner

I came across this word from Rick Joyner and had to share the whole word, in it's entirety because there was simply too much to say to try and re-create the document.

This is SO what the Lord has been sharing with me.  There were SEVERAL things stated here that God has shared with me too.   I can agree that I have seen these revivals that he speaks us first hand as my husband and I traveled to Nigeria, Africa in 2001.  There was a TREMENDOUS outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord there and it was happening around the world, as Rick states.

I too have felt a "pressing" to "prepare" but not in storing up stuff, as so many people are doing but to "prepare" for the things to come, we have to know the Voice of Jesus.  Over and over again in Revelation it says, "To him who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."  We have to HEAR God in these days to come.  We have to KNOW His voice and DO as He is leading. We "prepare" by DOING these things where the Lord is speaking now to us.  And YES, He is speaking NOW to you, question is are you doing what He is saying!!

I speak to MANY people who just don't want to "do" what He is saying.  They hear but won't change.  They want to hang on to their "sin" but they call it "choices".  They say, "Don't judge me."  They say, "But you don't know what I am going through."  It's true, I don't but truth is truth and truth is a person.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the TRUTH and the life."  I saw this quote by Perry Noble, " People that love Jesus do not try to find loop holes around the word of God".  This is it!  This is truth!  If you believe, you will do.  That's it.  That's all.  If you don't, you won't.  See a WAVE is coming (like Rick talks about below) and it is coming and whether you ride the wave or are crushed by it, has to do with YOU!

I know this is true as the Lord has been saying the same things to me (just not at concisely as Rick has captured it.)  Miracles will be necessary to show how BIG our God is and times will be difficult as then people are open to miracles! Again, we need to position ourselves to be prepared to do what God is calling us to do.  WE have to be ABLE to carry the anointing to DO these miracles.  WE have to be pure vessels.  WE have to be ready!  Great word and SO what the Lord keeps pressing into me!

I love how Rick says that the MANDATE of the "church" is Ephesians 4 - equipping the Saints!  THIS is SO what God has been speaking to me.  So many churches in America have become "frat parties" where only the "cool" get to "perform".  They have become businesses where money is to be made and leaders get rich.  They have become SO far from what Ephesians 4 use the people who come and prepare them for ministry.  I have been in many churches where the "hire" people from other "ministries" or schools to do the "church".  Really?  This is what the New Testament is suppose to look like?  NO!

Rick says, "Those who do not obey this mandate will soon disappear from leadership in the church, and those who train and equip their people will be the future leaders of the Body of Christ. These are the ones who are not burying the talents they've been entrusted with but are investing and multiplying them. We cannot accomplish what we must in these times without every part of the Body doing its part."

This is SO what has been burning in my soul - discipleship!  We need to TRAIN people, not just "promote" people to fill a "position".  Oh my - this was SO refreshing to me.  I pray you too are refreshed and more importantly that you are READY for what is coming!  Come Lord Jesus!

In 1987 I had a two-and-a-half-day prophetic experience in which I was shown a panorama of coming events that I wrote about in my book titled, The Harvest. Most of what I saw coming has now taken place, but the biggest event of all, the harvest that was at the end of the age, has not. It is now approaching.

Jesus said, "The harvest is the end of the age" (see Matthew 13:39). This will be the greatest ingathering of new Believers in history, greater than all the previous ones combined. In my vision, this came in two great waves. The first wave was the largest up until this time, but it was only the ingathering of those who were called to be the laborers in the coming even much greater one.

This first wave began shortly after I was given this vision and lasted for almost twenty years. During that time more people came to Christ around the world than had come to Him in all of history up until that time. Some estimates were that an average of almost four hundred thousand people a day were coming to Christ during its peak. There were countries where people were being born again faster than they were being born. Hundreds of millions came to Christ in Africa, South and Central America, and Asia.

Though this wave hardly seemed to touch North America and Europe, they provided many of the evangelists and workers for the other great revivals around the world, and their time is coming. I then saw a period of relative calm before the greatest of all moves of God began. We are near the end of that time and are about to be hit by a wave of revival like the earth has never seen before.

The Magnitude of the Harvest
When a tsunami is traveling across the oceans, it is barely a discernable ripple in the water, but when it approaches land, it begins to rise fast, sometimes to a height of several hundred feet. In minutes, a calm sea can rise up and sweep away everything in its path. Even though it may seem that we are in a spiritual calm now, a spiritual tsunami is coming, and we must prepare for it.

The biggest problem virtually every church will be facing is how to handle explosive growth. In the vision, I saw small churches of less than a hundred people adding a thousand new members a week at times. Of course, this happened on the Day of Pentecost, and then there were other days in which thousands came to Christ in a day. Even with a dozen apostles personally trained by the Lord, there was stress caused by this. Pressure points gave birth to new ministries such as the deacon. The infrastructure of church life that this produced is still the model that works, and we need to return to its effective simplicity to handle what is coming.

I saw churches that grew so large that they started renting football and soccer stadiums in which to hold their services. At times, hundreds of thousands would gather in parks and huge outdoor meetings just to hear Bible teachers to pray and to worship. Not only were whole cities coming to Christ, but also entire nations were coming so that the state itself became like a large church.

A few years ago I decided to watch the news for several hours a day for a week to determine what percentage of stories could be considered good news. During that time I did not see one good news story. They were all about problems, crises, disasters, and suffering. This was during the time of some of our greatest economic prosperity. Now it's worse. However, change is coming. When this next wave hits, the news around the world is going to be dominated by good news.

We will see events like hundreds of thousands of people gathering spontaneously for prayer and worship, becoming the biggest news stories of the day. News teams will be following apostolic teams and evangelists like they do politicians and business leaders now. Much more is happening now than most are aware of, or that is making the news, but when the Lord "suddenly comes into His temple," it will be the news, and the whole world will be aware of it.

There will be individual newscasts from secular networks that will cause more to come to Christ than Christian networks have in their entire existence. This is not to negate what has been accomplished by Christian networks but rather to stress the impact that this revival will have. We will go through a period when the news of the great things God is doing will crowd out just about all other news around the world.

Both the Welsh and the Azusa Street Revivals made front-page news around the world repeatedly for nearly two years. That was just a foretaste, a seed being planted for what is to come. The coming move of God will in some ways be a composite of many of the great moves of the past, but in one basic way it will be different—this will not just be a move of God, but it will be God moving. This is not just semantics, because every true move of God is at least initiated by God, but He will bless many things He will not inhabit. His manifest presence will be so great in what is coming that people will not chase after individual truths, or acts of God, but they will be after the Lord Himself. He will be the conversation, not just what He does. This is a move that will lift up Jesus. When He is lifted up, all will be drawn to Him, not just to doctrines, projects, or missions, but to Him.

Doctrine certainly has its place, and there is a great need for sound Biblical doctrine to be imparted to all new Believers, and for all other Believers to build stronger foundations on His truth. There is a need for projects and missions that are His will, but "the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing," and the Main Thing is Jesus. The true apostolic Gospel was Jesus: "They preached Jesus and the resurrection from the dead." Jesus will again be the Message, and it will be what He is doing that gets the attention.

What is coming is the return to the apostolic Gospel. The Way is a Person. Truth is a Person, and if we don't know that Person as our Life, then we don't really know the Way or the Truth either. He is coming to take His rightful place in His Church. When He does, the Church will be profoundly changed. When Jesus becomes our desire as He should be, the Church will become the ultimate society on the earth that multitudes will be streaming to. There is no greater adventure than the true Christian life, and there is nothing more boring than religion. Religion is about to be displaced by the true Christian life, and the great adventure will supplant institutional religion.

Catch the Wave
We are coming to the most exciting times in history, but this is also a warning. If we are not prepared for what is coming, we will be victims of it. This coming worldwide revival will also be one of the biggest challenges ever. Moves of God are often referred to as waves in history because a wave is an accurate metaphor. For a surfer, there are few things as thrilling as catching "the big one." However, if you're casually strolling in the surf and the big one catches you by surprise, you will likely eat a lot of sand and drink a lot of salt water. Revivals can do the same thing to churches and ministries that are not prepared for them.

Riding a wave is not possible unless you are positioned right to catch it. To catch a wave, you must discern where it is going to break. Then you must position yourself in the right place. Then you have to begin moving in the right direction when it comes. Though it may seem that everything is quiet right now, we need to be getting prepared for what is coming by getting into position and be ready to move in the right direction as it comes.

The most important thing that we can do to get into the right position is to recover and strengthen our first love—Jesus. We all signed up for Him, not just good teachings, or a better way to live, though we do get those too. There is nothing on earth more contagious than a person who is getting closer to the Lord. Those "who have been with Jesus" are going to start standing out as never before. We only have true spiritual authority to the degree that we are abiding in the King, and the leaders of what is coming will be those who are the closest to the Lord.

What is coming will be far too big for any human leadership or strategy to control. Only the Captain of the hosts can lead this one, and He will. It is not just hearing the words of the Lord as much as it is hearing the Word Himself. The main strategy for what is to come will be to know His voice and to obey Him. He will be giving personal direction to His people. This is why we are told in Acts 2:17-18 that "in the last days" when He pours out His Spirit, the result is dreams, visions, and prophecy upon the old and young, male and female, which obviously includes everyone. This is because we are going to need this kind of guidance for what is to come, and He is going to give it to us as He always has for those who would seek Him.

The coming move of God will be the greatest challenge we've ever faced but also will be the greatest time of our lives. These are the times that even the prophets of old desired to see. The Lord has saved His best wine for last, and many who are reading this will witness the greatest move of God of all time.

It is right to appreciate the honor of living in these times, but it is also right to treat it as the great responsibility that it is. To whom much is given much will be required, and this will be a time when much work must be done. Even so, when we are yoked with the Lord, we will find rest and refreshment in our labors as we are told in Matthew 11:28-30:

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."

You do not put on a yoke to go to bed but rather to do work. However, there is no greater rest and refreshment for our souls that we could ever find than being yoked with the Lord in His work. There is no job or profession we could ever have in this life more fulfilling than doing what He created us to do before the foundation of the world. This will be life on a level more exciting and fulfilling than most have ever known. Even so, knowing and abiding in the rest of the Lord will be crucial for all during this time. As much work as there will be to do with so many coming to the faith, we must not fall to human striving. Striving is counterproductive in the work in the true work of the Kingdom.

He Is Supernatural
We were created to have fellowship with God Who is Spirit. Because of this, there is a deep yearning for the spiritual, the supernatural, in every human being. Many cover it up, but we can never be truly fulfilled or at peace without this spiritual fellowship with God. As Jesus stated in John 4:23-24:
"But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

The Apostle Paul said that if we are at home in the body, or in the natural, we are absent from the Lord (see II Corinthians 5:6-9). We should be more at home in the spiritual realm than we are the natural because the "new creation" is born of the Spirit. This too is going to become a reality in what is coming. Then extraordinary miracles become common, and even the "greater works," such as speaking to mountains and having them plucked up and moved, will be done to prove that the Word of God is true.

The true Christian life is a supernatural life, and this will be a reality in what is coming. However, that we will be seeing such miracles also means that we will be living in times when we will need those miracles. Everyone will be in either continuous awe and wonder at the great things the Lord is doing, or in continuous terror at what is happening in the world. The Apostle Paul said in Acts 14:22, "Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God." This is true personally and for the whole world. In every trial there is a door to the Kingdom, and in the ultimate trial of the whole earth, the whole earth will enter the Kingdom.

The good thing is that the tribulation will not last, but the Kingdom will. For those who are staying close to the Lord, they will hardly know that they are passing through tribulations. In a prophetic experience, I was once caught up and found myself standing in front of a radar screen on a warship, with the Lord Himself standing next to me. There was a blip on the screen coming straight at us, so I called for the ship to turn 90 degrees. The ship turned, but the blip on the screen remained right in front and coming closer. I called for the ship to turn again, with the same results. I then braced for the impact, but the blip went away and nothing happened. I then asked the Lord what had happened. He said the blip on the radar screen was the great time of trouble. He said that it was coming and there was no way to avoid it, but if we stayed close to Him, we wouldn't even feel it.

For those who are walking in their purpose, even the great tribulation will be a minor event. There will be far more attention on what Christ is doing than on what the antichrist is doing. As we read in Isaiah 60, at the very time when darkness is covering the earth, and deep darkness the people, the Lord's glory will be rising on His people. Then, as we see in verse three, the nations will come to the glory. The light wins! We do need to know the devil's schemes, but true security comes from knowing what Christ is doing, and uniting with Him in His purposes.

As we read in Daniel 2, at the same time all of the kingdoms of men are collapsing and becoming like dust, the Kingdom of God is growing, and it will keep growing until it fills the earth. Those who are obeying His command to seek first His Kingdom (see Matthew 6:33) will experience never-ending increase. Those who are seeking first the things of this world will experience increasing troubles. Every coming year this distinction will become more pronounced. It is time to put the Kingdom first, above anything else that we are pursuing.

One of the most important things that we can do to be positioned to catch the wave that is coming is to come to know the gifts and ministries of the Spirit that we are called to walk in, and begin to walk in them. The Ephesians 4 mandate of all true New Testament ministry is to equip others to do the work of the ministry, not just do it ourselves. Those who do not obey this mandate will soon disappear from leadership in the church, and those who train and equip their people will be the future leaders of the Body of Christ. These are the ones who are not burying the talents they've been entrusted with but are investing and multiplying them. We cannot accomplish what we must in these times without every part of the Body doing its part.

For the last five years I have been shown many difficulties and hardships that will be coming, and to date, they have proven to be accurate. Not many wanted to hear or believe what we had to say, and I have to admit that it has not been much fun having so many hard words. Even so, all of these trials have doors to the Kingdom that we must now walk through. Those who did hear the warning and prepared accordingly have done very well. The prepared will prosper in any situation. One of the most important preparations we can make for these times is simplicity of life.

Gaining or losing natural resources is not nearly as important in these times as being in the right place, equipped for our purpose. To lose everything we own is not nearly as important compared to missing the greatest of all spiritual opportunities that is coming. The most valuable thing we can accomplish in this life is to hear those greatest of words on the Judgment Day: "Well done good and faithful servant" (see Matthew 25:23). There is not a human being who would not gladly trade all that they accomplished to hear those words on that day. This is also what we must live for now. Those who do will be the happiest of all people, and that joy will not go away forever.

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Holy One - Mark Schultz

Here is a song from way back in the day set to a wonderful video from the Jesus Movie.  This is one of those songs that tell the story of Jesus and His life and how He is the Holy One!  I just needed to stop and listen to it, well, really twice!  Great music, great lyrics, great song.  He is the Holy One and He is COMING BACK!  Come Lord Jesus...quickly!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Desert Song

Desert Song is a song of victory celebrating getting through the battle and through the flames.  Sometimes life can be really hard and we have to maintain our perspective and hold on to the truth.

All of life has been ordered of the Lord, He has a plan and our job is to get into agreement with that wonderful plan.  May you hang on as you go through your battle, whatever it is, and may you have PRAISE in your mouth through your storm!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blessed Assurance - Third Day

So yesterday morning I woke up to the song Blessed Assurance.  You know, the old hymn.  I was so blessed as the Lord was "singing" over me so I had to look up the song again.  Here are the words as sung by Third Day:

  1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
    Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
    Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
    Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
    • Refrain:
      This is my story, this is my song,
      Praising my Savior all the day long;
      This is my story, this is my song,
      Praising my Savior all the day long.
  2. Perfect submission, perfect delight,
    Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
    Angels, descending, bring from above
    Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
  3. Perfect submission, all is at rest,
    I in my Savior am happy and blest,
    Watching and waiting, looking above,
    Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
Then as I was driving into town, a BEAUTIFUL sunrise that lasted 20 minutes from beginning to end.  I pray that you allow the Lord to minister to you as he did to me.  Wonderful words.  Wonderful 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nick Vujicic Music Video

I have blogged about Nick Vujicic before (look at past posts) but this is the first music video that I know of by him.  He actually has a nice voice but more important to me is the message of hope.

Sometimes life can be hard but to hear this guy sing of hope really has a way of putting things into perspective.  Really good.  Share it with someone you know who may be struggling!

We all need to be reminded that life is so much more than what we know or experience.  Continue to press into the Lord - He is our Hope!  He is our way of escape!

If you don't get a miracle...become one!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I know some people have been offended by this video called Parody of our Modern Church Service, but I am really not sure why.  There is a LOT of truth in this video in that we are turning the Sunday Morning gathering into more of a concert event than a holy time with the Lord.

Don't get me wrong, I think you can have some of these elements in your church service without it becoming a "production" but there is a fine line.  Some churches are crossing the line into secularism, in my opinion, and they would say that because I hold this opinion, I must be "religious".  But here is my issue, when we have worked the Holy Spirit out of our services than we are in trouble as a people.  When the "script" is so tight that even the Holy Spirit has to "ask for permission" we are in danger.  I don't care what your service looks like, traditional, contemporary, relevant; if the Holy Spirit is not the center of the agenda, you will be out of step with the Lord.

Take a minute and try to be open when you watch this.  There is some truth in here, it just may be painful for those that it confronts.