Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Scott Hamilton - Hall of Fame Ice Champion

The following is an incredible testimony of Scott Hamilton, US Olympic Ice Skater and Gold Medal winner during a I Am Second clip.  You say you haven't heard of him?  Well, let me give you some background.  Starting in 1981, Hamilton won 16 consecutive national and world championships.  He was inducted in both the US Olympics and the World Figure Skating Hall of Fames and he created the incredible touring show called Stars On Ice which cemented his superstar status.

As a child he had a disease that stunted his growth...he is only 5'4" tall.  He will go into greater detail on what he thinks about that in the video.

In 1997, at a career high, Hamilton was forced to leave the ice to undergo chemotherapy for testicular cancer.  This is where his faith really began to grow.  During the course of his life he has battle cancer three times!

It is interesting to me how many people think this "Christian" life thing is something to try or not to try and they just don't get it.  It is a RELATIONSHIP with a LIVING GOD who cares, understands, hears, desires fellowship and answers.

Grab a kleenex as you hear his AWESOME experience and be prepared to be radically changed as he shares how his faith grew and his prayer life changed because of a simple conversation.

"When I look back, and I see all those moments in my life when I needed a great deal of strength, I understand that through a strong relationship with Jesus, you can endure anything." -Scott Hamilton

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fearless @ Passion 2012 - Louie Giglio

My son and many people I know were at this event, live to hear Louie Giglio teach this.

Every time I hear him, I am amazed by his teaching and inspired by his message.  I am amazed that upon the time I listened to this only 12 people had clicked on this link; just 12.  REALLY?  I pray you take the time to listen to this message, it will inspire you and bless you.

You will never be disappointed in a message by Giglio.  He will change your life.  If you have teens or twenty-somethings that need a NOW word, this is a good one.  Blessings!

"Brokenness is the bow from which God launches the arrows of healing. From the bow of brokenness God launches the arrows of healing!" - Louis Giglio

Friday, January 27, 2012

Great I Am - New Life Worship

Great song to get it all in perspective.  He is the Great I Am.  Here are the words.  Sit back and enjoy!

I wanna to be close close to your side
So Heaven is real, and death is a lie
I wanna hear voices of angels above
Singing as one

Hallelujah holy holy
God almighty great I am
Who is worthy
None beside thee
God almighty
Great I am

I wanna be near near to your heart
Loving the world hating the dark
I want to see dry bones living again
Singing as one

Holy holy
God almighty great I am
Who is worthy
None beside thee
God almighty
Great I am

He's the great I am; great I am

The mountains shake before him
The demons run and flee
 At the mention of the name
King of majesty
There is no power in hell
Or any who can stand
Before the power and the presence of the great i am
The great I am the great I am
The great I am

the great I am
the great I am
the great I am


Great I am
The great I am 
the great I am
The great I am

The mountains shake before him
The demons run and flee
At the mention of the name
King of majesty
There is no power in hell
Or any who can stand
Before the power and the presence of the great I am
The great I am the great I am
The great I am the great I am the great I am

the great I am
the great I am 
the great I am
the great I am

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Balance Beam - Francis Chan

If you have ever heard Francis Chan then you KNOW what a great teacher he is.  This is really another one of his finest!

This message is from 2006 and is called, Balance Beam.  Chan goes into some personal information at the beginning of this link and I wanted to be sure you caught it all so I have posted some of it below.

Many of you reading this may think, "Yeah but you just don't know what I have gone through in my life."  True, I don't.

Others may be saying, "Well my life has been harder than yours.  If you had walked through what I have walked through then you would understand where I am at."  Well, maybe; maybe not but as you listen to Chan's testimony you may be rethinking what the definition of "hard" is!

Still there are those of you out there that just feel that life has been fair to you and you just think you should quit, or you feel like stopping and holding on to what you have.  Be safe.  Don't risk.  Hmmm - well, maybe a bit of background on Chan would be in order here.

When he was born, his mother died in childbirth.  His father remarried and at the age of nine his step-mother died in a car accident.  His father married again and at the age of twelve his dad died of cancer.  By the time he was in junior high his mother was dead, his dad was dead and his step-mother was, dead.  The only family he had left was his uncle George and his wife, aunt Sandra.  At sixteen, his uncle and aunt got into a fight and Sandra died at the hand of his uncle George.  After killing her, he then turned the gun on himself taking his own life.

So, you think that your life is falling apart?  Chan could relate.  Are you thinking you have problems?  Again, I think you could agree that Chan was there too.  You may be facing life on a balance beam too, just as Chan was....and this is where the story will bring to up to.  Take a minute and hear his teaching and hopefully you will be challenged to LIVE the life that God has for you!

We don't know why all the things in life happen the way they do, but we do know that YOU are alive.  You have a purpose.  Put your hand on your heart right now.  Do it.  Did you put your hand on your heart?  Feel that?  That is not just your heart beating in your chest; it's called purpose.  God has a plan and a purpose for your life, you can feel it inside - can't you?

Let's go and set out to finish this race set before us.  There is a prize for those that finish strong.  ENJOY!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Spirit is Willing - Eric Ludy

WOW - this message will get all over your toes and hopefully you will allow the Lord to step in toward you; that close, to challenge you, to perfect you!  We are TOO comfortable today in our "perfect" Christian bubble and the world is sick of it.  Many in the church are nauseated too!

I have listened to Eric Ludy before and each time I am challenged, inspired and then encouraged.  Take a minute to re-evaluate what the gospel REALLY means.  We are not unique; all of us struggle.  All of us NEED Him.  We all deal with sin, rebellion and selfishness.  We simply need to obey.  Obedience.  Sounds simple enough but what a challenge when our sin, our rebellion and our selfishness take the first place in our life.

Be encouraged as you hear these word by Eric called The Spirit is Willing.  Are you willing to let God minister to you today?  I pray so and may the beautiful church of the Lord Jesus Christ reign and rise up!  May the Lord Jesus rule in our hearts today and everyday.  Blessings dear brother and sister.  You can do this with HIS help.

"Just because NOW you have actually heard the truth, esteemed it and think you have it - because you've heard it BUT the fact that you've heard these things does not mean you have it and tonight we must grapple with the difference between hearing and having." - Eric Ludy

"Salvation is not just a beginning point." - Eric Ludy

"The spirit is willing." - Eric Ludy

Be blessed today!  It's about Him!

Monday, January 9, 2012

You Are For Me - Kari Jobe

Kari Jobe grew up in my backyard and she attended many churches in the area, here in the Ft. Worth area and she is so what you see.  She wrote this here in Texas, in a chapel where she waits on the Lord.  What an incredible person who is not full of herself or full of hypocrisy.  So refreshing to have someone serving the Lord who is transparent and real.  Her parents grew her up in the ministry and she is truly a gift.  I pray you allow yourself to be blessed.

Take a minute to sit at the feet of Jesus and let Him FILL YOU UP!  This song is so precious because sometimes we forget that He is SO for us.  With the cares of the world pressing in on us, sometimes we just need to be still and let HIM remind us of who He is.  He is SO for us.  Do you know that?  He doesn't forsake us!  He never leaves us.  He is so faithful.

Be reminded today that He loves you and has not forgotten you.  Let him show you again how faithful He is!  You Are For Me is incredible.  Be blessed.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bless the Lord - Jeff Deyo

Today I heard this song for the first time, even though it was written in 2003.
Bless The Lord Oh My Soul!
Where have I been?  Jeff Deyo was the lead singer in the band SonicFlood from its creation in 1999 through 2000.  Bless the Lord was released on his Light album and I just love it.  It has just ministered to me all day long and I wanted to share it with you.  I posted the lyrics here as well because they are so incredible.

See we need to MAKE ourSELF worship.  We need to tell our "self" to do the things that our flesh doesn't always readily do.  So, take a few minutes and tell your soul to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  He alone is worthy.  In your trial - bless Him.  In your victory - bless Him.  In your lack - bless Him.  In your abundance - bless Him.  Bless the Lord or my soul, bless the Lord!

Bless The Lord - Jeff Deyo

For your beauty,
For your goodness,
And your wisdom.. Awesome God
Praise the Lord oh my soul, Praise the Lord.

For your power,
For your honor,
And your splender... Mighty God
Praise the Lord oh my soul, Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord oh my soul, Praise the Lord.


And I will worship you,
I will bless your name forever,
I will worship you,
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the Lord

For your Kindness
For your Favor,
For your Mercy.. Gracious One
Thank the Lord oh my Soul, Thank the Lord.

For your fire,
For your testing
And your Spirit... Holy One
Thank the Lord oh my Soul, Thank the Lord.
Thank the Lord oh my Soul, Thank the Lord.


Bless the Lord oh my Soul,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the LORD!

For your Suffering,
For your Anguish
And your sorrow.. humble King,
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the Lord.
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the Lord.

For your Victory,
For your Triumph,
And your soon coming reign over all.

And I will worship you,
I will bless your name forever.
I will worship you,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord.

And I will worship you,
I will bless your name forever.
I will worship you,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord.
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord.

Bless the Lord oh my Soul,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord

And I will worship you,
I will bless your name forever,
I will worship you,
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the Lord

Thank the Lord oh my soul, Thank the Lord
Thank the Lord oh my soul, Thank the Lord

Praise the Lord oh my soul, Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord oh my soul, Praise the Lord

Trust the Lord oh my soul, Trust the Lord.
Trust the Lord oh my soul, Trust the Lord.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord 

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

And I will worship you,
I will bless your name forever.
I will worship you,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord

And I will worship you,
I will bless your name forever.
I will worship you, {worship you}
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my Soul,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, 


Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 New Year's Prayer & Blessing

A friend of mine shared this with me and I wanted to share it with you...

Father I would like to pray this New Year’s blessing for Your people. Lord, I lift each one of them up to You right now by name. Lord, I thank You that You know their names; You know every hair on their head; You know their heart’s desires. Father, You know the areas in their lives that need to be healed. Areas that are known and unknown, that even they don’t know, I ask the Holy Spirit that this will be the year, Father, of restoring broken hearts, broken dreams, broken ministries. 

Father I ask that this will be the year of Spiritual ambition for Your people, they will have the fresh flame of fire for Your Word. Lord I thank You for Your word that says, “Your Word is a lamp unto our feet.” I would ask that You, Father, would release a Spirit of Enlightenment over the hearts, the minds, the souls, the Spirits, and the bodies for healing over Your people. Wherever the enemy is in darkness and trying to trap them or rob them, I ask that the Holy Spirit will turn the light on to where blessings will come upon them and overtake them. Lord I thank You that Your word says, “We are blessed going in and blessed going out.” Father I ask that if any blessing was left in the year 2011 that it would come into double portion into 2012.

Lord I release supernatural blessings, supernatural provisions, supernatural wisdom, supernatural understanding with discernment over Your people. Father, those that are seeking Your way, I ask that You would just begin to open the doors that need to be open and You will close the doors that absolutely need to be kept closed to keep them in Your highest and most perfect will.

Father I would release a new anointing over Your people. As You do pour out the oneness in a two-fold over Your people, that this oneness will be the oneness of Your love, and the oneness of Your favor. Father, I thank You for hearts that are being healed, for minds that are receiving peace, for bodies that are receiving healings with direction.

I thank You that You have said in Your word, “The steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord.” I claim this promise over Your people right now. I establish it, their feet are receiving the orders for 2012, and Your name absolutely and totally alone will be lifted up and glorified. Father, I seal and clothe this with the blood of Jesus. Lord, place on them the robe of righteousness in Christ Jesus where they will come to an understanding this year of their right standing in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Lord, I thank You for a depth of new understanding and the ability of how deep You love us. Now gather us all fresh into Your arms for healing, and for fulfilling destinies with purpose.

I establish this by the Spirit of the Lord’s direction in Jesus’ precious, powerful name. Amen.