Thursday, June 25, 2009

Laminin by Louie Giglio

This is probably the MOST incredible video you will see this year.  Everyone I have shared this video with has been blown away.  Take the time to WATCH it, you will NOT be disappointed.  It's called Laminin (La-min-in).

I have yet to see a video by Louie Giglio that doesn't deliver.  He is an anointed teacher and this will simply BLOW YOU AWAY when you see how GREAT our God is.  He thought of everything and put his fingerprints all around us.  ENJOY!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Thurman Scrivner - TLSM

A friend of mine has been to this ministry for small group teachings on several occasions.  Located in Denton, Texas, The Living Savior Ministries is led by Thurman Scrivner.  She has seen how to walk into her God given place of healing.  She has dealt with several on-going and life altering issues for most of her adult life and this ministry taught her things that she had never applied to her life and she has been walking with the Lord since childhood.

Thurman was raised as Baptist and his ministry started with his ministry to many Baptists.  Of course, anytime you are walking in the anointing of the Lord, you ministry grows and go where God takes it.

I have listened to a few of his teachings and my favorite was How to Be Healed.  They are downloadable and you can purchase them as well. Some of the teachings are quite long, but I loved it.  I have shared the link with a few friends and have heard a variety of responses but I felt it was a link worth sharing.  A tool I learned years ago may be of service to you as you listen to the links.  Remember to eat the fish and spit out the bones or eat the hay and spit out the sticks.  I am not posting this for a critique, I am posting it for people who are looking for answers from the Word on the topic of healing and health.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

AGAPE love - the Challenge

the CHALLENGE: Greek word for sacrificial love, AGAPE: UNCONDITIONAL love that is ALWAYS giving & IMPOSSIBLE to take or be a taker. It devotes TOTAL commitment to seek highest best NO MATTER how anyone may respond. This form of love is totally SELFLESS, does NOT CHANGE whether the love given is returned or not.

I read this article linked to Focus on the Family and was quite challenged with my inability to love.
Matthew J. White in his article, Sacrificial Love is very much on my toes as I read through his article. Our culture is so FAR from this type of love. Just think of some of the commercials we hear over and over, "Have it Your Way", "Just Like You Like It", "You Deserve A Break Today", "Because You're Worth It"; all of these say the same thing, "Me First!". This is NOT agape fact the extreme opposite.

I have heard some friends saying the following, "I did the dishes, so you should bathe the kids." Or "You got to go out with your friends last weekend, so tonight is my turn." Bad enough that we have this attitude in the culture, but in our marriages? Come Holy Spirit, we need thee!  AGAPE Love

Friday, June 19, 2009

By The People

"And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." - Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863. Our government was set up to work FOR us. Unfortunately, too many of us are letting the few do the leading. It is time for YOU, the PEOPLE, to let your voice be heard. To help you in that endeavor, I have given you the direct link to our Texas Governor's office. Take the time to voice your opinion on issues that matter.

You can also call the office at: 1-800-252-9600

Don't let others dictate your future. Get involved. Speak up.   Texas Governor's Office

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Worshiping You - Deluge

Incredible song of worship appropriately titled, Worshiping You by Deluge Band. 

This song continually reminds me to keep the main thing the main thing.  It's all about Him. We have to tell our flesh that!

When life seems hard, confusing, full of pain, I HAVE to fix my eyes on Jesus and begin to Worship.  Worship transports me from the parched to Paradise.  I can leave mediocrity and enter into perfection.  As I find that secret place in Him, I am transformed, renewed, refreshed, revived.  Sometimes life is so full of issues and strife that we loose sight of our worship Him!  We were created to bring Him Glory.  We do that in worship!  We go to Him to worship and while we are there He splashes His glory all about us and we walk away changed.
I pray you are refreshed as you listen to this inspirational song.  Take time to just worship's great practice for the days to come in eternity!  That is what we will be doing, forever and ever and ever!  Worshipping Him!

However you choose to worship, right now choose to quite yourself, fix your eyes on your savior, stare into the face of your maker and just worship.  Come Lord Jesus we need your touch and we are not ashamed to be in your presence.  We love you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How Great Is Our God - Louis Giglio

This is a follow-up teaching to the Indescribable tour that Louis Giglio already did and is posted below.  He is a formed the beginnings of what is now called the Passion Conferences

He truly is an incredible teacher and will open your eyes to things you have never seen before and you will see the Glory of God in a new way.  I pray you enjoy this two part teaching.  It is incredible and is shows How Great Is Our God!

I also found his teaching notes on-line and wanted to give you the link to those as well: Roma Aroma Amor

How Great Is Our God - Part 1
How Great Is Our God - Part 2

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Obama Deception

This is a chilling look at the times that we find our nation in. Where have we been the last 40+ years - sleeping? If you want a wake-up call, this is the clip to see. Grab a pot of coffee, a pillow, maybe even some popcorn and make yourself comfortable...this is a long one - but I couldn't leave my computer. I watched it straight through. I would love to have your feedback on it. Let me know.

You can go to InfoWars and then scroll down on this page to view a preview.  Click on the video called: the Obama Deception.  You now have to order this on this site to view the whole DVD.  When I posted this it was available on YouTube but is now no longer free.*

*As of November 09, 2010 this link is again free.  Find it above at "the Obama Deception".

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Indescribable - Louis Giglio

One of the most incredible teachers is Louis Giglio.  He is so into science and he brings that knowledge and understanding back to the Word.  He takes his understanding of man's thinking's and points you right back to the creator.  Once you have heard him teach, you will never look at the stars in the sky the same.  He changes that.

This is a 5 part teaching and you will not want to miss ANY of it.  ENJOY!

Indescribable - Part 1
Indescribable - Part 2
Indescribable - Part 3
Indescribable - Part 4
Indescribable - Part 5

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When Did We Cease To Be?

This is an interesting link that was shared with me I and felt it necessary to share with others. Congressman J. Randy Forbes of the 4th District of Virginia addressed congress (Judeo-Christian Nation) and he raises questions to us regarding President Obama's comments in the nation of Turkey on April 06, 2009. (the Obama Bow) Comments that Obama has a right to but he stated that the United States was NOT a Judea-Christian nation. (Obama in Turkey) Congressman Forbes continues with two questions: 1. Whether we ever considered ourselves a Judea-Christian nation? 2. If we did, what was that moment in time that we ceased to do so?

By quoting the first act of the First Congress of the United States he reminds us that they had a minister present in Congress who led in prayer and afterwards read four chapters from the Bible. He goes on to say that a few years later, when we unanimously declared our independence, that the signers of the Declaration of Independence made certain that people were given the rights established by our creator. He notes the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783 (ending the Revolutionary War and birthing this nation) that the signers made clear their beliefs by beginning with the phrase: "In the name of the most Holy and undivided Trinity."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Homeland Securty - Terrorists

This is an interesting link that directly is quoted from Texas.  The Department of Homeland Security says "who" are terrorists.  This is scray.