A friend on Facebook has this link posted to their wall. I was intrigued by the title, "Fusion Factor - Unity of the Spirit by Shane Harris". I found myself drawn into Shane's writing. He began to pen words to many things I had been feeling in the Spirit. I loved how he even stated that he too struggles to find words to describe the things that he has seen by God. He said, "I will attempt to relay this with words although some things in God are difficult to communicate with a pen." This is SO true. How do we use mere words to express the GREAT things of God.
He had been in a conference where he was experiencing a supernatural account with God. He was feeling a stirring of unity among the brothers and sisters in Christ. He was "feeling" it. It was so real to him. He said he "stood back just to take in what God was doing and felt an overwhelming love, respect and appreciation for my brothers an(d) sisters in Christ. I could sense the unity of family that is impossible to manufacture or produce. One family under the Father, unified by the blood of Christ being communicated and released by the Holy Spirit. A divine connection with one another by the Spirit of God."
I LOVED that, "One family under the Father, unified by the blood of Christ being communicated and released by the Holy Spirit." I had to meditate on that. I am still meditating on all that means. What a great picture. Can we live up to that? Are we doing that? He said the move of God was producing that. Bring it on Holy Spirit. I am SO ready for unity. Our families need unity. Our churches need unity. Our nation needs unity.
He went on to say,
"To a large degree churches today operate like corporations. Church members are returning customers, visitors new prospective clients, Pastors the CEO’s. This creates many problems with the most glaring being God becoming the product. Not at all the way God intended. God is not a commodity. This also produces a concept of unity based on corporate organization. I am a part of this church, bible study, club etc so we have automatic unity. We agree we all want to do this project or this event so we are unified. We all have matching T-shirts, bumper stickers, and hats emblazoned with our church logo to prove it.
But there is a much deeper unity that bonds us together as Christians. There is the unity of the Spirit. This is what I was seeing , sensing and experiencing in this service. The bond of the Spirit of God can only be seen and understood from the perspective of family. In a corporate environment it will be missed completely."
WOW - this was SO true. Haven't we seen this? Churches running like a business rather than the FAMILY of God. God is NOT a commodity. He is not the product we are selling. We are not part of some "club" and with that do we make people feel as though it is for "members only". NO - this is NOT the gospel. Lord forgive us for what we have done with your bride, your church.
He quotes part of Psalms. 133.
1. A Song of Ascents. Of David. BEHOLD, HOW good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!