Friday, March 25, 2011

Japan Earthquake - aftermath

So today is the two-week mark for the historic earthquake followed by a giant 23 foot tsunami waves that hit Japan and life is far from normal there.  Many towns are virtually ghost towns now either because of the initial earthquake destroying their homes, the follow-up tsunami flooding or washing away their homes and businesses and finally many are empty now because of the radiation fears from the damaged nuclear plant's and their ongoing meltdown issues.

I read that Richard Gross, a geophysicist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Canada Flintridge reported that this disaster is as a biblical scene; the earth has shifted it's axis about 6.5 inches and has shifted the coastline of Japan by about 8 feet.  The quake also should have caused the earth to rotate somewhat faster, shortening the length of the day by about 1.8 microseconds.  Other scientists have said that down the road, data from the quake will provide an unusually precise view of how Earth and how it is deforming during massive earthquakes at sites where one plate is sliding under another, including the US Pacific Northwest.

To view an incredible collection of images of Japan before and after the events go to these two links:
Japan Quake; Before and After - First Presentation
Japan Quake; Before and After - Second Presentation

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rwanda - 1994

The year is 1994 and the place is Rwanda where for 100 days a massive genocide took place killing 850,000 people by their fellow Rwandans.  There have been many news reports about this event, even movies made of this tragedy but few will touch the core of the issue.  This was a religious slaughter.  Christians were the target and Muslims were the aggressors.  In our political correct world that would be too specific in the description - cause too much alarm.  Instead it was publicized as a "tribal" issue; two groups of people who had long been fighting.  Well, this was partly true but was more than was spiritual as well.

This is an incredible testimony about the extent of God's love for us and how we must choose to walk in that same depth of love.  What am I saying?  We have to be able to extend forgiveness to others if we ourselves want to be forgiven.  The scripture is clear that with the measure "we" use, it (what we give) will be measured back to us. If we give kindness we will receive at least that much kindness in return.  Give love, get love.  Extend forgiveness, receive forgiveness.  It is the very nature of who God is.  Jesus came to die.  He came to give.  He came to make a way and God expects us to be like Jesus (remember the term Christian means to be like Christ).  God gives us forgiveness and we need to CHOOSE to give it to others - whether or not we think they deserve it.  The question is not about deserving - it's about obeying.  How many of your sins do you want forgiven?  For me - I want ALL my sins forgiven so therefore I have to forgive ALL that is done against me.  Remember Jesus said this in the prayer we call the Our Father. "Forgive us our trespass AS we forgive those who trespass against us."  This is a conditional statement.  God expects us to DO his Word and live it out.  Just just hear it.

Lord Jesus, help me to be a doer of your Word and not just a hearer only.  Give me the strength to forgive - even those who I don't think deserve it.  Change my heart oh God.  Make it more like you!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Mike Evans
I received this letter today from Mike Evans of the Jerusalem Prayer Team and just felt compelled to share it.  Everyone struggles with discouragement and I felt in these days of wars and rumors of war with earthquakes and tsunami's we all could stand to hear a message that will bring encouragement.  See, we need to get to a place where we, like David (that is King David of the Old Testament) can encourage ourselves in the Lord.  We have to dig deep and begin to make ourselves stronger.  It is work to study the Word but the fruit is SO worth it!  Enjoy!

Here is the letter:
As I prayed for you this morning, the word that kept coming to mind was "encourage." I know what it is to be discouraged. I've been discouraged hundreds of times, but I've also been encouraged just as many times. 

I was discouraged at the age of eleven when my drunken father picked me up above his head by my neck and strangled me. I awoke in my own dried vomit.

I was discouraged at seventeen as I left my house with a brown paper lunch bag. My father cursed me as I made my way down the road toward the Army induction center.

I was discouraged at nineteen when my car was stolen with all my earthly possessions inside, including my wallet. I was forced to sleep in the Salvation Army shelter.

I was discouraged at college when everyone was going home for Christmas, and I didn't have the funds or a loving home where I could go. I didn't really have the money to stay in the dorm over the holidays or money with which to buy food.

I was discouraged when I passed out Gideon Bibles to the Marines in Beirut and shared the Gospel with them. The next morning, their barracks was destroyed by a Hezbollah truck bomb in a terrorist attack. I found myself in the middle of an all-out war.

I was discouraged in Iraq when I went up to the north to take food and blankets to the Kurds who had been gassed by Saddam Hussein when the first Persian Gulf War broke out.

Yes, I've been discouraged.

What I'm about to share with you are the very words I've used to encourage myself. These words have broken the spirit of discouragement. No one is immune to problems. Anyone who attempts anything for God will have problems and will be discouraged. 

Today, I want to encourage you:

God is greater than you think, closer than you think. He is more ambitious than you think, more committed than you think.

Satan will attempt to get you to focus on and to magnify the problem rather than to focus on God and to magnify Him.

The Bible says to let the weak say, "I am strong," let the oppressed say, "I am free," and let the sick say, "I am healed."

The Bible says that no weapon formed against you will prosper and that God will never leave you nor forsake you.

It's time to starve your fears and feed your faith by magnifying the Lord rather than that which is discouraging you.

Proverbs 20:24: "Since the Lord is directing our steps, why try to figure out everything that happens along the way?"

Psalm 37:23: "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord."

The Bible declares that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

I encourage you today to count your blessings rather than your problems. Look at what is right with your life rather than what is wrong.
Psalm 118:24: "This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it."

When I've been discouraged, I've chosen to rejoice in the Lord and be glad. It has broken the spirit of discouragement. No matter what you are experiencing today, everything is subject to change—your finances, your dreams, your health, your marriage—because God is on the throne.
David was discouraged when the entire nation of Israel was running in fear because of a strongman, Goliath. He was cursed by that giant who screamed, "Am I a dog that you come with a stick?"

David encouraged himself in the Lord and declared aloud, "You've come with a sword and a shield, but I have come in the name of the Lord. This day I will feed your head to the birds of the air."

Be encouraged today. Stop right now and encourage yourself in the Lord. Pray this prayer with me:

Father, I magnify you because you are my source. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I bless you, Father, because I take the shield of faith, and I quench every fiery dart of the wicked. I overcome evil with good. No weapon formed against me will prosper. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.  
End Letter.

Wasn't that good?  WE need to do this.  It's not enough to READ the Word - we need to DO the Word!  Be encouraged my friend!  God is STILL God and He is STILL on His throne and the best part is that HE LOVES YOU VERY MUCH!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Leonard Ravenhill

Leonard Ravenhill (1907–1994) was an English Christian evangelist and author who focused on the subjects of prayer and revival. He is best known for challenging the modern church (through his books and sermons) to compare itself to the early Christian Church as chronicled in the Book of Acts. His most notable book is Why Revival Tarries which has sold over a million copies worldwide.

He was educated at Cliff College in England and sat under the minister of Samuel Chadwick.  Many people have been influenced by his teachings and he was a close friend of pastor and writer A.W. Tozer.  Many are the names of people who claim to be influenced by him including Ray Comfort, Ravi Zacharias, Tommy Tenney, Steve Hill, Charles Stanley, Bill Gothard, Paul Washer and David Wilkerson.

In the 1980's, Ravenhill moved to home near Lindale, Texas a short distance from Last Days Ministry  (LDM) Ranch.  He regularly taught classes at LDM and was a mentor to the late Keith Green.   He also spent some time teaching at Bethany College of Missions in Minnesota and some time in Saguin, Texas. He died in November 1994 and is interred at Garden Valley Cemetery in Garden Valley, Texas, close to the grave of Keith Green.

I have here some links that are full of quotes and teachings from Leonard Ravenhill.  A remarkable man with a unbelievable passion for the Love of Christ.  I could listen to him preach all day long and I hope you enjoy it as well!

Agony - Leonard Ravenhill
Anointing - Leonard Ravenhill
Judgment Seat of Christ - Leonard Ravenhill   (This would be one of my favorites!)
No Free Crowns in Eternity - Leonard Ravenhill

Prayer - Quotes by Leonard Ravenhill
Purified - Quotes by Leonard Ravenhill

Quotes from Leonard Ravenhill - YouTube Video
Seeking His Face - Quotes by Leonard Ravenhill

To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, Part 1 - Leonard Ravenhill
To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, Part 2 - Leonard Ravenhill
To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, Part 3 - Leonard Ravenhill
To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, Part 4 - Leonard Ravenhill
To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, Part 5 - Leonard Ravenhill

To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain (Martydom/Persecution) - Leonard Ravenhill

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Healer - Kari Jobe

Today I am writing this as my brother is in surgery for what doctors are calling a "serious" and a potentially life-threatening situation and I was reminded of this song.

Healer by Kari Jobe is a great song for me right now as I trust in Him.  There is little else I can do as I am in Texas and he is in Minnesota so I pray.  See, nothing is impossible for my God, nothing is impossible for Him!  I cling to Him, just as I instruct, admonish and encourage others to do.  We bring requests to the Lord, we travail, pray, intercede and then we stand.  We stand waiting for God to be God.  See, that is his job - to be the healer.  We wait on him and he is faithful.  He is God!  Oh, How I love Him so!  I trust in HIM!

On a side note, I can't hear this song without seeing my boys leading it in worship.  One son plays synth and the other the electric guitar.  Just love to watch them praise with their talent to the God that I adore.  Truly incredible how they serve whole-heartedly the God that I adore!  I pray you find yourself at a place where you can quiet yourself and still your mind from all the noise of this world and enter into worship of the King.  He is ALL you need!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Answer - Joe McGee

A close friend has personally been ministered to by Joe McGee years ago and she has continually quoted his teachings over this same time.  I have found many of his teachings helpful too and wanted to share them with you as well.  If you are interested in information on marriage, raising children or family life in general, you will find Joe McGee to be very funny, direct, insightful and helpful.  Take some time and listen to just a few of his teachings.

The Answer - Joe McGee on facebook
Tricked Into Marriage - Joe McGee on Life Today
Joe McGee, Part 1 on Marilyn and Sarah (Hickey)
Joe McGee, Part 2 on Marilyn and Sarah (Hickey)
Joe McGee, Part 3 on Marilyn and Sarah (Hickey)
Joe McGee, Part 4 on Marilyn and Sarah (Hickey)
Joe McGee, Part 5 on Marilyn and Sarah (Hickey)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Forever Reign - Hillsong United

Forever Reign written by Hillsong United but sung here by One Sonic Society - what can I say but this is a GREAT song.  I simply LOVE this song.

God is SO good - when there is nothing good in me.  He is love on display for all to see and He is light when the darkness closes in.  He is hope and He covers all our sin.

He is peace with fear is crippling and He is true even when we wonder.  He is joy and the reason we sing and he is life...DEATH has lost it's sting.

I love this...then we run into His arms.  Nothing is like the embrace of the Lord.  Nothing.  Run into His arms when you feel overwhelmed by this life.

Turn on the TV and we hear of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes that are devastating countries followed by tsunami's destroying everything in their paths.  The local news has turned into something right out of the pages of Revelation yet our God LOVES us.  Take a minute and sit in His presence.  NOTHING compares to His embrace...nothing!  Light of the World did, does and will FOREVER REIGN!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Like a Fire - Planetshakers

Oh Yes - Jesus I am desperate for you.  I am hungry.  I am longing for you.  Oh Lord you are ALL I want.

This song, Like a Fire by Planetshakers is POWERFUL and expresses my passion, my heart, my desire, and more - how GREAT is my God!  Oh yeah - I am radically changed and this song coveys that love.  INCREDIBLE song.  Even better PRAISE!  Get ready to usher the Lord in like a flood and ride the wave of His presence!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hallelujah - Heather Williams

This week has been a week full of spiritual warfare in my family.  I started the week in deep prayer and by Monday morning I was in deep spiritual combat as I was praying for a very large issue in my family's lives.  I felt God speaking and moving on this situation and then another issue arose.

Wednesday afternoon I was notified of a family member who went into labor.  A few hours later she delivered a baby boy who was stillborn.  These days with all our technology there was nothing they could do.  The mother had been to the doctor the day before and all reports were great.  Baby looked good, mother looked good - see you soon she was told as they awaited the arrival of their baby.  The very next day labor began an upon arriving at the hospital the doctors found no heartbeat.  Life had slipped from the lungs of the baby.  We prayed and believed for the miracle but this baby was born breathless.  They named the infant Isaiah meaning God is Salvation.

Then this song came across my path.  It is by Heather Williams and how she came about writing her song, Hallelujah - the story.  Her story was written after the loss of her son who died of a heart condition.  She knew she was empty and down but still she knew her strength came from the Lord.  She then penned the song, Hallelujah.  She comments that everyone has "there" moment in life that they have to "walk" through where they look for the Lord to sustain them in their "storm".  Truly and inspiring story and an even better song.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Fabulous Bentley Brothers

The Fabulous Bentley Brothers have created some bizarre and funny children's songs and puppet stories and I wanted to share them with you.  My daughter heard them at children's church and she loves these!

There is a song/story for some of the books of the bible.  Here you go - let's start at the beginning or Genesis!

1st book of the Bible: Genesis
2nd book of the Bible: Exodus  and DVD2 Exodus (What is a Patriarch)
3rd book of the Bible: Leviticus
4th book of the Bible: Numbers
5th book of the Bible: Deuteronomy
6th book of the Bible: Joshua
7th book of the Bible: Judges
8th book of the Bible: Ruth
9th book of the Bible: I Samuel
10th book of the Bible: II Samuel
11th book of the Bible: I Kings
12th book of the Bible: II Kings
13th book of the Bible: I Chronicles
14th book of the Bible: II Chronicles
15th book of the Bible: Ezra
16th book of the Bible: Nehemiah

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Shout It Out - Generation Unleashed

I love Generation Unleashed and this song Shout It Out should get you up and on your feet and jumping right along side them as we SHOUT IT OUT - the World Needs to KNOW!

Do you have the Hope of Glory within you?  Then SHOUT IT OUT!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Penn Jillette and the Gift...

For those of you who don't know who Penn Jillette is let me give you some background.  He is an American magician, comedian, illusionist, juggler, musician and writer know for his work with fellow illusionist Teller in the team Penn & Teller.  He has a show at the Rio in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Penn is also a know for his advocacy of atheism, libertarian philosophy, free-market economics and scientific skepticism.

Apparently, Penn takes a few minutes after his shows to create a "clip" regarding his opinions and comments regarding pretty much anything he wants to talk about.  This clip, Penn Jillette gets a gift of a Bible is one of those talks that was posted in August of 2009.

As you may notice from the video, he is not a small-framed man...he stands about 6'6.5" and you will also see from the video that he has a soft-spoken side to him with a gentle demeanor.  I have to admit that I have never seen his show or his illusions anywhere for that matter but there was something about him that drew me toward him.  I have been praying for him since seeing this clip and I wouldn't mind meeting him someday.

I have also included a follow-up video that he made, Penn Says: Have I Converted? released two months after the first video to answer the questions that many were posting about his "conversion" to Christianity.

The reason I found this whole dialog fascinating goes back to one quote of Penn's, "How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize (convert to another faith or religion)?  How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?"  He goes on from there with an incredible analogy.  Excellent point he makes in his argument; thanks Penn.  He has given me added courage to stand up more because he is right, I don't hate God's children and I care because He has taught me to love as He loves!  Good testimony.  I pray you choose to love too!  Not every atheist will be as gracious as Penn was but how much do you have to hate to not tell them?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Surrender All - Michael W. Smith

This past Saturday, my dearest friends realized a dream that God spoke into their hearts about 25 years ago; they sold off their possessions and moved to Nicaragua to become missionaries.

One week, back in the early days of this dream I watched their two children for a week while they followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit to serve a missionary in country and seek the Lord for direction.  Well, they came home knowing they were going, and they began seeking God on the timing.  The timing was this past Saturday.

They have sense raised those two children, launched them into their adult lives, finished up their home business, gotten their direction on finishing educations to be equipped for service down there, sold off their dream home (that they built), sold their boat, cars, motorcycles and packed up what they needed to move to their next destination - Managua, Nicaragua.

A relative posted this song to their Facebook wall and I had to share it.  This is Michael W. Smith and Coalo Zamorano singing I Surrender all - A New Hallelujah at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. I loved it and hope you do too!