Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Before the Wrath

If you are looking for a great movie to watch with your family, I would HIGHLY encourage you to get the movie called Before the Wrath. It is starring Kevin Sorbo and it looks at the significance and meaning behind the fact that Jesus and all of His disciples were Galileans. The movie will mainly focus on the last supper and the significance to some of the actions Jesus specifically did, to us, believers. If we were Galilean, we would have understood their culture, and therefore, would have understood the significance of many of the actions and ways in which Jesus did things. We, Christians miss many significant pieces of Jesus' teachings because we don't know their culture.

The main purpose of the movie is to underscore the teaching regarding the return of Christ or the Rapture... as a Galilean would see it.


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Kim Clement and his word about Kim Jong-un

On April 04, 2009, Kim Clement prophesied that North and South Korea would become one again, and that the leader of North Korea would be "brain dead". Kim Jong-il died on December 17, 2011. Reports are coming out that Kim Jong-un has been reported to be "brain dead" after a heart surgery that went wrong last week; some are even saying he is dead.

Kim Clement died on November 27, 2016. You will know if someone is a true prophet if what they prophesy actually comes to pass. We are seeing that Kim saw things the Lord showed him. Trump won the election on November 9, 2016. Here are some of the following words the Lord gave Kim Clement over the years...

April 4, 2007, in Redding, California. "Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord. Trump shall become a trumpet, I will raise up the Trump to become a Trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gates of a financial realm for the church, says the Lord."

April 4, 2007, in Redding, California: "For God said, I will not forget 9/11. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York, who will once again stand and watch over this nation, says the spirit of God. It shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering my name but God said, when he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the spirit for I shall fill him with my spirit when he gets into office and there will be a praying in the highest seat in your land."

February 10, 2007, Scottsdale, Az, from Kim Clement, "There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes, I will. God says, the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall say, he has hot blood for the Spirit of God says, yes, he may have hot blood but he will bring the walls of his protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of the country shall change rapidly says the Lord of Hosts. Listen to the word of the Lord, God says, I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the Lord of Hosts."
I have many other quotes I could share, but let's just say, Kim, heard the Lord and he saw a unified Korea.

Thank you, Father, that this could be the beginning of those people being one. We must be vigilant to pray. Friends, we have a part to play in partnering with what God is doing. Our prayers feed the heavenly hosts with arms. Our prayers put ammunition in their guns. God wants to ready the word for His Glory, for His Kingdom. We are making a way for the Lord to come down. Don't grow weary, friends. Galatians 6:9!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Pray for Our President

In my time with the Lord this morning, I got a piece of revelation giving me
more direction on how to pray for the President.
First off, some of the most BRUTAL discussions I have heard regarding (defaming) our President have come from people who call themselves “Christians”. What is that about?
Christian - it is time to ask the Lord what you believe. What kingdom are you for? The separation (between light and darkness) is getting larger and larger... and we won’t be able to just “hide” in the middle much longer. Matthew 10:33 is becoming more and more apparent as to how painful that decision may become. Prepare yourself, beloved. If you are not prepared for the “full-court press” (basketball term), if you don’t have a strategy, if you haven’t trained, readied yourself, have a direction, you will not stand. We, as the bride, need to be ready. Are YIU ready? What do you believe? Jesus was always posing questions to those around Him.
This discussion got me to asking the Lord some questions (puzzling things do this to me - they press me to ask questions). Anyway, the pattern I have seen unfolding of late, more and more, is that people (even Christians) live in this place of “tit-for-tat”. If someone is “rude” to them, they use the justification of “you reap what you sow” and retaliate in meanness. What? Or someone is “mean” to them, so they feel they can be mean back. This isn’t how it works. Or this one may make it more personal, ...someone “cuts you off” (on the freeway men or in getting in a line at the grocery store woman) and so you... um, bless them in the name of the Lord? How is this retaliation Christianity? God allows us to do this, we have free will, but I beg you, seek the Lord of how you respond to people who say all manner of evil against you or who are mean toward you. I get it. Father, I repent. Help me to choose love.
And there is more to this. Maybe people aren’t “attacking” you, but what do you do when you are standing in the room (or social media) while someone else is being “attacked”? Do you render aid or do you join in? Even silence is picking a “side”. Do you speak up or grow silent?
I have shared openly that my mother’s older sister was arrested during WWII and put in a concentration camp. What was her crime? She helped German soldiers dessert. Men who didn’t want to fight for Hitler. She got turned in, by her own brother (a communist Nazi). Let that sink in. Her own brother. Doing what was right was what motivated her, fear didn’t stop her.
I hear Christians say things like they think the President is “unpresidential”. What does that mean?
Presidents have had issues, this is not new, we just had media in the past that would cover for the “Office of the President”. Was Kennedy presidential with all the women coming in the basement doors? Or Johnson whose tapes sound worse than a street yard basketball game full of language that will curl your hair? Or Nixon, Clinton and on-and-on. We just have a standard change... and today the media is against the President so more people know his flaws and faults.
The censorship we are facing from the media (Facebook and others) is very alarming. My mother (while living under the control of Hitler) talked about the “underground” radio and how that was where you got the “real” news. It also was punishable by being SHOT if the powers that be found out about it.
Being shot... well, we are not being shot at with bullets but there is an attack going on.
I am getting more and more private messages (our underground) because people don’t want to get shot. I get it! If Facebook doesn’t censor you, some of your friends and family may roast you. Painful. Believe me, I get it!
And this leads me back to our President. Please remember to pray for him. Let me expound; many people think I am “tough”, and I am, but even I bleed when hit hard enough. Our President bleeds too... right? Or do you think he deserves it?” Hmmm - good questions. Maybe you should repent. (This is what God needs from us right now! OUR REPENTANCE!!
Almost everything Trump says is twisted and then taken out of context, he is never given the “benefit of the doubt”, right? - quite the opposite. EVERYTHING he says is used against him, and so he finally walked out of the press conference and then canceled the next one. People, we need him to feel some love too! He bleeds too! Jesus, encourage our President. Help him not feel alone! Remember, prophets deal with wounding!!! Trump is VERY prophetic! He needs love too.
NOTE: I know people who have been treated for their cancer with the treatments like he was referring too when mercilessly criticized. I have family who have benefited from light therapy.
Finally, He works for free... who does that? Why... (see photo).
Pray for our President! He may be one of the few who are working for YOUR freedom. Daily we are seeing who are for us and who are for the One World Anti-Christ government. This is not a red-blue battle any longer. This is not a Republican-Democrat - it is a Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of hell battle... King Jesus come!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Praying the Blood of Jesus

I have been up with the Lord for a few hours now and during my time with Him, He reminded me, AGAIN, of the importance of the blood - His Son's PRECIOUS Blood. There is POWER in the Blood. We sing about it. We take communion in remembrance of it. We read about it and even on Passover, many understood (in a new way) the importance of "covering" our home (doorposts) with it. If you were like me, you even put a red cloth over your door.

This morning, I just felt pressed in my spirit to share with you all, again, the SIGNIFICANCE of the blood. God was so on this today - as if we are NOT fully engaged in what the BLOOD has provided. He said to me that we need to be praying the blood over ourselves, our family, over our jobs, our finances, our livestock, our property! God was so on this with me, that I even took my husband's hand (at 4 in the morning) and prayed OUT LOUD (quietly - but loud enough for the prince of the air to hear) with him. There was an urgency in it. Keith said "amen" and then went back to sleep - praise God! He has to get up and work. I digress.

The Lord was reminding me that I need to "apply" the blood - daily! Then told me to get up and post here.

For those who don’t know what I mean by this (praying the blood), He told me to share with you how I did it, to walk you through a SIMPLE prayer. Nothing magical (if you know me, I don't do magic) and this is not to become a religious thing (I don't do religion either). God wants you to be creative with your words, fresh with Him. NEW.

(When I typed that word, "fresh" I was reminded of how my heart leaps with my husband sends me "fresh" notes or cards. They are new words but expressing the same regards — that he still is choosing love. They are "fresh" encouragements but they are expressing his earlier committed love for me and to me. This is what God is wanting from us - not a script we recite, but FRESH words, where you pour out your heart to His. He DESIRES you... like a husband and wife should desire one another — an intimate, familiar, dear, treasured, personal, deep, transparent, vulnerable, open, type of love... something that is special just between you and God.)

I am about ENCOUNTERING THE LIVING GOD, personally, so I sit with Him! He wants this from you too, and more importantly, He wants to KNOW YOU!

In Matthew 7 (vs 21-23) Jesus gives us a really good outline of what relationship with Him looks like.

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’
23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Many Christians put a LOT of emphasis on people "knowing" Christ, but my bible puts MORE emphasis on Christ KNOWING us! How does this happen? Through prayer (not just us reading a script).

In John 10:27, again, we hear Jesus saying, "My sheep hear MY voice, and I KNOW THEM, and they follow me."

This is SO comforting! He wants to TALK TO YOU because He desires FELLOWSHIP with you! He wants to TALK TO YOU! Stop and listen... let Him talk. :-D

So, back to the blood and how I apply it (this is a "living" prayer, so there are pieces that change as the Lord highlights things to me). The blood is not just for your body but it is for all that is part of you — everything you would protect, God, wants to protect, and "cover" too because He loves you!

Lord, I cover myself (and everyone around me) with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I cover all of the members of my family ( state them by name — they don't need to be just those living in your home ) with the Blood of Jesus.
I cover my home and my possessions, my property, my livestock (or pets), my car, my finances, my marriage, my livelihood, my job (or school), and/or my ministry with the Blood of Jesus.
I cover the work of my hands with the Blood of Jesus. Everything I put my hands to will prosper because you are with me and for me.
In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His blood, I break off, and/or tear down, every power of the kingdom of darkness formed against me and declare it as canceled.
Every argument in heaven that has established itself against the plans of God in my life, I declare it as canceled.
I confess that my body is a temple of the Holy Ghost; justified, sanctified, perfected, and protected forever by the Blood of Jesus.
I take authority over the plans of satan in my life and reverse, and break every plan, and every tongue that has formed against me, and I declare the Perfect plan of God over my life because I belong to the Lord.
I call forth, in the name of Jesus, all of God’s plans and purposes for my life and my family; for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. Amen.

Praying for you all! The Lord is WITH US. He is FOR us and He never LEAVES us! I love you all with the love of the Lord!

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Death of a Child

Today, I just learned some very tragic news. A little 2 year old boy, Carter, was declared dead by the medical profession at a local children's hospital in my area, after drowning on Saturday night.  They believe he had been in the water for at least 35 minutes and possibly up to 45. He was with some family at a pond when the young child wondered back up the house where he was later found in the pool.

I heard of the event through a text.  It came as a desperate prayer request and I spread the word like fire to all my praying friends to cry out to the Lord for a miracle; that Carter would live on this earth and not go home yet to heaven. 

When we face these hard events in life, usually our minds get flooded with questions; and most of these questions are about where was God and how could a loving God let this happen and so on.  Most people land in the "why" series of questions.  I have ministered to people for many years, as I have walked with God most my life, actively choosing His ways and purposing to follow His blueprint, His outline even when hard things happen.

These hard things in life can shipwreck our walk with the Lord, but I would like to share with you a couple of pieces the Lord has taught me through various people and circumstances to help me hold my footing when the "cares of life" are crashing in on me.  There are two questions found in the book of Acts that I would like to explore with you. Let's start with the back story leading up to it.

In Acts 2, we find the apostles all together, in one place, in the upper room.  They had been "waiting" as Jesus instructed when he left (ascended back up to heaven) just a few days earlier. It says that SUDDENLY, a noise came from heaven and there was a violent, rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.  It goes on to say that there appeared to them tongues as a fire (think of a fire pit and how the long blades of fire reach up into the sky) - this was what they saw filling the room.  This "fire" distributed on them, and rested on each one of them.  They were "filled with the Holy Spirit" and they began to speak with in other audible languages as the "Spirit" gave them utterance.

It goes on to say that there were Jews, living in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation under heaven.  When the "sound" occurred, the crowd came together, and they were bewildered because EACH ONE OF THEM was hearing the disciples speaking their languages.  They were amazed and astonished, even saying, how can these Galileans be speaking our languages? In Acts 2:9-11, fifteen languages are referenced being heard.  There was great amazement and perplexity over this event.

Here is where we read the first question, Verse 12 says: ... "what does this mean?  When I find myself in a place of crises, confusion, need, accusation... I ask this question to the Lord, "Father, what is this?" I wait on Him to show me what is really going on. He wants to have fellowship with us.  He loves us!

If we read on, we find that Peter starts to preach telling them these men are not drunk, but this was what was spoken of through the prophet Joel.  He goes into the teaching about the "last days" and how God would pour out His spirit on ALL of mankind.  After Peter finishes sharing from Joel, he goes on to talk about who Jesus had performed miracles and signs yet they nailed Him to a cross and put Him to death.  He goes on to say how God raised Him from the dead and how He is seated at God's right hand. Peter goes on to talk about David and the significance of what Jesus had just done for all of mankind.

When he finished his amazing message, you need to read it: Acts 2:14-36, the people's hearts are pierced and they ask Peter the second question; "what shall we do?"  See, they understand they are in a "situation", and they need the Lord.

We also need to ask this second question when trouble comes, Lord, what shall we do?

This family who has lost their son will have a LOT of questions, they need to cry, sob, mourn, wail, and grieve, BUT they also need to be asking THESE two questions more than any other.  A week ago, they had NO IDEA that they were in the last week of their little boy's life here on earth. We say so many times that we need to "savor the moments" and we think we do, but we are really never ready to say goodbye.  We are just not wired to bury our children. It goes against everything in us.  I personally believe that this is one of the hardest trials we as humans walk through.  I have watched and walked people through many hard things, but the depth of pain a grieving parent has a whole new level of sadness, hardship and even anger and pain.  A very HIGH percentage of marriages fail after walking through this type of storm.

One parent can blame the other for "not watching" the child or for allowing a grandparent or relative or friend watch the child when the accident happened.  Go back to the Garden of Eden; blame was the first response.  It's in our sin nature to do this.  Then we are faced with forgiving and that can be even a larger hurtle to get over. The list can be long of issues, followed by anger and bitterness; all destructive. Satan's sole purpose is to "kill, steal, and to destroy" and he never stops doing that. The death of a child is just the beginning of a very long and hard road and the devil would love to keep on destroying as many people and as much as he can.

Years ago, my husband lost a sister in an auto accident.  She was 8.5 months pregnant and both of them died at the scene.  The pain was so difficult for many people including her husband; he not only lost his wife but his unborn child, his family was taken out.  It was difficult for my husband's parents as they lost a daughter and the unborn grandson and then there were the adult siblings, one of whom was not yet married. Everyone was in a tailspin and if someone wasn't reaching out to you,  holding you up, you were very vulnerable to crashing too.

These siblings from this drowning above will need much comfort and care and honestly, the parents may not have the capacity to help them.  The parents may have days where they may not want to get out of bed as they grieve and so others will need to be there, to help the living children who are also suffering a great loss.

Again, the loss of a child is such a big trial, and we, as the body of Christ need to be near those who grieve, to help shoulder them through their storm.

Today, I am praying for this family and I am praying that the Lord will find them in the middle of this very dark and difficult storm.  Jesus come!

Friday, April 17, 2020

WAKE UP AMERICA - the hour is near

WAKE UP AMERICA - Our nation is under attack and we have ENEMIES among us (and they have been elected by many people who even call themselves "Christians") but these evil people (some of them even say they pray - but they do NOT pray to the God of the Bible) are in power for their OWN PURPOSES or for their EVIL god - to destroy this nation, to destroy YOU! They are lying to us, and because of fear (watch the doctor below), we are giving up our rights, we are listening to the media's lies and we are hiding because of FEAR!

Many people want to "judge" the White House but are you willing to judge your own house?

We have a president who wanted to prosper America, create jobs, create wealth and who had helped more people gain employment. He created the STRONGEST ECONOMY EVER SEEN IN AMERICA in just 3 years but even before he took office these evil voices were calling for his impeachment and were working against our Elected President because of their hate. The evil media fueled the narrative. We, as Americans have to WAKE UP and see who the real enemy is.

A stimulus package was set up to send money TO YOU, but THESE CORRUPT leaders wouldn't vote for it because they wanted $2 TRILLION DOLLARS to go to the JFK Center for the Performing Arts (among other things). WHY??? THESE LYING LEADERS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU, they want to destroy America... Father, wake up your sleeping church - even people who call themselves Christians are believing these lies. Why? Because our churches have been watered down from teaching Truth (Jesus is the Truth), seeker-friendly places, places we go to hear what we want to hear. The bible calls this "tickling our ears". 2 Timothy 4:3 addresses these people who don't want sound doctrine, they want to hear what they want to hear. They will choose teachers who teach according to their own desires. In verse 4 it goes on to say, they will turn their ears from truth and they will wander off, believing myths. Yes, these are the days we are living. We have a watered-down, lukewarm church that has produced weak believers.

We clearly are seeing who is for our nation and who is not. The truth will be revealed very soon - our nation will rise or it will fall; read your history books, nations come and nations go, but we are living a crossroad in history. God gave us a president who LOVES AMERICA but many of you speak evil against him. He has been working for FREE - do you work for free? Does your congress work for free? Well, no, Congress votes themselves pay raises. They have voted so that their children do not have to pay back their college student loans, their staffers family members also are exempt from having to pay back student loans, they can retire at full pay after only ONE TERM. Members of Congress have exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed for you and me (like, they are exempt from prosecution for sexual harassment - you are not. Let that sink in. This is why Sleepy Joe can and has done what he has), they have exempted themselves from Healthcare Reform in all of its aspects of the reform...NOT FOR YOU AND ME though.

To my Christian friends, it's TIME to wake up! Start by repenting for falling asleep while on duty. We need to turn from our selfish, old way of thinking/actions, and we need to pray. God is looking for an Army... searching over THOUSANDS for the ONES who will pray (this is how we fight our battles) for His ways to come, His will to be done; LORD SAVE US - from ourselves first and then these evil leaders who are controlling some of the highest offices in our nation, in our land, in our states, in our cities; the congress, the judges, the governors, all the way down to the committees!

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on, you will be at war. - 2 Chronicles 16:9

If you are interested in seeing a change in our nation and you are willing to commit yourself to prayer for our nation, please feel free to message me. I will let you know of prayer movements going on throughout the nation and even some smaller groups, where you will know the people you are praying with because we are the family of God! Jesus come!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Out of Shadows - Mike Smith

I want you to know that I am praying for you and that I have been seeking the
Lord over so many things unfolding in our world; big things happening, almost daily. These are amazing days to be alive for sure!

I am really feeling the Lord pressing on me to "release His message of the Kingdom into our lost and dying world". These pages reach the nations, not just my personal friend list, so I come to write here and not just on social media. All that to say, I just feel the Lord is doing something new. We are about to step into a new place in history. In the future, our grandchildren will read about this "transition in time" and so I am writing this down – for the future generations to have access to what was going on in Texas, USA, during the days of the Coronavirus shut-in. Jesus come!

There is a lot of darkness in our world too right now as well. If you haven't put language to the situation (in your own words), we are fighting a very dark, spiritual war – this is more than just a worldwide shutdown. There are powers in play that, I believe, were assigned to take out our nation and fold us into a one-world government. Any of the past presidents we had would have gladly "sold us out"... but not Trump. He is our Cyrus. God has put him in his position of leadership for such a day, a time, and an hour as this. Jesus come!

With that, I have a link I want to share. This "battle" we are fighting is much bigger than just "China" and "Coronavirus" and "Communism" - as if those by themselves are not more than enough to deal with, but this battle is against the government of hell itself; Luciferianism.

To the pure all things are pure (Titus 1:15), so many Christians can't even wrap their brains around the idea of people actually serving our Father's arch-enemy (Lucifer); but, unfortunately, these people who do are “all in”, whole-heartedly, and unashamedly, opposing our Exalted Jehovah God. Father!

Monday a friend shared this movie, Out of Shadows with me and I finally took some time last night to watch it. Have you ever wondered why, whenever you look down the "rabbit hole" you always find the same swamp-dwelling creatures living there? I HIGHLY encourage you to watch this movie about Hollywood, Mainstream Media, our Government, and the CIA. Jesus help us!

Mike Smith (who created this documentary) has worked for the past 28 years in Hollywood as a professional stunt performer, fight and stunt coordinator, and as an executive director, just to name a few of his accomplishments. You have seen him perform if you watched Batman Forever, James Bond movies, or the new Spiderman movies... and he has been in countless other films. He knows and has worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. He is the guy doing the "hard" stunts behind those big Hollywood names. He makes them look amazing. He has some interesting things to share in this documentary as he reveals the "illusion" we all have bought into, and it is not just in Hollywood, but in our television shows, entertainment industry, news outlets, and even in our government.

There are some very disturbing clips and information that he will be lifting the mask on and pulling the covers off. Things that are hard to hear, but the depravity of man has yielded to forces that are evil and many of these evils have been Hidden in Plain Sight (yep, just like the movie title said).

THIS WILL BE HARD TO WATCH and you may find yourself talking to yourself saying, "no, this can't be real", but the hard reality is that these atrocities ARE true! We have all watched our nation as it has been dying over the last month. See, God, who sees all, is NOT pleased with what He knows that has been happening and He knows the details of the atrocities, and the names of the people conducting these evils and HE CARES! I saw the Lord "standing up" in a word He gave me when all of this coronavirus stuff started happening a month
ago. I saw Him "standing" and I knew He was getting up to "deal" with something. I wrote about part of what I saw when I shared with you all that the Lord told me not to pray against the "fear" but He told me to "pray that people would encounter Him". I knew in my spirit that verse in Hebrews 10:31 that says, "it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God." How long can the Lord watch the shedding of innocent blood and the torturous activities that are happening to children, all for the sexual gratification of the elite, and their self-indulgence and pleasure, and all the demonic ritual sacrifices they are participating in? These acts are happening right under our noses. The media have even reported on some of it like Jeffrey Epstein and his Island of torture. Why are we not DEMANDING to know the names of those involved? Why are we
not crying out on the streets to know the truth about these cover-ups and lies? Many Christians are not even voting (look at the statistics). We have become dull and numb and dare I say, asleep in the light? FATHER, FORGIVE US! We have blood on our hands! Jesus, show us what we need to do!! It's time to wake-up, church! There is EVIL among us. Many of these people who are doing these acts against God are in both political parties, they are movie stars that we pay money to watch, they are entertainers that we pay to hear in concerts. I could go on and on. We need to wake-up and get involved. That starts with voting! Vote out the swamp. Get over your political bias. Pick people who are Godly and if there is no one to vote for that is worth voting for, then maybe YOU should run for that office!

Mike Smith (the author) had a wake-up call and began asking the HARD questions on his journey to the truth.

Truth. We say we love Jesus (the way, the TRUTH, and the life) but honestly, people don't like hearing the truth. Believe me. I know. Many times, I am the only one speaking up in a "room full of Christians". SMH. Father, forgive us. Do we really want to know the truth or do we want to "fit in"? Most people don't want to hear or speak the truth, they want to be popular. Things are about to get hotter folks. Jesus! We need you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Significance of the Number 40 in these Days, this Hour

We just came out of Passover and I did a brief study on the plagues of Egypt (posted earlier this month).  You may want to go back and read it. Over the past few weeks, the number forth kept rolling around in my head and then I saw some post on social media bout "40" and so I thought I would explore this number in a more exhaustive way on my own.

You would have to be living under a rock not to know that most of the world has been shut-down or in quarantine for the past few months in some parts of the world.  Let’s start this discussion with that word, quarantine. The word quarantine comes from the Venetian dialect of the Italian word, quaranta giorni meaning 40 days. The Latin word, quaranta, means 40. This was the period of time that ships were required to be isolated before passengers and crew could go ashore during the Black Death Plague.

In the Hebrew Bible, forty is often used for time periods, forty days and forty years, which separate “two distinct epochs” so we see that forty is a significant number in the Hebrew scripture. Highly significant events occur in timespans of 40 days or years so let’s look at the ones I found.
·       The rain fell for 40 days and 40 nights during flood. Genesis 7:4.
·       Noah waited 40 days after the tops of mountains were seen after the flood, before releasing a raven. Genesis 8:5-7.

·       Moses spent 40 years exiled in Kush (Sudan? Ethiopia?). Exodus 2:11-22, Acts 7:23, and Acts 7:30.
·       Moses’ life is divided into three 40-year segments; separated by his growing to adulthood, fleeing from Egypt, and his return to lead his people out. Acts 7:23, 30, 36.
·       Moses sent out spies (scouts) to explore the land of Canaan (promised land) for 40 days. Numbers 13:2, 25.
·       Moses and the Israelites wandered 40 years in the wilderness outside the Promised Land; one year for each of the 40 days the spies (scouts) explored the land of Canaan because they grumbled and sinned against God. The entire generation died (we see this period of years 40 year again) that represents the time it takes for a new generation to arise. Numbers 14:33-34, Numbers 32:13, and Joshua 5:6
1.     Caleb was the only scout who trusts in YHWH and he was 40 years old when he enters Canaan. His life alone is spared by God.
·       Moses spent three consecutive periods of 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai with God.

1.     Moses fasted and prayed and received the 10 Commandments of the law on the first time. Exodus 24:18. He went up on the seventh day of Sivan, after God gave the Torah to the Jewish people, in order to learn the Torah from God, and came down on the seventeenth time of Tammuz.  He had been fasting and praying and the Lord wrote with his finger on the tablet and gave Moses the 10 Commandments.  When Moses saw the people worshiping the Golden Calf, he broke the tablets. Deuteronomy 9:11, Exodus 32:19.
2.     He went up on the eighteenth day of Tammuz to beg forgiveness for the people's sin and came down without God's atonement on the twenty-ninth day of Av. Deuteronomy 9:25. Moses fasted for another 40 days and 40 nights when God had written the Law a second time.  Exodus 34:28.
3.     He went up on the first day of Elul and came down on the tenth day of Tishrei, (first Yom Kippur), with God's atonement; whole-hearted forgiveness and reconciliation with the people of Israel.  Elul serves as the “month of divine mercy and forgiveness”. Deuteronomy 10:10

  • Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah. Genesis 25:20
  • Isaac’s son Esau was 40 years old when he marries Judith and Basemath. Genesis 26:34

  • God commands Ezekiel to lie on his right side for 40 days to bear the sins of Israel. Ezekiel 4:6
  • Ezekiel prophesies that Egypt shall be desolate for 40 years. Ezekiel 29:12

·       Several early Hebrew leaders and kings ruled for 40 years in Israel, again, a generation. 
1.     Eli (the final judge to rule) in 1 Samuel 4:18
2.     Saul in Acts 13:21
3.     King David in 2 Samuel 5:4, and
4.     King Solomon in 1 Kings 11:42

  • The embalming of Israel (Jacob) takes 40 days. Genesis 50:3
  • God punishes Israel by allowing the Philistines to defeat them for 40 years (the epoch of Samson).  Judges 13:1
  • The Philistine army stands against Saul’s army sending out Goliath twice a day for 40 days until David slays Goliath. I Samuel 17:16
  • Elijah fasted and traveled 40 days to the Mountain of God (Mount Horeb aka Mount Sinai; where God gave Moses the 10 commandments). I Kings 19:8
·       Jonah prophesies that Nineveh will be overthrown in 40 days. Jonah 3:4
·       40 days for a woman to rest after giving birth to a son (80 for a girl). Leviticus 12:1-8
·       A mikvah consists of 40 se’ah of water.  A measurement.
·       Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the Judean dessert. Matthew 4:2, Mark 1:13, and Luke 4:2. (This is also described as the commemoration of Lent in some Christian traditions.)
·       The Sanhedrin used 40 lashes as one of the punishments listed in Deuteronomy 25:3; even though in actual practice only 39 lashes were administered as it was said, 40 would kill a man.  Jesus took 39 lashes.

·       There were 40 days from the resurrection of Jesus that he appeared on earth to His ascension in heaven. Acts 1:3.

·       A human being grows in the mother’s womb to produce a living body in 40 weeks.
·       The temperature, -40 on the Fahrenheit scale and -40 on the Celsius scales correspond together.  It is the same, minus forty or forty below on either measuring system.
·       This year is 2020 contains 20+20 and that = 40.
·       2020 is a census year; Jesus Christ was born during a census.
·       2020 is a year of “vision”. (Perfect vision is 2010.)  We need to ask the Lord what to see this year.

Finally, I have read that a group of theologians believe the number 40 represents "change”. It is the time of preparing a person, or people, to make a fundamental change.

In the last month, we certainly have seen changes in our world. God is all about rest, as even He rested on the 7th day – the Sabbath; so maybe this “forced” rest our world has experienced has to do with our lack of taking a Sabbath. I remember in the early 1970’s when stores closed at a reasonable hour at night and most places were closed on Sundays. Could it be God is demanding His Sabbath from our nation?

Many people have been taking this time of being “shut-in” to truly find the Lord and turn their hearts with purpose, back to the Lord. They are repenting, seeking God, finding Him, but I feel as though there are many, dare I say even many Christians that are NOT using this time to seek the Lord, to repent of “their wicked ways” (because most of us think we are right, ya know?) and to truly encounter what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the churches.  When we truly bow the knee, and repent, and turn, THEN we will hear from heaven and God will heal our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Something is brooding in my spirit as the Lord is highlighting “signs and seasons”.  We just came through a very significant time in history; the world had another, real-time Passover. Just as the plague of the angel of death was going over Egypt 3333 years ago, we too, needed the Lord to cover us, so that the coronavirus would Passover our homes.  Even the entire nation of Israel was “shut in” (a curfew was imposed over everyone), for the first time since Moses led his people out at the Exodus. God is a very intentional God so we need to be paying attention to these signs, watching and waiting.  Jesus died on Passover and then He rose again on First Fruits.  And after Jesus rose, he came back to live on the earth, walking with his disciples on the earth again, for 40 days. Read about it in Acts 1.

After Jesus rose from the dead but before He ascended up to heaven, He instructed His about the coming Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5) and He told them to wait in the upper room (after He ascended) for the Holy Spirit to come, and Jesus said, He was “mightier than I”.  The disciples again, were shut-in for 10 days in the upper room (Acts 2:1) when the Holy Spirit came and filled the room like a rushing, mighty wind, baptizing them with fire.  Matthew 3:11. This is what the church calls Pentecost and it where the Old Testament period of the law was concluded and the new era of the church began.  This “church”, those who believe in Jesus as Messiah are now part of the body (or bride) of Christ.  The church age began at Pentecost and will conclude when Christ comes back.  (This is where understanding a Galilean wedding betrothal/ceremony would be helpful to understand.  I may write about that in the near future.)

We just experienced a fresh world-wide Passover, and I am expecting, that 40 days from that event (plug the 10 days they were shut-in waiting in the upper room), we will experience a FRESH world-wide Pentecost!

I have heard some prophetic voices saying things like we are nearing the end of this “church” age and we will be stepping into the “Kingdom Age” after we come out of this coronavirus quarantine; that we will be stepping into a whole new way of living; life will be different.  I agree.  We are shifting from one period of time in history into a distinctively new period with particular characteristics marked by this notable event called the coronavirus.  Watch; we are living the history books of tomorrow.

The number 40 is an indicator, that there is about to be a "change".  Hiding and watching, waiting for the Fire of God to fall fresh and new upon us… Maranatha.

ADDENDUM:  I just heard that the official day of the Wuhan Virus shutdown in the United States was March 23rd, 2020.  The official day for the reopening of the United States is May 1st, 2020 - or EXACTLY 40 days!

Pentecost is celebrated 40 days after the resurrection of Jesus from the grave.  There was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that shifted the disciples from people of great fear (hiding and denying) to people of great faith!  Could we have another great outpouring of His Spirit, a great awakening coming upon us?  May 31st, 2020, is Pentecost and Shavuot begins May 28th.  Shavuot comes from the meaning "weeks" celebrates the early barley harvest and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.  It is also called the "Feast of the Harvest".  Hmmm - is there going to be a GREAT HARVEST coming as the Fire of God falls again on the earth?  I have heard many Christians feeling that we are about to step into the Third Great Awakening... yes Lord. Jesus Come!