Thursday, December 5, 2013

Power of Prayer

Just had to share this link with y'all!  You say you don't believe?  Really.  Well, have you ever prayed?  See, I am FULLY persuaded of who my God is and what He can do, but many around me are not convinced.  Why?  Well, maybe they haven't asked God to show His love to them.

I love how this man was challenged by a friend to "shoot up a prayer" and then, THEN God showed up for him.  That is just how God does us...He shows up WHEN we call out to Him.

Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying someone will come and give you a $100 just because you pray, but ask the Lord to show you how much He loves you.  Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.  Ask Him.

For those of you who already believe, this is not a time to shrink back from our faith.  We need to continue to be bold in our faith - especially during this Christmas season.  Continually ask the Lord for opportunities to share with others how we find rest, peace and life in our God!  Take a minute and listen to this inspiring story.  God is SO GOOD!

So what's keeping you from "shooting up a prayer" to God? He DOES answer! Go ahead. Pray! Ask Him to reveal His love for you to you! I'm praying you do!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


“We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

With Thanksgiving behind us for this year, it is easy to become caught up in the madness of the Holidays and totally miss the joy we just celebrated last week.  I have to purpose to take my thoughts captive.  To change my mind on what my flesh feels at times.  A great way to do this is through thankfulness.

Remembering to enjoy ALL the simple things life has to offer and taking time to reflect on this goodness.  Start there. Take a minute and confess ten things you are thankful for and even share your list with someone.  It will melt away any sadness, gloom, pain or sorrow that may be trying to cloud over you during this month of December with all it's activities.

Many people become sad during this season.  Use the gift of gratitude to change your personal world!

O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known His doings among the peoples! - 1 Chronicles 16: 8

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What We Do, Matters!

I read the following article in the Huffington Post and felt I needed to share it with us, the church. I am not saying you are right or wrong in how you handle your money, just think about what you do from the "other" side (the world's view) of the process. If we are to "WIN" people to Christ, I think we need to be "above reproach" when it comes to our giving that they are watching.

I have to agree, that back in the day when I did food service, the pastor's I served were the worst at giving. The more "Free" and "Flamboyant" the church was, the smaller my tip would be. Very sad. I would even talk about the Lord with my patrons and they knew I was a believer and yet still, they left pit-tins for a tip.

One of my kiddos worked in the hotel industry and heard how his fellow employees scoffed at Christians who came in because THEY saw so much hypocrisy! Like Christmas parties from well-known ministry names where staff members were drunk, rude and well, worldly. Yes, this is from Christian Ministries. There were all kinds of negative testimonies from year-after-year events with certain ministries that continually had bad impressions. When my child tried to "witness" to the co-workers, they didn't want to hear it, they had seen too much. Sad.

We have to do better at LOVING people EVERYWHERE we go. IF we miss it, we MUST repent to those who saw us fail. We all will fail and as the church, we have to start doing what James says, "confessing our sins one to another." God help ME recognize when I am failing the truth of the gospel by my selfish, fleshly actions. Father, forgive me!

We think nothing of buying a friend a meal, yet we want to skimp on blessing our "servers". Choose to go into the restaurant KNOWING you will be leaving a good tip and then, IF there is an issue, adjust accordingly.

A quick way to know how much to start your tip price at (for those who are a bit math challenged) is: Take the tax amount (listed on the receipt) and double it. (Most taxes are around 8% give or take a point.) That will put you above the 15% starting point for a reasonable tip. Then go up from there if service was better than average.

Note - this is a secular article talking about Christians. God help us BE the church that reflects YOUR image - generous, kind, blessed, and desirable.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Boundaries, Parenting and ADHD

EXCELLENT article that I read today showing that ADHD is not an issue in the country of France like it is here in the US.  What?  ADHD is not a disorder that we are born with?  In America, we treat ADHD with medication because it is a medical issue but in France, they have a SMALL percentage of people who deal with this disorder. Maybe we need to look at other factors that are the real cause of ADHD like diet and good old fashion manners.

My mother was European and many of these principles discussed here were part of my upbringing. The challenge came when the children were introduced to an outside group where "other kids" got to do things differently.  I have seen this in my own children as well.  We raised our children with many of the same "boundaries" mentioned in the article and having so many different people in our lives over the years, we have experienced MANY people who just didn't have "boundaries" for their children.

Example, as I child, children were rarely allowed to sit on the furniture in the living room, even during a party.  IF we were sitting there, nicely and an adult came into the room, we were expected, WITHOUT QUESTION, to get up and give up our chair.  We were allowed to sit on the floor IF we were to be in the room.  NEVER did I see children running in the house, jumping on the couches, helping themselves to and walking around with food.  This was just not allowed at my house or at my aunts and uncles, or my parent's friend's houses.  It was UNHEARD of in my circles.  Boundaries were in place.

Some American parents need some classes to learn parenting skills.  I am stunned when I go to malls, theme parks, fairs, movies and see how children and youth act.  It's because they haven't had parents who did their parenting.  Sometimes children just need to learn self-control and parents are the teachers.

Junk food was also something that was RARE in my home growing up.  I remember 3 times having sodas in the home before the age of 16.  Hot dogs we had maybe once a year.  Chips were for the top of casseroles, not for snacking and as for snacking, we had fruit as a choice.  I don't ever remember my mother buying sugared cereals as we had hot cereal to choose from and possibly some corn flakes or bran cereal.  Again, parents need to parent and not just feed children whatever they want.

Bedtime was another "rule" I grew up with.  I am amazed with how many young parents today let their children stay up until they crash on the floor or where ever for that matter.  Children need to sleep but parents have to require bedtimes.  On rare occasions I get it, but every night?  Kiddos are on social media sites well after midnight on school nights.  UNHEARD of to be up messing around at that time of night in my childhood.  There were boundaries.

There are some kids who are hyper, I get it, it's called being a kid. They may need more love, an extra hug and some structure.  It is tiring to teach children 24 hours a day but the rewards are worth it as they grow up.  Invest in your children when they are young.  Take the time to parent and see what boundaries accomplish.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Angels Unaware

Take a minute and listen to this miraculous clip. It will build your faith and get you stirred up with how BIG our God really is!

God has NEED of us to DO the will of the Father. That's right...he NEEDS us to activate His Word. He searches over thousands looking for one! He is alert and active and watches over HIS Word to perform it. He wants to hear US declaring HIS verdict, His plan, His purposes. How many times do we just "watch" when we should pray, declare, intercede, command, request, petition, well, you get the idea.

Totally blessed by this testimony of what our God can do. In light of our nation and it's ills, maybe we ALL should begin to take our "place on the wall" and PRAY for heaven to meet earth and change our world.

Blessings warriors! Be encouraged and LIFT UP YOUR EYES, for our help comes from the Lord!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Billy Graham Sounding an Alarm!

A friend posted this and I wanted to share it here as well! THESE ARE THE DAYS THE PROPHETS HAVE LONGED FOR! We have been chosen to be alive in these INCREDIBLE TIMES! MARANATHA!
Famed evangelist sees signs 'converging now for the 1st time'. Just as Noah did in ancient times, world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham is sounding the alarm that the Second Coming is “near” and signs of the end of the age are converging now for the first time since Jesus told of these events in Matthew 24.

Earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations General Assembly “biblical prophecies are being realized.”

When you see up is down and right is wrong, when this is happening, we were told this: that these days would be as the days of Noah.

In an exclusive email interview with WND, Graham, 94, who is giving what may be his last message to the world as part of the My Hope America with Billy Graham evangelistic outreach in early November, said the world is “coming toward the end of the age.”

“There’s a great deal to say in the Bible about the signs we’re to watch for and when these signs all converge at one place we can be sure that we’re close to the end of the age,” Graham wrote. “And those signs, in my judgment, are converging now for the first time since Jesus said these things in Matthew 24.

Graham said he now has a burden for “sounding the alarm for humanity to repent and turn from their sin … just as Noah did in ancient days.”

“God keeps his promises, and this is why we can be sure that the return of Christ is near,” Graham said. “Scripture tells us that there will be signs pointing toward the return of the Lord. I believe all these signs are evident today.”

The evangelistic outreach and book come as a number of major evangelists – Graham, his son Franklin Graham, Reinhard Bonnke, Greg Laurie, Luis Palau, Banning Liebscher and others – are turning their attention toward America in the hope of helping ignite what Graham calls an end-times “great spiritual awakening.”

In what the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association describes as the largest outreach in its six-decade history, Graham will give a dynamic and poignant pre-recorded message the week of Nov. 7, his 95th birthday. The My Hope programs will be available for viewing online and on YouTube. The Cross, the primary program in the My Hope series, will be broadcast on the Fox News channel, TBN, Christian networks and local television stations in a number of cities.

The event follows an open letter Graham released in the summer of 2012 titled “My Heart Aches for America.”

In the letter, Graham wondered what his late wife, Ruth, would think of a nation in which “self-centered indulgence, pride and a lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle.”

Graham compared America to the ancient city of Nineveh, the lone superpower of its time. When the prophet Jonah finally traveled to Nineveh and proclaimed God’s warning, the people repented and escaped judgment, Graham wrote, adding he believes the same thing could happen today.

The end-times warnings by Graham, and others come amid a series of events in recent years that have prompted many to ask whether the countdown to Armageddon has begun.

The events include the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, the global recession and more recently what some view as an increase in purported end-times signs, including super-earthquakes, mega-tsunamis and gargantuan storms and tornadoes.

“We’re looking at things like the possibility of another global economic meltdown,” said McGuire, an author of 22 prophecy books, including “The Day the Dollar Died” and the upcoming “A Prophecy of the Future of America.”

“Consider the earthquake warnings, the potential volcanic eruption of Yellowstone, the Japanese tsunamis and the radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster traveling across the ocean and contaminating the food supply here on the West Coast, along with massive tornadoes the size of which we’ve never seen in human history,” he said.

McGuire said government and scientific experts are also expressing concerns about the potential of a massive West Coast tsunami, increased solar flare activity and severe climate change.

“The dramatic and unprecedented planetary climate change is something on the level of the apocalyptic predictions of the Bible,” McGuire said. “We’re on the verge right now, because of climate change, of massive food and water shortages, which could affect tens of millions of people worldwide because of the droughts that have occurred. The intense heat and water shortages have dried up the crops, and we are going to see that play out in the near future because of all the freak weather.

Against this apocalyptic backdrop, prominent faith leaders such as Graham, Greg Laurie, Cahn and John Hagee say they are witnessing an unparalleled acceleration in last-days signs that suggest the Second Coming is fast approaching.

Hagee, pastor of Cornerstone Church and author of the newly-released book “Four Blood Moons,” told his 22,000-member congregation recently that the appearance of four blood moons on Jewish holy days between April 2014 and October 2015 points to a “world-shaking event” that could signify the beginning of events leading up to the seven-year Great Tribulation.

God is using the heavens to announce things to come, says Pastor John Hagee.

“I believe that the heavens are God’s billboard – that he has been sending signals to planet Earth and we just haven’t been picking them up,” Hagee told his San Antonio, Texas, congregation. “Today, with the help of God’s word and some very astute scientists, I’m going to walk you through 500 years (of four blood moons on Jewish feast days) and show you how God is literally screaming at the world: ‘I am coming soon.’”

The phenomenon, a rare combination of lunar and solar eclipses, has only occurred a few times in the last 500 years – 1492, 1948 and 1967. It will happen again in 2014-15.

The previous dates correspond with the Jews’ expulsion from Spain and Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America (a sanctuary for the Jewish people), the creation of Israel, the Six-Day War and what Hagee and other Bible prophecy scholars
believe could be the Middle East “War of Gog and Magog” predicted by the prophet Ezekiel 2,700 years ago. This war, according to Bible prophecy scholars, involves an attack on Israel by a coalition of nations led by Russia and Iran.

“The Bible speaks of signs in the heavens that have been discovered and recorded by NASA that you yourself can find on Google on the Internet,” Hagee told his church. “The coming four blood moons point to a world-shaking event that will happen between April 2014 and October 2015. What does it mean? What is the prophetic significance? Is this the end of the age?

Today, Franklin Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said there is an urgency and sense “that the Lord Jesus could be returning soon.”

“The Bible gives us warning signs,” he said. “Jesus told his disciples the things people should be looking for, and I believe all the prophecies that have to take place for Jesus to return have been fulfilled.”

One of the big prophecies was the rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948.

It’s a time, Billy Graham wrote in “The Reason for My Hope: Salvation,” to take the news of the day in one hand and the Bible in the other and watch the unfolding of the great drama of the ages come together.

“This is an exciting and thrilling time to be alive,” wrote Graham, a man who has preached to more people – 2.2 billion – than any Protestant in history and who has appeared on Gallup’s list of the most admired men in the world 56 times since 1955, more than any other individual in the world.

“I would not want to live in any other period,” he said.

“The Apocalypse (the unveiling of the end times) speaks powerfully of trouble ahead with storm warnings that carrying a booming jolt of truth. The warning is clear: prepare to meet thy God – followed by the voice of the gentle Shepherd – ‘Come.’”

A new world is coming, Graham wrote. The paradise that humanity lost in the Garden of Eden will be regained. Christ is coming to conquer evil and establish his perfect rule over all creation

“But until then God wants to give everyone an opportunity to know Christ through repentance and faith,” Graham wrote. “Regardless of what society says, we can’t go on much longer in the sea of immorality without judgment coming. We are at a crossroads, and there are profound moral issues at stake. It is time to return to biblical truth.”

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

the Exchange

Dripping with Honey!
I have walked with the Lord since I was 7...that adds up to over 40 years now and I have never backed away from my relationship with the King.  I was changed, forever changed, in my bedroom with my sister when she introduced me to Jesus as MY personal savior and I will never be the same again.  He also became my Lord that day as well.  Forever changing the course of my life.

With the ebbs-and-flow of life, people come-and-go, relationships change, feelings get hurt, relationships fail, new relationship start and we all experience the cycle-of-life as we walk out our days here on this planet.  Life is full of change.  Some good, some not-so-good.  Change none-the-less.

About 3 years ago my life was about to take on a change, a "shift" as James Goll calls it.  I was SO ready for it yet again, with all change, there are things we are prepared for and things we are not prepared to deal with.  Being the adventurer that I am, I usually LOVE change, especially when I am the one controlling it!

At this time in my life, I found myself seeing that God was calling me to a new church.  This can be a very difficult thing and yet a very wonderful thing all at the same time.  It reminds me of having a baby (which I have done a few times).  There is a new life bringing hope, joy, excitement and then there is also the needs that come with this life; more wash, meals, details and things to do.  Adding to the new dimension, the new bundle brings to the family dynamics change, the lack of sleep, the discomfort of healing from birth and you have a very interesting scenario.  This was where I was at. Full of excitement, hope, direction and yet tired, weary, maybe even a bit beaten-up.

Kerri was one of the first people at the new church that God introduced me to.  He brought her across my path in the very first weeks of us being there, for me personally, I am totally convinced. She was ministering to me by the bucketfuls even though I don't even think she was aware of the saturation that was happening in my soul just being near her.  See, the Glory of the Lord just dripped off her, like honey from a honeycomb. She just oozed with the love and compassion and the TRUTH of Jesus as she loved me in my brokenness.  I was like a "sticker" grabbing onto her "sock" in a farmer's field; a field of harvest. A beautiful field full of abundance, unknowns, and yes, even thistles and weeds.

Kerri shares a beautiful testimony of deliverance here in this clip called an exchange.  Don't just watch this video but deal with the "hurts" or "issues" that will surface in you as you watch it.  God is wanting to show you the truth regarding some things that happened in your life too, IF you will take a minute to ask Him the questions that she will ask.

BTW - she is a pastor's kid so it is interesting to me that even a child who grew up in a "ministry" home (free of worldly garbage), where parents were really trying to get it right, the devil would find a way to get in to plant seeds to try to destroy her.  All of us deal with seeds in our heart.  All of us.

I can so relate to her testimony as the failed parent.  How many times did I, in my fear, cause a wound or open a door to my children for corrupt seeds to be planted?  Father forgive me and may my children forgive me as well please! In Jesus' Name I ask,  Amen.

Enjoy the clip!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lord, I Need You - Matt Maher

I am so thankful for songwriters who hear God and bring us great music like Matt Maher.

Today this has been my theme song as yesterday was such a sad day for our nation and Texas.  Our legislators are drifting further and further from the Lord but God is coming closer and closer to us.

SO thankful for the Lord's kindness and His Word.  Enjoy a time of refreshing as you listen to this song.  It will MINISTER life to you, I am sure!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Call to Anguish

What a sad day for our country today. My heart is grieved as I reflect on scriptures and think about God's heart and how FAR we as a nation are drifting from His plan, His Will and His Word. Surely the Lord is grieved as we continue to pass laws against His Ways and stop laws that will turn our nation back to Him. I read about God's heart in His Word and how He deals with people who continue doing their OWN THING...people like us in our nation now. GOD FORGIVE US! GOD HELP US! GOD SAVE US! God SEND REVIVAL! It is a DANGEROUS thing to fall into the hands of a LIVING GOD!

This is NOT a people or person issue, this is a SIN issue and we as a nation are choosing SIN over God's Word. I have counseled and consoled many women who have chosen abortion. Every one has regretted her decision. Every year she is reminded of birthdays snuffed out, memories canceled and relationships finalized. I have yet to meet the mother who birthed her child who wishes she hadn't. Today in Texas we were unable to pass a law protecting babies over 20 weeks gestation and also requiring facilities to offer CLEAN services to mother's seeking abortion. This was STOPPED in the Bible belt, Texas! God Help Us! We are falling further and further from the Truth of the Word.

Also today in this nation the Supreme Court has paved the way for gay marriage under the Constitution. I have known many gay people, even family members who are gay but just because we all love people who are gay doesn't change God's heart on His Word. He loves them too, and He loves me and you - even in our sin, but that doesn't CHANGE His mind, His will or the consequences of sin. God defined marriage, a man and woman; and our changing of the law doesn't change God's definitions. Who do we think we are telling GOD the rules we will live by. Father Forgive us!

I know many people who steel, who lie, who cheat, who have affairs, who sleep around, who SIN and we don't legalize it, do we? Do you approve of sin in your life? Your children's lives? Really? God help us! I am CRYING out for God to forgive us and heal our land.

If you haven't read The HARBINGER, I suggest you do! GOD is giving us opportunity after opportunity to TURN TO HIM and we fail to heed His ever gentle warnings. He WILL get man's attention...God help us when he does! If God brought the plagues on Egypt do you think He will not do the same to America? It's a TIME to COVER THE DOORPOST with BLOOD! I am PRAYING the evil passes over my family and my friends but EACH of us has a part to do in this equation. You can't save me and I can't save you. GOD HELP US! We need you Lord!

I am reminded of a post I made back in 2011 by David Wilkerson David Wilkerson is in Glory.  
Take an hour today and listen to this TIMELY prophetic message called A CALL TO ANGUISH. Can you not tarry one hour?  Matthew 26:40.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life ? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:27-34 NIV)

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7 NIV)

So my friends, remember this and let's pray:

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

We love you Father and more importantly, we know that you first loved us!

He's got "this".  Whatever your "this" may be.  God is just a prayer away. Call on Him!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

What does it mean to "follow"?

Francis Chan has been ministering to me in such a powerful way.  His teaching is simple, basic, practical, real and HARD!  What?  Hard?  How can simple be HARD?  Well, because our flesh doesn't like to submit.  We like to do what we want to do.

Yesterday I posted a link by Francis called, Basic, and today is once called, Clean Your Room.

What do we mean when we ask our children to go clean their room?  Well, we mean for them to go and DO something; like make the bed, pick up the dresser, put clothes in the hamper, straighten up the books...action. Right?

Why do we expect action from our children yet we ourselves don't live a life of action?  We think that when Jesus said for us to go "do" the gospel, we think that means going to a bible study, memorizing scripture, talking about the Word or even going to church and hearing a sermon.  Don't get me wrong, those are all fine and good things, but are they GOD things?

See, God is interested in what we DO.  Remember the sheep and the goats?   (Matthew 25:31-46).  "The only difference between the sheep and the goats, according to the scripture, is what they did and didn't do." - Keith Green  Reminds me of a fabulous song I heard years ago, by Keith Green.  Take a minute to listen to the Sheep and the Goats.  It will change your life!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Follow Jesus...What's not to understand?

We as Christians can complicate the simple Gospel with our rhetoric, or our laziness, our opinions, or our selfishness and we even can complicate the message with our "spin".  We live in a culture full of "spin", which the bible calls justification.  We love to make excuses.  Excuses for everything.  Well, sorry to say, that is NOT acceptable if you want to call yourself a "follower of Christ".

If you have never heard of Francis Chan, I suggest you begin to get yourself familiar with his teaching, his books, his life, his testimony and most of all his impact on the family of faith.  He started a church in his home with 30 people and grew it into a "mega" church and then walked away.  He is a successful author and lives off 10% of his royalties.  He downsized his "large" home and his "large" income and currently helping house homeless people in his modest home in northern California.  He is DOING the gospel, just not teaching, preaching, studying, and memorizing it.

Take a look at a great teaching called BASIC!  God had called us to "go".  Jesus showed us how to make disciples.  He gave a great model to follow.  Today, "millions of people on this earth who call themselves followers of Jesus, but their lives look NOTHING like His but in their hearts their convinced they are followers." - Francis Chan.   OUCH!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Have you been "blocked"?

"You can have no greater contempt for someone, than to live your life as though they don't exist." – Ray Comfort

I read this today on a post from Ray Comfort and I had to pause, reflect and think about this. This used to be a practiced behavior seen only in children.  You remember, "Hey, I'm not gonna be your friend anymore", as you marched off the playground, the lunchroom or home from the bus-stop.

We expect "childish" games from children but unfortunately, this is becoming more-and-more common today with even adults; the art of "ignoring" people seems to be in full operation mode by many.  Today in the world of Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and on-and-on, we have so many new opportunities to put this into practice.  You know, maybe you have someone who has upset you, challenged "your" beliefs or even, heaven forbid, disagreed with YOU on political issues, so what do you do?  You "block" 'em, "delete" them or "hide" them and somehow then feel like you've "won", you've "conquered",  you're "right"!  Or maybe you have been on the receiving end of such treatment and you have been "blocked", "ignored" or "deleted".  Either way, seems a less than ideal solution for grown adults to "default" too.

Don't get me wrong, I know that sometimes there are REAL reasons to "block" someone but most of the time, from the situations I have experienced, the reasons are just plain childish.  It seems petty and even ridiculous for grown adults, friends and even family members to "block" each other because "you hurt my feelings" but unfortunately this response is very much alive and true today in our "social" society.

Even though we see this behavior being modeled more and more today and yes, adults seem to be the biggest offenders, Ray didn't make the statement regarding just human interaction with each other. He was referring to people who live their lives ignoring the existence of God.  Think about it.  How rude is it for one human to ignore another, "block" them or "delete" them over nonsensical issues?

As has been noted, this is in the least a very childish behavior when two adults won't talk through an issue but now, think about it in light of the God of creation.  Do you really think that if you decide to "delete" God, "block" God or "hide" from God it is going to work out for you?  Really?  Whoa...not such a good choice to "delete" Him from your "wall".  Just sayin'. :-/  You should consider "messaging" Him with an apology and then submit another "friend" request.  You really don't want to live life without Him!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Friend of God

So my apologies on my absence from this blog.  Life has been busy this spring for me, so my time has been limited.  With that said, I recently was talking with a relative about the goodness of God and sharing my testimony.  As our discussion developed I mentioned that even Jesus memorized three scriptures when He was faced with opposition from the devil.  (The account is found in Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13 and Luke 4:1-13).  Jesus was just baptized by John and was just about to begin his 3-year "ministry" when the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the dessert.  There Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights and Mark describes it that Jesus was with "wild beasts" - Mark 1:13).

First Satan tempted Jesus saying, "command that these stones become bread."  (Remember Jesus was fasting for 40 days/nights and I think He was a bit hungry.)  Jesus' response was, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God," (Matthew 4:4). Jesus quoted the Scriptures (Deuteronomy 8:3), and in doing so, laid out a principle of righteousness so plainly here that we have to be sure to catch it.  Even Jesus quoted the Word!  There is power in the Word!  He knew it!  So if Jesus quoted the Word - shouldn't we?

Second time Satan tempted Jesus, he took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and placed Jesus there. (Ok - this whole concept has a LOT to dig through like how did Satan "take" Jesus anywhere but we will save that discussion for a later post.)  Satan told Jesus (can you imagine the audacity of Satan TELLING Jesus anything) but anyway, Satan told Jesus that is He was the Son of God, He could cast Himself down and therefore, as God, He would not be "hurt". Satan, then being the arrogant thing that his was, quoted from the Psalms (Matthew 4:6). "If You are the Son of God throw Yourself down; for it is written, 'He will give His angels charge concerning You'; and 'On their hands they will bear You up, Lest You strike Your foot against a stone.'"  Geeze - what gaul!  And doesn't that same like the same devil who harasses you?  I recognize that tone!

Jesus, being amazing and humble didn't let the devil have it, but instead, QUOTED THE WORD!  He said, "On the other hand, it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.'" (Matthew 4:7,8). This is a quote from Deuteronomy 6:16. It was not that these two passages were in conflict with one another, but that Satan had misused the Scripture to justify something that was unjustifiable. The purpose of the passage quoted by Satan had nothing to do with jumping off tall buildings, or any other kind of foolish behavior. To do as Satan had said would be to try to push and manipulate God into action. We are the servants of God; He is not our slave.

Finally, there is the third confrontation of the devil to Jesus.  Satan took Jesus (again - this has significance but we will address that later) to a high mountain and showed Him a vision of "all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time (Luke 4:5) and the "glory of them (Matthew 4:8).  Satan "offered" this to Jesus (as satan had this authority when Adam gave the "keys" or dominion over to Satan in the Garden of Eden) in exchange for Jesus to worship Satan.  He was enticing Jesus with his power, his dominion, his rule (this world) but Jesus KNEW that He would soon regain control of this "earth" and take the keys of life and death from the very hands of Satan (after Jesus' death on the cross) so Jesus simply responded to him with the Word!  Jesus responded by saying, “Be gone, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.'" (Matthew 4:10).

Satan left and angles ministered to Jesus.  (Mark 1:13 and Matthew 4:11).

So, we see above that Jesus needed at LEAST three scriptures to fight against the devil, so if Jesus, being the Son of God needed three verses, how many verses should we know?  Well, at least three, I would say - for starters!

I wanted to share some scriptures with them, some of my favorites.  And when I think of sharing scriptures, I began with rejoicing.  I love starting there!  It is always a great place to start.  Always find SOMETHING to rejoice about!  So I shared that God is BIG and Strong and Mighty! (Yep - that's a verse...Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Psalm 24:8)

I love this verse: “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” I Peter 2:24. This says that Jesus TOOK EVERYTHING on His body, on the cross and so we don't have to take it. HE DID! Sometimes Christians think they need to "suffer" for Christ. This is simply NOT true. He suffered FOR US! He had paid it all, done it all, finished it all. In fact, that was the last thing he said on this planet before dying...It is finished! HE finished it. (John 19:30) We just have to believe that and receive it! Amen?

A faith-building verse for me is found in Numbers 11:23 and says, "The LORD answered Moses, 'Is the LORD's arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.'" Basically this is God saying, I double-dog dare you to see if I fail on my Word. See God WANTS us to KNOW that we KNOW that we KNOW that He is who He says He is!

He is SO for us (Romans 8:31 - What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?)

He LOVES us:  1 John 4:19 We love Him because HE first loved us.  Jude 21 Keep yourself in the love of God.  Galatians 5:22 For the fruit of the Spirit is love.  Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ...  Romans 8:39 ....(nothing) shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.)

And He has provided ALL that we need for LIFE and GODLINESS! (By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. 2 Peter 1:3)

We are not alone!
Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."  Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."  1 John 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.  Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."  Isaiah 41:13 For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

This verse helps me to keep being motivated to study the scripture and to KNOW them. So many times as Christians we let OTHERS (the pastor, the priest, the rabbi, the leader know but WE need to know): Hosea 4:6 says, "MY (this means us - believers!) people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children." Ok - I don't want my children destroyed so I choose to KEEP God's Word.  I want to KNOW what the Bible says! AMEN!

Then there is this FABULOUS promise from God (one of many) but this one is found in Jeremiah 1:12... Then said the Lord to ME (you!), You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it. See, God WANTS to do His Word for us, but if we don't "remind" Him (not that He has forgotten but don't you love it when your children CLING to your promise?) He waits on us to move first, then He moves FOR us!  HE WANTS RELATIONSHIP WITH US! WOO HOO! I am a friend of God. Imagine that...ME, a friend to God? Are you kidding me? All this and heaven too!

Begin to HIDE God's Word in your heart. (Psalms 199:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.)  We have to be ready with the Word!

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Tongue - a creative force!

Our tongues are a creative force. Did you know that? Proverbs 18:21 says, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." What are you creating with your tongue?

I have observed how we (people) frame things by our descriptions and our opinions of events, places, people. Think about it; someone says, "I love that restaurant," and suddenly, you want to try it too! Someone else will say, "Oh the service at that place was terrible," and there you have it, if you don't have your own experience to glean from, you don't ever want to go there based on one person's statement.
In light of this, think about how you frame your words about people. Stick to the truth but also try to build-up rather than tear-down. Have you ever met someone who you had previous "information" about from another person first?  Then you come to find out that the picture they painted of this person was not at all accurate to you? I know I have. I have seen it.

Someone will say, so and so is mean, or rude or whatever, but that was ONE person's opinion and sometimes that ONE person can be totally WRONG!  I have had this done to me as well.  People will say things like, "Wow, you are not at all like so-and-so told me you would be!"  YIKES - that was a hard thing to hear.  Someone else was going before me to "share" and "paint" a picture of me that was not at all true.  Words can frame.  What are you building?

When trying to form an opinion on someone, you need to seek counsel from MANY witnesses.  2 Corinthians 13:1 says, "...EVERY FACT IS TO BE CONFIRMED BY THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES." - NASB.  Don't just form an opinion because one person said so.  Better yet, check a few sources...and don't check from the same pond if possible.  Don't ask the "friends" or "enemy" of a person, try to get other's input too.

I really try to take information and things to the Lord to sift them, to find truth, not to people. Ask God to show you the truth and you know what? He will! He is faithful like that! Don't allow people's opinion to shape you. Guard your heart with ALL diligence! It's easy to let someone we love and respect (like a friend) CHANGE our view on someone or something because we are following man and not God. Believe it or not, God has a STRONG opinion on most matters. Take the time to find God in the equation. Your time spent will be well worth it!

It's easy to follow people, especially those we love and possibly even respect but PEOPLE fail...God NEVER fails! HIS opinion is what we need to seek, find and trust! HE is faithful like that! It may not be POPULAR or even politically correct today (unfortunately) to follow God but it is ALWAYS worth it! His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts! His sheep HEAR His voice...sometimes we just need to stop and listen to hear Him on the matter.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Walking In Your Healing

So last week but my son Josh (the one who walked away from the motorcycle accident the week before) was at the same Tuesday night bible study group (Vibe) last week and they experienced a miracle after the event. A few of them from the group prayed for someone whose leg was 2 inches shorter than the other (resulting in back pain). As they prayed, the leg grew out 2 inches and the person was healed! (Josh told me he has his eyes closed so he missed the "event" but others did see it!) Regardless, the legs were even in length after the prayer - whether or not people saw it!

God is MOVING, people! Press in and also begin to release His power to those around you in prayer! It is amazing what God is doing IN OUR MIDST IF only we would believe! Amazing God!
Ok, so one more PRAISE report!  Did I say MIRACLES are happening?  Last Friday night, at our church we had our monthly Friday Night Fire event.  A praise and worship time (not a concert or show but just simple, sweet fellowship).  We had a guest speaker in town (David Wagner) as he has recently been to our church which resulted in incredible testimonies and miracles manifesting.  So, David came back and I invited a friend and her family to come to hear him teach, minister.

At first she didn't think they would be able to come but then it worked out and they were able to come.  During the ministry of teaching, David said that someone had just been healed from acid reflux and they were in the room.  He asked if anyone in the room was that person.  No one responded.

Well, this morning while talking to this friend on the phone, she told me that her and her husband both had been battling acid reflux for months - to the point they were eating Rolaids 4 and 5 times a night and she wondered if I thought she could have been healed Friday night.  I said of COURSE you could have been!

She went on to share that Friday night they BOTH slept thru the night with NO issues and in the morning they both thought that was strange.  They thought it was interesting for them both to have a good night, as her husband had even been forced to sleeping upright to bring relief through the night for the past months.  She said to him, do you think WE were healed?  Still not fully sure they were healed because they didn't respond in ANY way to the Word given that last night.

Well, Saturday night they both slept thru the night again; no issues, no problems.

Here is where I will pause the testimony.  During the Friday Night Fire meeting David shared about his sister who needed knee replacement as her knees were in terrible shape.  She came to stay at his home for a couple weeks, and during that stay, her knees were healed (as she had to go up and downstairs to her bedroom every day/night).  David said to her, now you know you are going to have to give up your disability check because your knees are healed.  She said she couldn't live without that money and refused to do that.  A few years later, she had to have both knees replaced.  She lost her healing.

So back to my friends testimony.  She said that this morning and this past night, she was dealing with acid reflux again and at the first sign of it, she rebuked it and said, she was NOT going to give up her healing!  She was fine the rest of the night and is walking in her healing

See, WE have a part to play in our healing.  God does it, but we can reject it or accept it.  He is such a good and merciful God but even God will not override our will!  Praising the Lord for this GREAT, BIG, WONDERFUL GOD WE SERVE!  Hallelujah!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


"I can't be rejected because I have been accepted." - Todd White

Think about this. If you are in Christ, YOU ARE ACCEPTED! End. Period. Done. You CAN'T be rejected. NO ONE can change that. NO ONE! Walk in a day of acceptance! It's already been paid for!

Today has been a tough day for me as I have personally been dealing with some people who are less than kind toward me.  They saw all manner of evil against me.  They slander me, reject me, disassociate with me and they don't bother to follow what the bible says to do when there is a difference among the brethren; Matthew 18.  Jesus KNEW we would have disputes and differences and the Word makes provision for such things - talk to the person!

We are to GO to the person we have "issue" with and talk to them about it.  Seems many in the faith today have their OWN version of the bible they like to read.  They delete "friends" from social media, they don't invite family/friends to their personal events and they slander those they disagree with without EVER talking to the person they have ought with.  There will be an increase in lawlessness (in the end) and we are told this will increase and the love of many will wax cold. Matthew 24:12.  As believers, this is UNBIBLICAL to just "cut and run" and I have seen many in the "body" (even pastors, leaders and chaplain's) act in this wrong manner.  We are to come to terms quickly before it is too late, Matthew 5:25 says. God forgive us!

No wonder the world is screwed up, the church can't even follow scripture and we expect the world to want this gospel?

I don't post this because life is easy, I post this because God is faithful!  We have got to get to the point where all that really matters to us is what God thinks about us and things in our life.  We have got to get over our own comfort, acceptance, popularity and/or approval.

In a world that is full of opinion polls it's time to take a step backward and see what GOD thinks about things.  HIS opinion is ALL that matters in the end.  So, you can reject me if you like - God has called me accepted.  He hung the stars in the sky, gave the planet life, placed me in my mother's womb, saved my soul and healed my body.  Praise His Holy Name!

When people start doing ALL that God has for you, then possibly you could care about what people think.  Just sayin'.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Carrots, Eggs or Coffee?

Saw this on facebook this morning and wanted to share it with a larger audience.  Great lesson here.  Under pressure, do you become better or worse?  A real challenge here, I know.  Years ago, I had a teaching by a small group leader in which he said, "When you put pressure on a tube of toothpaste, what's inside comes out."  So what's inside of US comes out under pressure too.  Think about it as you read this.  ENJOY!

Carrots, Eggs or Coffee 
 - Author Unknown

Grandmother says... Carrots, Eggs, or Coffee; "Which are you?"

A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.

Her grandmother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs and the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her granddaughter, she asked, "Tell me what do you see?"

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.

She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they got soft.She then asked her to take an egg and break it.

After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The granddaughter smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma. The granddaughter then asked. "What's the point,grandmother?"

Her grandmother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity--boiling water--but each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.

The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her granddaughter.

"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Think of this: Which am I?

Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff?

Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.

When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Follow-Up on Miracle!

So yesterday I had a miracle in my family and I shared this GOOD NEWS with almost every outlet I could.  And with that, within hours, I heard feedback.  I wanted to share that feedback here as a point of faith - to strengthen you in your walk.  Sometimes, some people are NOT excited about the things God is doing in your life, for your life or to your life.  Hard to believe, but sometimes, these people can even be other believers.  This is why I am addressing this here.

I will start with some GOOD NEWS!  Always a good place to start.  I have two Christian facebook groups that I am involved in, one is located with many of it's members in my area of the country.  The other group is located with many of it's members in a different part of the country, where I grew up.  I know several people in each group personally.  The purposes of the group is to encourage each other in our most holy faith!  We need that - encouragement!  Everyone needs that!

The one group had the following as feedback, or comments:

  • Awesome! God is so good. I'm am so happy he is safe.
  • Praise God! He is so faithful to His children! Rejoicing with you and your family for the good news that Josh is safe!
  • Wow! God is amazing!!
  • My Father [God] took care of me in much the same a motorcycle accident when I was 17.  Crazy similar.. I know this kind of protection from the hand of God & his angels. Twice... I'm glad to know he's ok and the Peace of God resides with all of you. Powerful stuff my friend.
  • Thank you Lord! What a testimony to tell!
  • How wonderful!!!! Tis such power to not just read and memorize verses but claim them, to say, sing and shout them out loud. What a blessed moment for you and your family to experience.
  • Phenomenal! Do you know, last night I was prompted to pray specifically for [her son] on the road, & when he got back he said he'd had a scary aquaplaning incident & ended up inches from the interstate flyover. So I'm thanking God today for his protection of both our sons!
  • So glad he is safe!
  • Man right by my house! Glad he was ok! As you know my brother just had a major brain injury and still is healing from hitting a deer [on his motorcycle]. I so glad he is ok!! I'm glad someone stopped and helped!
  • What a testimony of God's abundant love!
  • Love this!!!! The Lord has a CALL on that Young man and He is letting him know that he is forever in HIS care!!! So excited about this report!! Woo- Hoo another miracle during the 52 days!!!
There were also 16 other people who also just "liked" the post.

Now, on to the other group.  Remember, both groups are Christians who all profess their love for God. No one HAS to be in these groups, they want to be.  From that group I had 5 likes (seen by 7 others) and only one comment.  That comment is the reason for this post here today.  Let's look at it:
"Guardian Angels were with Josh last night. Praise The Lord. I'm happy for your family. 
Now see if you can get him to use a car as a sign He does not want Josh on a bike anymore. 
You are Blessed!  Amen!"

I was a bit surprised by his "conclusion" that the above writer posted about but then it also reminded me of the story by Max Lucado called The Woodcutter's Wisdom.  I felt I needed to address his post as I felt he missed the whole point; the miracle!  I feel as though he is like MANY Christians today who live under a veil of fear yet they are trying to "talk the talk".  They know in part.  They are not walking the victorious life that Jesus paid for them to have.

The days we are living in are about to become MORE full but God is also going to show-up with MORE miracles and MORE blessings and MORE goodness.  It's His nature to "save the day" and show up "just in the nick of time"!  He never fails, but all too often, we fail Him and give up too easily sometimes even blaming HIM for the trouble in our lives.  Lord forgive us.  With that, here is my response to this brother-in-the-Lord who posted:
"James your conclusion is a bit flawed my brother. My mother almost drowned when she was about twelve, and I almost drowned when I was seven, does that mean we should never swim again?
I got food poisoning from a restaurant several years ago, does that mean I should never eat out again?

My sister-in-law was killed in a car accident because someone else missed a stop sign, should we all put our cars away?  Should I never drive again?

But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. - Hebrews 10:39.

I will not live my life in fear. I put my trust in the Lord. This (motorcycle)is his (my son's) means of transportation. He wasn't being stupid. He was on his way home from the young adults meeting at church and then..."it came to pass" (Luke 2:1, 2:11, John 19:36). The enemy sends things across our path, but they don't come to stay, they "come to pass".

People die everyday, James. We can't stop living because of fear. We have to put our trust in the Lord.  We REALLY have to purpose to do this!  I am rejoicing that God's protection was upon my son. I am Rejoicing at God's provision to keep him safe. I have to trust the Lord IN ALL THINGS (Proverbs 3:5). I can't fix everything in life but I certainly can snuggle closely to the one who can!

Don't miss the miracle here, brother. God was watching over him (my son). I believe God is faithful. We either believe the Word, or we don't 
(Matthew 13:58).  We know what people believe by what they do (Matthew 25:31-46). I believe nothing will take Josh (my son) from this planet before the Lord allows it.  I can trust God at His Word.  ALL of His Word. I also believe that God will honor His word, and I know that the fruit of my womb is blessed because God said so.

We can read in the Bible where God's heart was changed by men's appeals. I believe this is why we have a relationship with the Lord. When we walk in Truth, Truth walks with us (John 14:6 - Truth is a person, JESUS!) He is a good God and He desires good things for us, His children. We have a part in this relationship.  He is not some far off God who just throws fire and brimstone down upon mankind.  He LOVES mankind and wishes that NONE would perish (John 3:16&17).

Hosea said (Hosea 4:6)that my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge (this represents spiritual understanding, following God's way), I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.

I can't control the blessings or curses of others, but I do have authority over my part of the world. This is why I walk closely with the Lord. I want to know Him, in all things, in all of His ways. He speaks to me. And He wants the same relationship with everyone but few will respond to His calling. He loves us! And He is good!!!"


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

52 Days of Miracles

About 10 days ago, David Wagner of Father's Heart Ministries came to my church and had incredible prophetic ministry to many who came.  My son, Josh was one of many that was ministered too during that week-end.  One of the words he had for our body was that there was going to be 52 days of miracles.  Well, tonight, my family saw one of those.

An hour-and-a-half ago my cell phone rings with an unknown number to me.  I usually don't answer calls I don't know, especially at 10:30 PM but I felt the Lord prompting me to answer it.

I answered and no one responded.  I said, "hello" again and still no response but I could tell someone was on the line.  Finally a third time I said, "hello" and I heard a voice that sounded like my son.  He said, "I'm fine but I have been in an accident.  Can you come and pick me up?  I'm at I-20 and Trail Lake Road."  (About 20 minutes from our home).  I said, "Is this Josh?" and he said, "Yes."  I then begin to flood him with questions.  "What happened?  Are you ok?  Are you sure you are ok?  Are you in pain?  Bleeding?  Are you in shock?  Does anything hurt?"

See, he was on a motorcycle and wearing a helmet but the weather had turned cold and rainy here tonight and he said he slid and fell on his bike.  He then goes on to tell me he slid on his butt on the freeway.  It was strange but I felt like it was very abstract for me.  It felt like I was sleeping or something.  I had total peace.  Very strange.  No fear, just information being shared.

I walked to find my husband (Keith) while I was gathering information from Josh and then we hung up as Keith was heading toward the trailer asking me to get another son out to help him load it.

When Josh got home we talked and he didn't know how, but the bike just started turning right and he said it was really surreal.  Like slow motion.  He then felt that he was sliding off the bike and was just trying to keep riding it as it kept dropping.  He saw sparks come as the tailpipe dragged on the concrete so he pushed the bike away with his left foot and he continued to slide on his back right hip down the road.

Josh had tried to stand up, as he thought he was done sliding but he wasn't.  Thinking he was stopped he moved his feet to stand but he was still moving forward and tumbled into a somersault hitting his left knee.  All this is happening while he is in the middle-lane of the interstate.

He finally got his footing and walked to his bike which was still running quite a few feet ahead of him.  The bike was facing on-coming traffic and he needed to clear the roadway.  He left the bike heading in the wrong direction with it's headlight shining into the on-coming traffic as he walked toward the shoulder.

A drunk man then stopped his car in the slow-lane and got out of his car to yell to the traffic behind him to go around.  Josh was shielded from the traffic with this guy in his car.   He then pulled over to check on Josh and to see if he was ok.  He was in a hurry and wanted to go but he also wanted to help Josh.  Wouldn't look too good if the police came and saw a drunk helping a motorcyclist who was in an accident - ya know what I mean?

Josh had no phone as his battery was dead so he had no way to call us and so this guy let him use his phone.  So that's why I didn't recognize the phone number when he called me.  It wasn't his phone.

Josh had pushed the bike to a nearby Starbucks parking lot and was waiting for Keith to come and get him.

I looked Josh over and there wasn't even a scuff on his jeans from where he road the pavement.  He did have a whitish smudge mark on his black jacket - on the shoulder that was NOT on the ground but other than that, he was just soaking wet!

I asked Josh if he felt that God was with him or if there was some heavenly help and he told me, that's the only thing that he could come up with.  He was driving at 65 miles an hour when this "slide" began and he really doesn't know exactly why or what happened.  Again, it was all just too surreal; like watching a movie but it happened to him!

Our God is SO faithful to watch over our children. Psalm 91:12 was the first verse the Lord gave me tonight:  They (the angels) will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

Then he said to me:  Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee. - Isaiah 26:3.  This is the verse the Lord gave me tonight.

I am rejoicing that indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.  - Psalm 121:4

We serve a FAITHFUL God and tonight I am just grateful for all the goodness He pours out to me.  Thank you Father that you love me and my son, so!

Friday, February 8, 2013

the HEAVENS are declaring HIS Glory!

Ok - How COOL is this?  How amazing is our God?  Really?  What are the chances?  Wow!

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) defines the occurrence of 4 consecutive total lunar eclipses as a Tetrad. In the years 2014 - 2015 a rare Tetrad sequence will occur on the Jewish Holidays of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. 

So if that is not cool enough, in addition to the Tetrad occurrence, 2 total solar eclipses will complement the 4 lunar eclipses on the Jewish New Year and the Feast of Trumpets.

Look to the heavens because our redeemer is drawing NIGH!  Maranatha!