With Donald Trump joining in the march recently for this position, more and more attention is being drawn to Mr. Obama and his "real" beliefs. I understand that he says he is a "Christian"; even going to church on Easter morning but just because cars are parked in garages doesn't mean that my garage is full with a car inside! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than putting an item in my garage means there is a car there.
The Bible (the Christian instruction manual) states that you will KNOW a tree (people) by it's fruit (actions - testimonies)! See what matters is NOT what we say, but what we do. I can hear you saying now, but he WENT to church. He DID something, right? Again, I can BE somewhere, like in my garage but does that make me a car? No we then look deeper to what the person REALLY does, their patterns, their habits! So with this standard, lets take a look at what Mr. Obama DOES in promoting HIS faith with his speeches.
See, to acknowledge Easter Sunday in a speech would mean you would have to "talk" about the meaning of the day. Hmmm - I don't think ANY Christian would have a problem talking about the day their Savior ROSE from the dead as He said he would. (Which by the way, you tell me what other religious figure has done this!) I agree, that a Christian would embrace this most Holy day and would TALK about it so that begs the question of whether our Commander and Chief is what he says he is. Go listen to this clip and hear the President in his OWN words...I think there will be LITTLE discussion to what he believes from his OWN testimony!