I pray you are all encountering the Lord and finding peace as He is speaking to you. He is so near us and willing to have conversations with us, His bride. So good to just be able to sit and slow down, to just "be" with Him.
The other night I was looking for a particular movie recommended to me (on Amazon Prime) and stumbled across (God brought this to my attention) this movie (The Enemies Within). I felt there were really interesting pieces revealed to me from the New Zealand man as he was investing some things about his government that brought him to our government.
One of my assumptions I saw I had has been that we are ALL American's - right? We all love our land, our country, our constitution, our freedoms, and certainly, we would only want what was BEST for this beautiful land - right? (Sometimes I am just too naive.) But after watching this, I am seeing that we have allowed enemies of this great land to move freely about and even lead in the highest places of government in this nation.
I knew there were some people who could be called "leftists" or "radicals" or even "progressives" but at their core, they were just like me - Right? People who loved our country, American Pie, Fourth of July - you know, 'Merica.
Well, now I have pieces to this puzzle that was made very clear to me and I pray you will watch and be informed too. Maybe you KNEW this information or pieces of it, but it is amazing the thread that is revealed in this movie. Maybe it will help you share with someone you know (probably someone younger) who has bought into this "new" thinking, progressiveness, socialism, dare I say, communism.
The movie is free on Amazon Prime (if you have Prime), so I hope you take the time to watch it. It was made in 2016, before the last election, but honestly, it really explains (to me) some of the reasons behind what we are currently seeing in our political system as we are watching our country self-destruct.
I know MANY Christians who are not voting... well, maybe they would reconsider why they need to vote after watching this.
Blessings to you all. Praying for you to encounter the Lord during this brief season at home.