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Break Through the Walls |
My heart races with scriptures as I begin to minister to people and the first words that come to me have to do with the power of words. What are words? Do they matter? Are they important? What about names? Is there a "ranking" that we give to names? Well, first off, the Word (the bible) says that there is ONE name above EVERY name and THAT name, every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:9-10) and that Name is God (or Jesus! - Romans 14:11)
So, for definition purposes, cancer is a name that is BELOW the name of Jesus yet because we have seen what cancer has done to so many we instantly fall to a place of fear BUT if we are really going to be fair to the power of names and our experiences, then we need to also look at what the name of Jesus has accomplished too, right? Well the name of Jesus has conquered EVERYTHING including death, hell and the grave (Romans 5 and Revelation 1:18) and ALL names are under the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! I think where we begin to falter in our faith is that "our" experiences usually carry more weight in our opinions because our experiences in the Lord are usually not as strong in our mind as our personal dealings. We NEED to change this. NOTHING should be as TRUE to us then that which God has said. It should be over even the things we have seen, that is, if we are truly "fully persuaded" as Paul writes! (Romans 4:21)
See, I believe that we need to put our TRUST in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalms 25:3 and Romans 10:11) and His reports (His last will and TESTAMENT - the scriptures!) We are thankful for doctors, nurses, oncologist and all the people that have given their lives to the medical field and who have a love for science, medicine and people BUT with all that said, and with all that they know, they are just mere men and they pale in comparison to what the knows and what the Lord has said! (Psalm 24:1 and 1 Corinthians 10:26) Right?
Again, Paul calls this being FULLY persuaded. (Romans 4:21) We can't waiver. We can't move. We can't wince, or doubt or falter. It was written of Abraham this way, "against all hope in hope, Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness." (Romans 4:18-21) He was "immoveable" yet even he faltered and "took things into his own hands" and strayed from God's BEST plan. It is because of this "detour" that even today we have issues in our world that go back to this simple "decision" that Abraham made that was apart from God's best. Do you see it? WE matter in the equation. WE have a part to play in the outcome. WE have been given ALL that we need for life and godliness! (II Peter 1:3)
My prayer for you it that YOU will understand the power of YOUR meditations (Psalm 19:14). See the Word says, "As a man thinketh - so is he." (Proverbs 23:7) The Word has said, "Whatever we bind on earth, will be bound in heaven." (Matthew 18:18)
Again, the Word says, "to think on these things (Philippians 4:8); whatever is true (that Jesus paid for sickness and diseases on his back - Isaiah 53:4-5 and I Peter 2:24), whatever is noble (Jesus is the King - Satan is defeated, the foe, the liar, the imposter), whatever is right (that God desires GOOD things for you and his fingerprints are GOOD - satan is evil and his fingerprints are evil - whose fingerprints are these on your life?), whatever is pure (healing is pure - sickness is confusion, mucky and messy), whatever is lovely (Jesus is lovey - cancer/sickness is NOT), whatever is admirable (walking in divine health...everyone is seeking "health" today)—if anything is excellent (that means extremely good; outstanding, eminent degree, superiority) or (think on what is) praiseworthy (like JESUS and ALL that He has done! SATURATE yourself in worship music, worship songs, TEACHINGS, healing praise, the WORD on audio. Fill your "thoughts" with ONLY Him and His Word)—think about SUCH things. This is called STARVING the doubt and FEEDING the faith.
A LITTLE leaven, leavens the WHOLE lump...here is the verses found in Galatians 5: 6a-10: The only thing that COUNTS IS faith expressing itself through love. 7 You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? 8 That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. 9 “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” 10 I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty.
What we THINK about, feeds us - it is like leaven...vs 7 - you were running a good race, WHO (identify the fingerprints and you will know who) cut in on you to KEEP you from obeying (thinking on what God says, NOT on what you have been told by doctors - OBEY the Word). A little leaven (those thoughts are like poison that GROW on our fear - just like yeast grows on sugar) and it grows IN us... it feeds cancer.
QUIET the fear (Jesus is peace - Satan is fear...fingerprints again). QUIET the noise and HEAR God. Oh, How He Loves you and He is SO for you, dear child of God! This is my favorite song and I have posted it here before: How He Loves Us So by Kim Walker. Take a minute and think about how much the Lord REALLY loves you!
Finally, I listen to incredible teachings by many people but I would encourage you to start with Thurman Scrivner of the Living Savior Ministries. He basically does what I have done here, he shows you the Scriptures and then your spirit agrees with what God has said and it changes EVERYTHING!
Praying WITH you dear child of God, in Jesus MIGHTY Name, Amen!