So this link, Jesus Died from Paul Washer of I'll Be Honest is really powerful and a bit intense but all-in-all, I try to listen to all teachings and "eat the fish and spit out the bones", if you know what I mean. Not everything someone says is, well, correct. We are not God. We are sharing our experience of God based in our human ways. People who get all hung up over technicalities to me are missing the 'forest for the trees'. Now, mind you, there are SOME hills worth dying on, Dr. Dobson would say, but those are really just a few things that are heaven and hell issues.
With that, I did some reading and found that the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has ousted Paul Washer and calls him a heretic because he teaches, what they call, "Lordship Salvation". I had never heard of the term "Lordship Salvation" and certainly was unaware that there was a controversy over it in the SBC for over 10 years now.
In the opening line of an explanation of why Lordship Salvation is a lie they say that the "false doctrine that a sinner must be willing to stop living a sinful lifestyle or give up the sinful world to be saved". Really - this is controversial? I don't get it. If you are saved wouldn't you want to give up the sinful lifestyle? Shouldn't there be fruit of a life that is changed?
People in the church for years have "abused" grace. They habitually and intentionally sin and they use the scripture to justify this action as "it is covered by the blood". I don't have an issue with Paul's message. It seems to me he is teaching righteousness and holiness. This seems to be a message that needs to be preached. He clearly says in this teaching that YOUR salvation is between YOU and GOD and not in what MAN says. I don't think you can get any plainer than that. Quit playing games, church. Jesus is coming!
Another link worth noting is The Lost Doctrine of Regeneration by Paul Washer. A word to understand is how we "misuse" the word, "CHURCH". What Jesus calls the "church" is also what He calls His Bride. What we call the "church" is a place we go to on Sunday's. It's a definition matter that needs to be looked at. We are called to be "His Bride"! Come Lord Jesus!